Right, one of the main reasons why I joined this site is to post my clio project in here! I have to admit if this website didn't exist I more than likely wouldn't even bother doing this, but im glad I am, so here it goes. This is unfinished as the date of this first post but its going to be updated regularly!
My History:
- Im 21, 22 in July.
- This is my First car!
- Bought this for 1400.
- Bought Late (around Nov-Dec) 2012.
- Not Much of a boy racer, never even bothered with cars in my life until owning this.
- Pretty much a no0b to the whole car scene, friends and family are helping me out with understanding Mechanical things haha!
- I only earn around 600,700quid a month, after bills and essentials that leaves me around 400 to spend on the car, ive been doing this every month since January 2013.
- The only things I do is Work and go to the gym 5 Days a week, I don't need the car to get to work I can walk its that close, Gym I need the car, so the car is simply for pleasure use only!
Car History:
- 2 Previous owners, first being a mother bought from new who then sold to Daughter who just needed a bigger car, then sold to me!
- 53 Plate but on its "Birth Certificate" the car was conceived in early Jan 04'.
- Only done 32K Miles since! (I bought it with 32k on the clock)
- Has all documents and history from new, and ive learnt from this that.. this cars never seen over 5K miles in a year.. ever.
Car Spec:
- 1.4 16v Dynamique Model.
- LimoBlack Tint sunroof.
- 15" Alloys
- Bucket sport but not leather seats.
- Silver dash, gear stick and clock dial trim.
- The only problems ive encountered so far while owning is the Hazard Switch needed replacing (apparently a regular fault),
The Spark Plugs are that old that they've become weak, the weakest one not so long back went on me, making the car shake ridiculously when engine is on and it would struggle hard to reach over anysort of revs over 3k, These have been changed along with the Cambelt all for 200squid! (Older brothers childhood best mate is now a senior Renault Mechanic).
- Had its MOT done not so long ago, the only thing it failed on was my Drivers side tyre was illegal.
Reason for doing this!
- This is my first car, and for a first car this is pretty much brand new. Cars never seen over 5K miles a year, been owned by 2 female drivers whove pretty much used it as a shopping car so its never been abused.
- Don't get me wrong ive looked into buying 172s and 182s, not so long back I was one click away from buying a 182 Cup pack, Decided against it as the guy didn't know whether it was a cat C or not? after almost doing this ive had serious talks with friends and family and come to the conclusion:
This is my first car, I don't like to speed but I do like to rev high and go from 0-50 like a beast, theres absolutely nothing wrong with the car, its a decent motor and being a 1.4 its very nippy. I haven't even drove for a year yet and the way I drive now.. to put me in a 172 or 182 would almost defo kill me. Im going to make this car to what I want and how I want it, love it and cherish it. and after a few year in this bad boy when ive got the experience to handle something with a lot more kick.. ill do it. But until then! this is MY 1.4 and ill have this for a looong time yet!
So here is my 1.4 Clio Project!
Here it is the day of purchase! Not Bad.
Since then Ive done a little tidy and got Heko Wind Deflectors and a whole bunch of cleaning stuff as a car present!
Also done the nooby mistake of putting 2.00L Bullets on, only done this as I want the Chrome bullets, black and chrome
Got to admit that the chrome bullets have made a huge difference. That along with the Wind Deflectors.
At this point I didn't really know what to do, I loved the look of it, but im big on my music, cant live without it. Before this car I was a dedicated Bus w**ker and if I forgot my headphones.. Day was ruined. So! I invested in a Vibe 1300w Sub& combo, sounds beastly as you would expect from anysub! and yes these are the only things that live in my boot..
Now ive got the sub Im not sticking to CDs.. Got rid of the standard (but still kept it!) CD player, and invested in this badboy.. set me back 200, but damn it was worth it.. Things a Parrot Asteroid, first ever car radio to be Android powered, got a load of built in apps in it like google maps etc, don't use it, only bought it because its made for iPhone, thing picks up my whole library and plays everything like you see, plus if I click the white "speak" button, I just have to shout a band or album and name and boom, thing searches my phone, finds and plays it! Nice! Has tons of settings, so many to tweak the sound that I don't even understand half of it, I can even adjust the sub from this thing with an added option of SuperBass which is just friggin stupid but yeah! .. Excuse the dust. I like to keep my car clean but I work a lot so half the time its either clean or ditched.
