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The Petrol Blue Project continued


ClioSport Club Member
After the crazy cleaning spree I've not really had any time to work in the car but now slowly starting up a couple of projects again.

Started to collect parts to reinstall the airconditioning, I see how weight saving and performance are nice but I think I'm still very much the limiting factor in the cars performance and I just like cool air in summer and clear windows in winter.

Not sure if this will be a full DIY project but got this far thanks to @Brigsy and @RSPez, thanks guys!


I've started a seperate thread but without much succes.

Except the aircon alternator and aux belt, will I need anything else? Is it as easy as install, regass and go?


ClioSport Club Member
Good to hear the seals arrived ok (y)

Working ac is totally the way forward, id rather go on a diet myself than pull it out of a road car.

Id be temped to change the condensor for a new one as it looks a little bit oily as they are quite cheap to buy. Ive found a source for the wide seals that go into the condensor if you want new ones. Lube up your seals with PAG oil before fitting, get an aircon specialist to fill it and add a leak dye.
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ClioSport Club Member
Thanks @Brigsy ,yes I was planning on changing it, already got the dryer but missed out on the cheap deal for a new condenser, I'm not in a hurry so just waiting for the cheap nissen items to come up again.

If you don't mind, I'd be interested in getting those wide seals! Good tip re the pag oil, I've not worked on ac yet so all new to me.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Thanks @Brigsy ,yes I was planning on changing it, already got the dryer but missed out on the cheap deal for a new condenser, I'm not in a hurry so just waiting for the cheap nissen items to come up again.

If you don't mind, I'd be interested in getting those wide seals! Good tip re the pag oil, I've not worked on ac yet so all new to me.
Those condensors have gone up considerably in price now, im sure @Old Tarby! had one for sale cheap if it didn't already go.

Do you need to swap out the o-rings when changing a condensor? I've got mine to do aswell! I've a spare dryer but seems you already have one.

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
Those condensors have gone up considerably in price now, im sure @Old Tarby! had one for sale cheap if it didn't already go.

Do you need to swap out the o-rings when changing a condensor? I've got mine to do aswell! I've a spare dryer but seems you already have one.
Yeah mines gone mate
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ClioSport Club Member
Those condensors have gone up considerably in price now, im sure @Old Tarby! had one for sale cheap if it didn't already go.

Do you need to swap out the o-rings when changing a condensor? I've got mine to do aswell! I've a spare dryer but seems you already have one.

Thanks Louis, yes I remember you were looking at them as well. Shame, maybe they'll come up for cheap again soon. I did scoop up one of those dryers for a good price!

The car is going to Birchdown next weekend for a service anyway so I might discuss with them if this whole project is remotely possible anyway.

Also need to check if the bolts for the compressor are still in the block and if not which ones I'll need.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Thanks Louis, yes I remember you were looking at them as well. Shame, maybe they'll come up for cheap again soon. I did scoop up one of those dryers for a good price!

The car is going to Birchdown next weekend for a service anyway so I might discuss with them if this whole project is remotely possible anyway.

Also need to check if the bolts for the compressor are still in the block and if not which ones I'll need.
Oh, just saw i linked the wrong thing! My bad!


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
I’m just about to strip the ac out of my car to refit with new condenser. Need to renew the dryer whilst I’m at it and tempted to replace the compressor whilst I’m at it with a recon one as I’m not sure how healthy mine is.


ClioSport Club Member
How so? Is it not engaging properly? Or just preventative maintenance while it's off?
I have no idea if they tend to fail as the miles rack up.
Oh, just saw i linked the wrong thing! My bad!
No worries ;) If you do spot the condenser again I'd be interested though!


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
I have an annoying rattle/click. I’m replacing Aux belt and alternator (alternator has a broken attachment) the previous owner didn’t replace the tensioner when doing the belt last time. It’s a bit “firing the parts cannon” but whilst I have it all apart and replacing bits it just seems to make sense
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ClioSport Club Member
Can get the pag oil cheap off ebay about a fiver for a small bottle. Sometimes you can get a bit out of the old pipework to wet the seal.

Regarding replacing the o-rings, i spoke to my local air con specialist and he said they rarely change the o rings unless damaged or the system has been in a million bits or incomplete for a long time.

I had to reuse the thick ones on the pipes that fit in the condensor as did not have any when fitting, my o rings looked ok and fitted quite tight in the condensor when lubed up, and passed the vac test before filling. Ive seen a bit of leak dye around the top pipe to condensor though, which seems to have stopped as i guess (hope) the seal has swollen. Time will tell if it holds the gas i guess.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Can get the pag oil cheap off ebay about a fiver for a small bottle. Sometimes you can get a bit out of the old pipework to wet the seal.

Regarding replacing the o-rings, i spoke to my local air con specialist and he said they rarely change the o rings unless damaged or the system has been in a million bits or incomplete for a long time.

