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The next iPhone/iPad; speculation thread.

What's your plan of action?

  • Total voters
  VW ID.3
Think we need a poll of who's upgrading from what and etc..
pick keep saying I'm not from my 5 but I know I will end up buying one.


ClioSport Club Member
  Defender 110
I imagine he is on same as me which is:

250mins, unlimited texts and unlimited data.

I never use all my minutes but eat data whilst on the train everyday.

I'm with Seb on this one, no contract works out anywhere near what I end up paying because once you get tariffs with over 2gb data the prices rocket.

But if you use the O2 1gb plan at £37 for the 5s contract the price is not far off.

Thats pretty much it, I'm with with Vodafone though.


ClioSport Club Member
  Defender 110
Even though that works out more expensive?

How do you figure that? Over 2 years I'd of spent £800 for phone and sim. I can cancel whenever I want, so sell the phone and upgrade.

Find a contract that's cheaper than that with an iPhone when first released and I'll believe your stupid comment.
  Clio 172
I wonder what the cost of repair will be when the finger print scanner inevitably breaks.

I Imagine it won't be a lot? Seeing as it will be just some kind of sensor/camera maybe?, with all of the work being done software side. But that's just a guess


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Fuq dat, is that 4g? Would 3G be cheaper?

Yes it would, £19 per month cheaper in fact... but it's only available on a 24 month contract :( since I got my last one, it seems the entire UK has stopped offering 18 month contracts!? Why the f**k is this. I'm not about to go to 24 months, so I'm gonna have to pay out my arse for a 12 month one.
  320d M Sport
Say, I cut my thumb, so I have a nice big line through my print... Do I have to wait for it to heal before being able to unlock my 5s?

No. You scan your other fingers/thumb when you first get your phone. Unlock it with that until you heal

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
What if you lost your hand in an accident and couldn't unlock your phone to call for help?
  Fiesta ST-2 Finsport
Is it a bit worrying having a finger print scanner, trying to decide an think what I could get fucked over with if they used it!?
What are the chances of me walking into Apple on the release day afternoon and coming out with a 5s?
What are the chances of me walking into Apple after release day, with my 5, and coming out with a 5C?

(My 5 has started doing that random camera purple streak thing and the home button feels slightly dodgy, so want to get it replaced before the warranty expires)
Do you not think they will sell out pretty quickly? That's the impression I always had, I've never had to do it though.

If it was a worthwhile upgrade and a game changer then yeh, but as the 5S is a tiny upgrade and the 5C is just a cheap 5 (which isn't actually cheap at all) I'd be very surprised if they sell out.
