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172 Cup Hillclimb / Sprint Car

Did that link above to video work out of curiosity? Never shared a video before... edit: ignore me must have from seeing my knob :LOL:


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 phase 1
Looks a good Lap ..practice Is the key ..i noticed mr Goodlad was competing too ..hes really quick round Three sisters in his Cup , just shows you how important familiarity is ( with regards him being 3 seconds off the pace at curborough ) green machine beat him by 100th of a second at Aintree ..nice bloke.
Yeah that was the main point of debate hard on those who are new or not been out in while. It was done with best intentions I think of torrential rain expected in afternoon but we ended up getting rain in morning :confused:

I've uploaded video to my dropbox so hopefully you can see this?

74.13 lap of Curborough
Looks a good Lap ..practice Is the key ..i noticed mr Goodlad was competing too ..hes really quick round Three sisters in his Cup , just shows you how important familiarity is ( with regards him being 3 seconds off the pace at curborough ) green machine beat him by 100th of a second at Aintree ..nice bloke.
Yeah he is a nice bloke it was good to race against someone in an identical car in the same conditions - his fastest lap was 72.35 yesterday so I wasnt a million miles off, but plenty more time to come.


ClioSport Club Member
Lines looked very good mate, if I had to give some constructive criticism I would say you need to be getting into third for the first corner, then staying in third until you straighten up ready to brake into mole hill, then brake and change down before turning into that.

Second part would be on the return cross over don't brake so early, carry more speed and you will be able to turn in sooner, heading towards the cones, the car will naturally float to the right and actually miss them, giving a straighter line into the back straight going into Fradley. The crossovers might also be best in third but not sure without testing that one.

Well done thought mate, your times are dropping every round which will put you in a great position for next year.

I feel a day with the car doing confidence building would be great, adding slow amounts of speed per lap etc, although too many runs will warm the tyres up and become unrealistic to sprinting, its great to see how far the car can actually be pushed. I personally find it a lot easier to loose it when I have a oh s**t moment and lift or don't react quick enough and only practice can stop that in my eyes!

On a side not I loaded my car on the trailer Sunday then lost the key to the Clio, my one and only. So it became a bit more of an expensive weekend!
Cheers mate for the tips much appreciated I will try to put them into action. Agree definitely need to fit in some practice days to test and push car more.

Ah gutting on key, theres always something. I had to sort windscreen washers on mine today as stopped working, stanley knife and screwdriver saved buying a new pump before MOT Thursday, hopefully not an expensive day.
Last figure of 8 of the Championship today. A lovely day, no random showers as we pull up to start line which I think has been the whole season to date!

Bright sunshine all day and I got a new PB 72.52 seconds so 1.6 better than last race, happy with that. Timing shows how critical first corner/first lap is. Lots more time in the car but all steps forward. I came 5th out of 7 in class. Top 4 all 200 Cups and a consistently well driven Fiesta ST.

There was some money in the paddock today too lots of Porsche's, Caterham's and this Formula Ford? EcoBoost monster was FTD and pushing record I think but didnt see final run as a long day running late.


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So last race of the season and similar pattern to before. A large class of 9 all experienced racers. Clios and MX5s.

My first run tried a slightly more aggressive start and bang bang bang wheel hop and it jumped out of gear, then more banging all the way round = 45 second lap. Top engine mount gone, engine could move 5mm+ in any direction, dog bone also looked slightly down out of position. Only fix was the hack up my ice scraper into a few wedges and pack it around the main engine mount. Tape over the top at voila no engine movement :)


It still banged and popped out of gear once more in other runs but much better than first practice. Ended second timed run with 40.52, so slowest Clio but faster than the MX5s for 7th place before having to make a swift exit as my son is unwell.

It's been great this season I've learned lots, kept getting quicker but still a long way to go. To give an example of the class I'm in 1st and 4th in the overall Championship are from my class so good drivers in quick cars beating numerous lap records in the process.

Also nice to find out I've been awarded the "Lifeline" trophy the newcomer award for supporting the Championship / spirit of the Championship which is nice and unexpected. Hopefully next year I can keep getting faster and get some results on track (y)

Thanks for the tips on here too everyone.

David Stuart

ClioSport Club Member
Well done. Seems like we are in pretty similar positions. I’m competing in the A2 class in Scotland and it’s mainly clios with the odd fiesta (mx5’s have their own single mark class up here as there are so many)

I started the year dead last in a standard car. I’m still last but now only 0.4s off the next best clio driven by someone with a year more under his belt. There are 2 front runners up here beating track records with great cars and I’m nowhere near those guys.

Now with a new car with a bit more power and better setup (and importantly more experience) I’m hoping to be in the pack next year.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well done. Seems like we are in pretty similar positions. I’m competing in the A2 class in Scotland and it’s mainly clios with the odd fiesta (mx5’s have their own single mark class up here as there are so many)

I started the year dead last in a standard car. I’m still last but now only 0.4s off the next best clio driven by someone with a year more under his belt. There are 2 front runners up here beating track records with great cars and I’m nowhere near those guys.

Now with a new car with a bit more power and better setup (and importantly more experience) I’m hoping to be in the pack next year.

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H David, seen you picked up Grahams car looks a great base, good luck with it will keep an eye out for updates.

One half of me enjoys just being involved, the other competitive half of me only wants to turn up if have a chance of winning, so I'm having to tell that side to be quiet for a couple seasons maybe!

David Stuart

ClioSport Club Member
H Stuart, seen you picked up Grahams car looks a great base, good luck with it will keep an eye out for updates.

One half of me enjoys just being involved, the other competitive half of me only wants to turn up if have a chance of winning, so I'm having to tell that side to be quiet for a couple seasons maybe!