That's my sounds sorted! It really does sound like your typical boy racer stupid bass and stupidly loud car now. Just how I like it, love blasting tunes out riding past my old bus
Theres one thing I DEFO wanted doing, no matter what, no matter what anyone said, I wanted it. Tinted windows, was going to get LimoBlack but went down to Dark Smoke, as the cars black and tiny to begin with it looks limo black but its not, you can just make out things inside if the suns shining through.. and here it is! Went to the guy from UK Tintz in Nottingham. Sound guy! let me off 20pound for coming the same day I phoned haha.
Heres the Beast Before: (excuse the sticker, the sticker is now long gone, lasted a month. Loved it for a whole 2 weeks then Meh, DeathMetal band Carnifex haha)
Also ive bought cheap but effective chrome plates that go over my lights if you haven't noticed. I Love these! think they look well good, like a cheap rip off but look better version of Lexus lights haha!
And Heres After! Very much impressed, though this photo don't do it justice, to see this in person, car looks beastly! Just pure black and chrome!
Anyway at this point I thought I was pretty much done, there was a few things I wanted to change, like the stupid hoooge grey plastic strip on my rear bumper.. was going to get my brother to colour code the badboy seeming hes a painter/Airbrusher. but after a long time ebaying I just couldn't resist and bought...
Things great! However.. it does have some major parts on it that are just ditched, paint cracking on sides, deep scratches here and there..
took it round to my brothers as a working present for him.. wasn't impressed.. but heres what it looks like at the moment.
All rubbed down and Primered ready to be painted. Excuse his 17" Fiesta ST wheels sitting there, hes got his own Fiesta Project going off
Also! in this picture on the left hand side you will see that I bought some Monaco Blue (they were lol) 182 Door handles for 12quid + P&P. Brother told me to get them as theyre already painted and they'll be easy for him to colour code. so eventually they'll also be painted and put on the car.
Seeming that im Colour coding door handles I have to colour code the Grey side strips down the doors..
and so I have!
At this moment in time only the side strips are colour coded. Got to wait until next payday so I can buy some paint for my bro to do the handles and rear bumper.
Also about 2 weeks ago I seem to have had more money than usual so went abit mental and bought!
The 172 Wide wings and Sideskirts! Got to wait until I get the front sport bumper before I change any of this, so for now theyre sitting in the garage.
At this moment in time, im loving the car and im loving the thought of what its going to become! Although one things getting to me.. that silly lie of the 2.00L Bullet badges, yes they look amazing but quite simply its not a 2.00L, im proud of it being a 1.4, its got quite a nippy beastly speed on this already as standard.. so im becoming a proud owner of this 1.4 and turning it into a 1.4 16v sport.. so im putting these colour coded chrome/Silver Bullets on! Staying true to what I own!
Ended up buying a cheap 40quid RS Steering wheel.. Right thumb grip is battered but hey ho doesn't really bother me.. yet.
Ive noticed since changing the wheel that this one is for some reason ALOT lighter, also I have to turn more exaggeratedly to turn sharp corners, but with me being a male, aged 22 and playing a lot of games through my entire life, especially GTA series I think I can handle it haha!
Also as you can see it didn't come with the RS insert so had to get that separately for only 8quid.. and here it is!
Little things like changing the steering wheel can impact in a huge way of how you feel and see you car, with this on I just feel like im in a proper sport now, I know im not. but technically I am, my 1.4 Sport
Now something im not sure on! I loved my chrome silly lexus lights but ALOT of other people didn't.. everyone told me to take em off or paint them black? I loved them but gave into peer pressure and got these.. I think after the sport bumper is on these are going to stand out and make it look even more sportier from the rear.. what do you guys think? Theyre ALOT brighter and clearer than the old standard ones too..