I had to reuse the thick ones on the pipes that fit in the condensor as did not have any when fitting, my o rings looked ok and fitted quite tight in the condensor when lubed up, and passed the vac test before filling. Ive seen a bit of leak dye around the top pipe to condensor though, which seems to have stopped as i guess (hope) the seal has swollen. Time will tell if it holds the gas i guess.
Thanks for that Brigsy. Hope you dont have any problems with yours! What did you pay for the regas and dye out if interest?


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks for that Brigsy. Hope you dont have any problems with yours! What did you pay for the regas and dye out if interest?

I paid £60 for a regas with leak dye. I believe most places will add leak dye for free if you ask.

If you think you have a leak, any good specialist will be able to fill it up with nitrogen, leak dye and a small amount of refrigerant. I paid £25 for that, and they checked around the visible parts of the aircon system with a uv light for leaks.

Fingers crossed mine holds the gas. Its cost me 2 re gasses, leak test and new condensor/rad to get it somewhere near. Almost the purchase price of the car :LOL: on the plus side, it now works great and ice cold. The clio blower is a little bit wheezy, but does the job if you knock it up to number 3.


ClioSport Club Member
@RustyMojo Ah that's annoying, hope you get it sorted! Not a bad thing to renew things when you're there anyway, will all be good for years to come then.

Thanks for the info @Brigsy, I think I've still got some oil in the pipes I've picked up last weekend but otherwise will get some from Ebay.

The Petrol Blue is going to Birchdown tomorrow for a service so will see what they say about refitting the airconditioning, especially with the RS2 in place it might not be as easy as I think.

Speaking of which, got it ready for its service today, can't have it go in looking dirty!




ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
I’m just about to strip the ac out of my car to refit with new condenser. Need to renew the dryer whilst I’m at it and tempted to replace the compressor whilst I’m at it with a recon one as I’m not sure how healthy mine is.
I'd like to get my ac. going too, it has no pressure in it so I'm not sure where to start. I know the radiator is in a sorry state so I'd imagine replacing that and the condenser would be the minimum requirement


ClioSport Club Member
I'd get it pressure tested with a dye, see if and if so where its leaking.

I've just dropped the car off for its service, 24 degrees outside, felt like an oven inside the car!


ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
I'd get it pressure tested with a dye, see if and if so where its leaking.

I've just dropped the car off for its service, 24 degrees outside, felt like an oven inside the car!
Isn't an aircon test free at quik fit or free if a regass fails?


ClioSport Club Member
@HAP @frayz thanks guys! My April lockdown work was really worth it!

@DomP182 Possibly, I'm not sure to be honest as I usually get 'a guy' out to do all our aircon servicing on the driveway, really can't be arsed waiting around a kwikfit!

For a quick pressure test I think I'll take it to ATS, as that's around the corner for me, but not sure if it'll be free.

Can't imagine them charging you for just hooking it up and doing a diagnostic run? But I have no experience working in airconditioning yet so I'm of not much help I'm afraid..


ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
@HAP @frayz thanks guys! My April lockdown work was really worth it!

@DomP182 Possibly, I'm not sure to be honest as I usually get 'a guy' out to do all our aircon servicing on the driveway, really can't be arsed waiting around a kwikfit!

For a quick pressure test I think I'll take it to ATS, as that's around the corner for me, but not sure if it'll be free.

Can't imagine them charging you for just hooking it up and doing a diagnostic run? But I have no experience working in airconditioning yet so I'm of not much help I'm afraid..
That's how you write Kwikfit! I knew there was something wrong with mine😆
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ClioSport Club Member
And it's back home again!

Quality service as always from @Birchdown, serviced and a couple of things looked at including the brakes. All cleaned and lubricated and it's like hitting a wall again when slamming on! Thanks guys!

Great 70 mile drive home even though I missed Llangollen and the Horseshoe Pass due to road closures and slow moving traffic.

Couple of pics along the route!



ClioSport Club Member
I'd asked for a minimum of ten liters of red coolant but they wouldn't have any of it.. ;)

Thanks man, now just to take the Arctic out for that comparison!


ClioSport Club Member
Yes definitely need to pick a weekend to go for a drive and take some nice pictures!
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ClioSport Club Member
  Petrol blue 182
Yes definitely need to pick a weekend to go for a drive and take some nice pictures!
Definitely, maybe around the evo triangle and then ponderosa or the other way around.
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ClioSport Club Member
  172 cup / 172 Exclusive
Stunning car and fantastic colour, the one and only petrol blue we have seen in our 14 year Birchdown history. Colour looks better in the flesh I must say.
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ClioSport Club Member
Ah cool, I didn't know that Andy, suppose not surprising with so few around! Don't think my local Renault dealer had seen one before either.

The colour just needs lots of sunshine, maybe I should move to Spain!


ClioSport Club Member
Charged the Clio yesterday and when I tried to lock it found it was totally dead, not a twitch.

Figured the Oddysey battery had given up and as I've been wanting to replace it with a normal battery anyway I bought a Bosch S5 and negative terminal just to find out it was just a loose connection, brilliant!

Still going to fit it when I get the time and replace the mocal catch tank with a tank that has a filter in it.

Any recommendations for a catch tank with a filter?
