Nice one on the sale mate.
Your PH1 looks proper tidy going from the FB picture, bet you're chuffed!
Sorry I didn't end up doing a deal with you...would have loved to. Hows the new car hunt going?
Not sure i would have got rid of that for a 172, especially a sodding PH1 ... rank interior is rank
I'd done all I wanted to do to it Dave (notice how I did all the mods you told me to

) and it was too nice to rip apart and turn into a track car. I'd spent all I wanted to and didn't want to start having to replace more stuff.
It also felt it's age too, even though I freshened a lot of it up, whereas the 172 doesn't. The gearshift is tight, the clutch is meaty and the ride feels sharp and's had hundreds spent on replacing suspension and steering bits according to invoices from recent years.
Also, I quite like the's no worse than a 106 inside! I prefer the centre console, white dials and gearknob to what you get in a PH2. Nice to still have a cable operated throttle too