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Yet another Clio. 55 RB 182.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Looking at getting a new decat and remove the centre silencer from the ktec system I bought, @bloke Also dropped efi a message to see about remapping. Took a shiney pic so thought I'd upload. Enhancement gloss courtesy of @ADS1982 to try out, it's nice :smile:.

  172 cup clio v6 st
Looking at getting a new decat and remove the centre silencer from the ktec system I bought, @bloke Also dropped efi a message to see about remapping. Took a shiney pic so thought I'd upload. Enhancement gloss courtesy of @ADS1982 to try out, it's nice :smile:.

Glad you like the custard powder mixed with water.You had a much better day than me.Shitty rs2 inlet why did i get it fitted :rage:
  172 cup clio v6 st
Looking at mazdas ive lost all respect, @bloke What have you done too him or is it the enumbers in all them takeaways.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Massive update

Cleaned my headlights. Used the 3m kit, drill ran out and my better halfs brother wizzed the buffer of them. Need to be sealed, 99% perfect.

Then off Tomo to get my exhaust priced up. New decat and straight through centre because chav


  172 cup clio v6 st
Massive update

Cleaned my headlights. Used the 3m kit, drill ran out and my better halfs brother wizzed the buffer of them. Need to be sealed, 99% perfect.

Then off Tomo to get my exhaust priced up. New decat and straight through centre because chav


Fence needs painting Daniel son


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Recently I've been toying with new cars, bought an mx5 02 plate but my dad wants that, lol. Have been looking at mk1 tt's, Allways liked the look and they are fetching similar ish money that mine would sell at. Probably the heat or me being me. Such a great colour when clean but I am getting itchy feet again


Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Sooo shiny. I was considering a mk1 TT too! Apparently they're just too slow and bulky though.
  dan's cast offs.
drive an s200 and the first thing you do when you get out is wonder where the torque went??
  172 cup clio v6 st
drive an s200 and the first thing you do when you get out is wonder where the torque went??
Carl he is leaving motor trade and opening Dans mobile cuts so the tt or s2000 are strong contenders tbf.Least youll have your hair cut when he is up next for free


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I've driven one albeit ages ago. I don't get the torque thing though. Yeah I know they like to rev and haven't got diesel torque but I never had an issue with my ep3 as an example
