Money draining aside (which someone clearly as intelligent as yourself, knows that you'll never get back) - my main concern would be the CBA Factor kicking in.
I beg to differ... have you read through this thread?!?!?! ?
There comes a point where you just can't be bothered to see the end result through - even if that finish line is within reach. I've thought about what car(s) I would have an restore and perhaps improve upon, if money was no object. It's easy to have a fantasised idea that you have a car that you're attached to - throw it to some mechanical wizards behind closed doors - and wait for the large bill and awesome car to come out, a short while after.
When things take longer, or break, or go completely FUBAR'd - I can understand how you'd want to throw in the towel. I just hope that little old 78-year-old Deirdre doesn't drive into your Trophy, soon after you get it. I think you'll be on the verge of beating her to death with one of her own limbs, should that happen.
Fair point, D. I've had all manner of thoughts going through my head with respect to the car and the prolonged build times. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's been a bit of a roller coaster at times. Right now I'm seeing a bit of progress and it goes a long way to renewing the enthusiasm for it. But that's not always been the case, especially over the last 12 months. I've come closer than ever to cutting my losses and just crushing the whole thing. Seriously. No breaking, no selling of parts (which would bring in a fair wedge). Just crushing it into a cube and videoing it for future sh*ts and giggles. I have run through the whole gamut of emotions; from wanting rid to being resolutely strong and determined to see it through. Right now (at the time of writing) I am in a reasonably happy place as we're now at a point where things can start to move again. However, it's not without the downsides.
I'm extremely annoyed FOR Mick and this is something constantly playing on my mind. He took on the work despite the amount of work that was left to do on it. Yet, the more attention the car gets, the more he finds missing and still needs doing. Inevitably there are going to be hiccups and hurdles but the cars'd development is so far behind where it should be it's, well, frankly taking the p!$$. Whilst Mick is on the case and is determined to see it through with me I do feel it's a burden. It's easy for folks to say, "it's only a turbo build" and should be easy to throw together. That's not the case. There's no cutting of corners, top-spec components, considered upgrades, etc. There's been no compromise on the spec list and that is something that will translate through to the final result. It's just a crying shame that it's ended up in such a mess and so much money and time has been wasted. Even more disappointing is the fact that there has been no offer of help from a certain specialist (no, not Woody Woodford!) who, let's be honest, brought us to this point. I'm not sure where he is or what he's up to these days but - despite all that's gone on - his input (even verbal) would have been incredibly useful. After all, a large part of the spec and design was his idea and some thoughts and guidance would help out no end. Originally I also recall talks about how this build would also be a bit of a showcase for his business and I daresay, in my car's current state, it's a pretty close match. Well, neither are running. It's hard not to be bitter about it and lash out.
I worry about whether or not I'll truly enjoy the Trophy once it's home. I genuinely hope so. On the plus side it will very much be a fun weekend / track toy so it won't become boring through being used as a daily. Then again...

I'm not sure turning up to meet my clients in a 300bhp+ Clio sets the right image... I also worry about the components. Steve M kindly checked my engine over and it's in perfect health so I'm happy on that. I'm hoping everything else is at it should be as all the parts, that were brand new, are now several years out of warranty. I've got my brand new MaxxECU, sensor array / harness and digital dash for example. That's not a cheap setup. Already the MaxxECU V1 has been discontinued and replaced with a newer unit. I don't know, there's a lot to be angry about but I'm past getting wound up about it. I think.
Things are going to break. There will be niggles and teething problems. It will probably chew through gearboxes unless I drive with a decent amount of mechanical sympathy. I'm prepared for, and aware of, those negative aspects of ownership. I just hope that Deirdre stays well clear. For her sake.
What will be, will be.