And that's all ive done so far! and that's only 3Kish miles since owning it! Gone probably abit mental but im not even half done with this!
So a quick recap of where im at as of now!
Current Modifications:
- Wind Deflectors.
- 1.4 16v Chrome Bullets.
- Dark Smoke Rear Tint windows.
- Rear Lights changed to Black Lexus style.
- Colour Coded Side Strips.
- Sub and Amp.
- RS Steering Wheel.
- New Sound Head Unit.
Modifications Waiting to be Done:
- 172 Rear Bumper to be fitted.
- 172 Wings to be fitted.
- 172 Sideskirts to be taken to a Pro to fit.
- Colour Coded Door Handles.
Future Modifications:
- 172 Front Bumper w/ Grille.
- 172 Interior.
- 182 16" Gunmetal Grey Alloys.
- Painted Red Brake Calipers.
- MAYBE! 182 Spoiler. Not fussed.
Future Engine/Performance Modifications:
- Ktec 182 Look Exhaust. (Don't slate im having this, no ones changing my mind, I know theres no noise or any real performance changes I just NEED it haha)
- Ktec Pipercross Viper Induction kit (Need opinions?)
- Engine Remap (Mainly to get a little more Torque for when I pull off)
- Strut Brace (Yes I know these are 100% Pointless for me, im wanting purely to make my engine bay look abit more
- Lower by 30-35mm. (Ned advice on this one! Where to get springs, which ones for my make and model etc etc.)
And so far... I think that would be it! but you never know some ideas from here I may add to this shopping list.
I need more photos of the car as a whole, but right now its ditched and well yeah, special looking aha.
Also before I start making serious changes to the car, which is probably around now im going to have to switch insurance companies. Got a really good quote from Admiral, with all mods ive just mentioned and got, a month it would be 98Quid. Which is amazing for me right now, couldn't ask for anything better. Need to get on that ASAP.
This will be updated Regularly for when I get parts and change it. which will be a few times each month. Id say this car will be finished in around 6 months time, if that!
Opinions, Advice and comments welcome!
My History:
- Im 21, 22 in July.
- This is my First car!
- Bought this for 1400.
- Bought Late (around Nov-Dec) 2012.
- Not Much of a boy racer, never even bothered with cars in my life until owning this.
- Pretty much a no0b to the whole car scene, friends and family are helping me out with understanding Mechanical things haha!
- I only earn around 600,700quid a month, after bills and essentials that leaves me around 400 to spend on the car, ive been doing this every month since January 2013.
- The only things I do is Work and go to the gym 5 Days a week, I don't need the car to get to work I can walk its that close, Gym I need the car, so the car is simply for pleasure use only!
Car History:
- 2 Previous owners, first being a mother bought from new who then sold to Daughter who just needed a bigger car, then sold to me!
- 53 Plate but on its "Birth Certificate" the car was conceived in early Jan 04'.
- Only done 32K Miles since! (I bought it with 32k on the clock)
- Has all documents and history from new, and ive learnt from this that.. this cars never seen over 5K miles in a year.. ever.
Car Spec:
- 1.4 16v Dynamique Model.
- LimoBlack Tint sunroof.
- 15" Alloys
- Bucket sport but not leather seats.
- Silver dash, gear stick and clock dial trim.
- The only problems ive encountered so far while owning is the Hazard Switch needed replacing (apparently a regular fault),
The Spark Plugs are that old that they've become weak, the weakest one not so long back went on me, making the car shake ridiculously when engine is on and it would struggle hard to reach over anysort of revs over 3k, These have been changed along with the Cambelt all for 200squid! (Older brothers childhood best mate is now a senior Renault Mechanic).
- Had its MOT done not so long ago, the only thing it failed on was my Drivers side tyre was illegal.
Reason for doing this!
- This is my first car, and for a first car this is pretty much brand new. Cars never seen over 5K miles a year, been owned by 2 female drivers whove pretty much used it as a shopping car so its never been abused.
