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#Under 8

  clio 182 trophy
Most people unfortunately have no clue how much it costs to develop a car and sell it to the public. It's a little bit more involved than bidding for some dampers on eBay.

As an aside, I'm willing to bet a hundred trillion dollars that no one will be able to buy it in the exact same spec as the ring car, and even if they could, I sincerely doubt they would be able to achieve the target time. Especially on the way to work.
Still a cracking bit of kit out of the factory, regardless of the people who will buy them. You could say the same thing about people who buy and drive BMW M cars.

Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
I doubt half of them sold will ever see a track, which will be a shame.

I've got a lot of mates who spend endless amounts of time and money building 'track weapons' only for them to do one or two trackdays, and get overtaken by me in my Ignis. I'd rather do lots of trackdays in a cheap car than one trackday in an awesome car, but that's just me.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
As an aside, I'm willing to bet a hundred trillion dollars that no one will be able to buy it in the exact same spec as the ring car, and even if they could, I sincerely doubt they would be able to achieve the target time. Especially on the way to work.

You can spec it to the ring car. The car is also delivered with the exact same suspension set up as was used to set the record at the ring as well.

You're right about the target time though!
I don't believe for one second that the actual ring car wasn't running well in excess of 300hp, but that's speculation, and my opinion.


ClioSport Moderator
I don't believe for one second that the actual ring car wasn't running well in excess of 300hp, but that's speculation, and my opinion.
I'd imagine that it was running a full custom map to get the very best out of the engine that was installed in the car as opposed to the standard run of the mill map on the 275's from the factory. Everything would've been optimised on that car imo, and the majority of the cars that go for these lap records at the ring.
  Nissan 350z
Stolen from rsmegane forum:


We are now getting the GT220 estate in the UK!?


  • uzehe4ub.jpg
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  Lionel Richie
A mate of mine (who is an instructor at the ring) has had an R26R round in under 8min apparently, they should've gone batshit mental, shame as it's 90% there, bit of a decat+remap and it would be "under 7.45" easily!
  330i. E30 Touring.
Most people unfortunately have no clue how much it costs to develop a car and sell it to the public. It's a little bit more involved than bidding for some dampers on eBay.

As an aside, I'm willing to bet a hundred trillion dollars that no one will be able to buy it in the exact same spec as the ring car, and even if they could, I sincerely doubt they would be able to achieve the target time. Especially on the way to work.


Costs an absolute fortune

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
A mate of mine (who is an instructor at the ring) has had an R26R round in under 8min apparently, they should've gone bats**t mental, shame as it's 90% there, bit of a decat+remap and it would be "under 7.45" easily!

The problem is that they only get the ring for half an hour at 7am in the morning, and that's the window they had to play with. The circuit was really greasy as it'd rained the night before. Would easily go around there quicker I reckon.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Whoever mentioned them selling to different people was correct, the guy on the megane forum was going to get one to use alongside his GT3:RS (If the dealer didn't give his order to someone else!)

Can't wait to see one in real life.
  Nissan 350z
Whoever mentioned them selling to different people was correct, the guy on the megane forum was going to get one to use alongside his GT3:RS (If the dealer didn't give his order to someone else!)

Can't wait to see one in real life.

Yeah spotted that. It seems that the UK allocation was sold by midday on the first day of sales opening.

(edit) Beaten to it by The Boosh above, oh well.


ClioSport Club Member
That would suggest that there is still a market for decent RenaultSport/more extreme products then!!!

So when is the 200T getting its 1st facelift?

Cant see it personally.

The meg was advertised as going to beat the 8 mins
its a limited run
it did beat the 8 mins

just because they sold 30 in 4 hours doesn't mean they'll do that with any other car.

Im willing to bet they wouldn't have gone that quick if it wasn't a limited run either


ClioSport Admin
I think if they push a more *sport orientated 200t in the way they did with the meg trophy-r, they'd sell well.

*Obviously it'd have to be better than the poor offering they have ATM and be able to contend with the pug 208/rcz gti r, NISMO juke r, fiesta st mountune etc etc for the enthusiast section of the public to take any interest.