I get that totally. It’s why I spent money getting a better car as a base to build from. But ultimately the biggest factor will still be me so I’m
Just keen to keep improving my own time st every event.

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After a good bit of thinking things over I'm sticking with Standard class. There's plenty of time for me to find in the car and after a 5 hour round trip last night going over the Snake Pass twice it's just proper old school fun.

The trip was to pick up my new seat, did measurements online and fingers crossed but it fits my lanky build perfect, brand new (unused) seat for half price. I wanted full fibreglass and a Sabelt one to pretend I'm a Cup racer.

So have that to fit and I'm going to spend some time refreshing suspension, bushes, mounts and maybe brakes.


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Thanks to Ant1 on here just bought a full set of original 172 Cup springs from a car that had only done 30k and never driven in rain apparently, look like new from pictures. So finally I'll have 4 matched springs instead of a mix of random pattern and original.

Also got Christmas present for myself a Sabelt wheel went all black to match seat, and Volantech carbon horn panel after getting email from MSUK confirming aftermarket steering wheel is permitted in Standard Class (will print and take with me for scrutineers).

I'm not fitting anything until weather gets better as this is my daily now too but thinking new discs and pads plus new Cup front struts and hopefully be all set for another season of getting quicker. Exhaust is blowing but either put up with it or get a cheap Klarius one from ECP.


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Rob Thomson

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 Cup
Excellent, proper springs are going to make a load of difference. Definitely worth fitting new struts and top-mounts while it's apart.

I'm a bit jealous of the steering wheel and seat... Can't bring myself to swap mine, feels like the start of a slippery slope!
Cheers yeah think thats plan. I know what you mean on slippery slope. I totalled up Road Going mods and quickly realised it would be a totally different league of costs! That's part of reason for staying in Standard to constrain myself but at least me and the car might do slightly less bouncing now 😂


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 phase 1
Think I'll look into the steering wheel myself it would make a big difference imo as the p1 one is like a bus ..if I'm in the clio this yr , depends how well I go in my mg thing ..
Rear end refreshed today, virtually new 172 Cup OEM springs, dampers, rubber mounts, rear discs, pads, disc spacer, hub nut.

Check out the ridiculous mismatched springs I had on before 😂!!!

Hopefully do front end tomorrow, before booked in with Bram next Friday.
The big one wouldn't even drop out when I fully dropped the rear beam, I was sat there laughing after forcing it out and putting them side by side! Think can see its curved as was too big.
Nice one. Yes I am, think I can make 6/7 races, best of 6 instead of 7 this year, again from 9 in total.

I think our class will have 4 x 200 Cups, 2 x 172 Cups, 2 x 182 Cups, 2 x MR2 and usually at least a couple of MX5s. Will be good fun, you can be the pace man for me to chase down!

We'll take on the dominance of the 200 Cups!

Rob Thomson

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 Cup
I think I can do 7, maybe 8 rounds. I'm doing the HSA championship too so permission slips are at a premium!

Really looking forward to it, it's brilliant that the SC class is so popular and so competitive. And I'm keen to see how much time I can find by getting really familiar with a venue. I usually only visit each track once a year, so forget everything I've learned before I go back.
First time ever at awards night last night, received the Lifeline "newcomer" award for Curborough Championship.

By the sounds of it looks like going to be a very big standard classes in 2020 - SA 18 cars and SC 12 cars already this year. Quite a few folks who race in road going and mod prod have sold up to have a go in standard as so much competition so will be interesting!


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Mr Burns

ClioSport Club Member
  Swift Sport
Great stuff! Did you know you were getting the award? I'd have gone but it's not really my scene!
Yeah Steve told me in advance. I'm same, not most comfortable social situation for me but felt like only fair to go to accept award.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 phase 1
Wow , 18 in class SA , should be fun , my first yr with the MG , need to iron out the buggers niggles first . People can call Renault all the like , but compared to MG they are like a limo ..🤣
Got round to fitting all new OEM front suspension, struts, springs, top mounts... again mismatched front springs though at least closer than rears. Then went to Bram to check alignment and all good, Brad's a good guy will go back again once got used to new setup. Car feels completely different to last year, never knew this is what it "should" have felt like!


New front discs, pads, seat and steering wheel to go then I'm ready!
Fitted steering wheel today feels great though think I need to adjust seat back slightly cramped.

Also fitted Volantech carbon horn panel to be a bit different and all then matches seat. Its similar price to a Ph1 horn stalk anyway.

And finally numpty here instead of being careful / used force and broke the clips of the radio remote so need to find a replacement for that.


Found this OEM blanking plate existed for the stereo remote control for a fiver from RPD. I'd never even used it and covers up me breaking the clip, plus must be at least a 5 gram saving 😂 got to be worth a hundredth a lap!
Really nice sitting on my drive going 3 foot forward and back! Not able to go for a proper drive yet with lockdown and working from home. The seat is slightly offset right of steering wheel compared to standard with the Jon Foz XLow subframes that the Sabelt side mount bolt to but not enough to bother me. Steering wheel feels just right in size.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Lovely motor this, and a nice straight rear beam as well :)

Are you allowed to adjust front camber? I assume not as you havent?
Cheers Greeny, not allowed in standard class unfortunately (only optional changes allowed are safety gear, cage, seats, harnesses, steering wheel / air bag removal, pad material, list 1a tyres) otherwise is got to be as it came from factory so camber as shown above is stock. Brad had suggested ideal camber given the larger amount of OEM suspension travel would be somewhere between 1-2 degree rather than bigger camber run by cars on stiffer suspension (hence why its showing up as red).