- Don't get me wrong ive looked into buying 172s and 182s, not so long back I was one click away from buying a 182 Cup pack, Decided against it as the guy didn't know whether it was a cat C or not? after almost doing this ive had serious talks with friends and family and come to the conclusion:
This is my first car, I don't like to speed but I do like to rev high and go from 0-50 like a beast, theres absolutely nothing wrong with the car, its a decent motor and being a 1.4 its very nippy. I haven't even drove for a year yet and the way I drive now.. to put me in a 172 or 182 would almost defo kill me. Im going to make this car to what I want and how I want it, love it and cherish it. and after a few year in this bad boy when ive got the experience to handle something with a lot more kick.. ill do it. But until then! this is MY 1.4 and ill have this for a looong time yet!
So here is my 1.4 Clio Project!
Here it is the day of purchase! Not Bad.
Since then Ive done a little tidy and got Heko Wind Deflectors and a whole bunch of cleaning stuff as a car present!
Also done the nooby mistake of putting 2.00L Bullets on, only done this as I want the Chrome bullets, black and chrome
Got to admit that the chrome bullets have made a huge difference. That along with the Wind Deflectors.
At this point I didn't really know what to do, I loved the look of it, but im big on my music, cant live without it. Before this car I was a dedicated Bus w**ker and if I forgot my headphones.. Day was ruined. So! I invested in a Vibe 1300w Sub& combo, sounds beastly as you would expect from anysub! and yes these are the only things that live in my boot..
Now ive got the sub Im not sticking to CDs.. Got rid of the standard (but still kept it!) CD player, and invested in this badboy.. set me back 200, but damn it was worth it.. Things a Parrot Asteroid, first ever car radio to be Android powered, got a load of built in apps in it like google maps etc, don't use it, only bought it because its made for iPhone, thing picks up my whole library and plays everything like you see, plus if I click the white "speak" button, I just have to shout a band or album and name and boom, thing searches my phone, finds and plays it! Nice! Has tons of settings, so many to tweak the sound that I don't even understand half of it, I can even adjust the sub from this thing with an added option of SuperBass which is just friggin stupid but yeah! .. Excuse the dust. I like to keep my car clean but I work a lot so half the time its either clean or ditched.
That's my sounds sorted! It really does sound like your typical boy racer stupid bass and stupidly loud car now. Just how I like it, love blasting tunes out riding past my old bus
Theres one thing I DEFO wanted doing, no matter what, no matter what anyone said, I wanted it. Tinted windows, was going to get LimoBlack but went down to Dark Smoke, as the cars black and tiny to begin with it looks limo black but its not, you can just make out things inside if the suns shining through.. and here it is! Went to the guy from UK Tintz in Nottingham. Sound guy! let me off 20pound for coming the same day I phoned haha.
Heres the Beast Before: (excuse the sticker, the sticker is now long gone, lasted a month. Loved it for a whole 2 weeks then Meh, DeathMetal band Carnifex haha)
Also ive bought cheap but effective chrome plates that go over my lights if you haven't noticed. I Love these! think they look well good, like a cheap rip off but look better version of Lexus lights haha!
And Heres After! Very much impressed, though this photo don't do it justice, to see this in person, car looks beastly! Just pure black and chrome!
Anyway at this point I thought I was pretty much done, there was a few things I wanted to change, like the stupid hoooge grey plastic strip on my rear bumper.. was going to get my brother to colour code the badboy seeming hes a painter/Airbrusher. but after a long time ebaying I just couldn't resist and bought...
Things great! However.. it does have some major parts on it that are just ditched, paint cracking on sides, deep scratches here and there..
took it round to my brothers as a working present for him.. wasn't impressed.. but heres what it looks like at the moment.
All rubbed down and Primered ready to be painted. Excuse his 17" Fiesta ST wheels sitting there, hes got his own Fiesta Project going off
Also! in this picture on the left hand side you will see that I bought some Monaco Blue (they were lol) 182 Door handles for 12quid + P&P. Brother told me to get them as theyre already painted and they'll be easy for him to colour code. so eventually they'll also be painted and put on the car.
Seeming that im Colour coding door handles I have to colour code the Grey side strips down the doors..
and so I have!
At this moment in time only the side strips are colour coded. Got to wait until next payday so I can buy some paint for my bro to do the handles and rear bumper.
Also about 2 weeks ago I seem to have had more money than usual so went abit mental and bought!
The 172 Wide wings and Sideskirts! Got to wait until I get the front sport bumper before I change any of this, so for now theyre sitting in the garage.
At this moment in time, im loving the car and im loving the thought of what its going to become! Although one things getting to me.. that silly lie of the 2.00L Bullet badges, yes they look amazing but quite simply its not a 2.00L, im proud of it being a 1.4, its got quite a nippy beastly speed on this already as standard.. so im becoming a proud owner of this 1.4 and turning it into a 1.4 16v sport.. so im putting these colour coded chrome/Silver Bullets on! Staying true to what I own!
Ended up buying a cheap 40quid RS Steering wheel.. Right thumb grip is battered but hey ho doesn't really bother me.. yet.
Ive noticed since changing the wheel that this one is for some reason ALOT lighter, also I have to turn more exaggeratedly to turn sharp corners, but with me being a male, aged 22 and playing a lot of games through my entire life, especially GTA series I think I can handle it haha!
Also as you can see it didn't come with the RS insert so had to get that separately for only 8quid.. and here it is!
Little things like changing the steering wheel can impact in a huge way of how you feel and see you car, with this on I just feel like im in a proper sport now, I know im not. but technically I am, my 1.4 Sport
Now something im not sure on! I loved my chrome silly lexus lights but ALOT of other people didn't.. everyone told me to take em off or paint them black? I loved them but gave into peer pressure and got these.. I think after the sport bumper is on these are going to stand out and make it look even more sportier from the rear.. what do you guys think? Theyre ALOT brighter and clearer than the old standard ones too..
And that's all ive done so far! and that's only 3Kish miles since owning it! Gone probably abit mental but im not even half done with this!
So a quick recap of where im at as of now!
Current Modifications:
- Wind Deflectors.
- 1.4 16v Chrome Bullets.
- Dark Smoke Rear Tint windows.
- Rear Lights changed to Black Lexus style.
- Colour Coded Side Strips.
- Sub and Amp.
- RS Steering Wheel.
- New Sound Head Unit.
Modifications Waiting to be Done:
- 172 Rear Bumper to be fitted.
- 172 Wings to be fitted.
- 172 Sideskirts to be taken to a Pro to fit.
- Colour Coded Door Handles.
Future Modifications:
- 172 Front Bumper w/ Grille.
- 172 Interior.
- 182 16" Gunmetal Grey Alloys.
- Painted Red Brake Calipers.
- MAYBE! 182 Spoiler. Not fussed.
Future Engine/Performance Modifications:
- Ktec 182 Look Exhaust. (Don't slate im having this, no ones changing my mind, I know theres no noise or any real performance changes I just NEED it haha)
- Ktec Pipercross Viper Induction kit (Need opinions?)
- Engine Remap (Mainly to get a little more Torque for when I pull off)
- Strut Brace (Yes I know these are 100% Pointless for me, im wanting purely to make my engine bay look abit more
- Lower by 30-35mm. (Ned advice on this one! Where to get springs, which ones for my make and model etc etc.)
And so far... I think that would be it! but you never know some ideas from here I may add to this shopping list.
I need more photos of the car as a whole, but right now its ditched and well yeah, special looking aha.
Also before I start making serious changes to the car, which is probably around now im going to have to switch insurance companies. Got a really good quote from Admiral, with all mods ive just mentioned and got, a month it would be 98Quid. Which is amazing for me right now, couldn't ask for anything better. Need to get on that ASAP.
This will be updated Regularly for when I get parts and change it. which will be a few times each month. Id say this car will be finished in around 6 months time, if that!
Opinions, Advice and comments welcome!