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“Charlotte” The 182 FF

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Before being ‘that guy’ have Proam sorted the issues out with their bump steer kits?
I know of one example involving a particularly rusty Clio. The hubs on this car were in such poor condition that they seemed barely capable of handling a standard ball joint, let alone a roll centre correction kit.

Shortly after that, Pro-am updated their roll centre pins and sent me a new set. I used the original pins for two years, spanning around ten track days, without a single issue.

When I sold my Clio 182 to someone participating in 750MC events, I included the new mark 2 pins and explained the history of the initial versions.

About six months later, the new owner contacted me, saying the pins had snapped during a track day. From what I gathered, he had hit a speed bump on his way to the circuit, and I’m not sure if he ever installed the mark 2 pins.

My new track car now has the latest MK3 pins, which appear very robust.

I keep up with Pro-am's progress and occasionally meet with them at race circuits. They use their own kits and, to my knowledge, have never had one fail.

I mentioned to the OP about the Pro-Am kit and made him aware of the history but also passed him Allan at Bridgecraft's email address.


ClioSport Club Member
Should have got a Bridgecraft kit
I based it on the a few comments made either way.

I could send this back as I’ve not opened anything if the consensus is the Bridgecraft kit it better but I did raise an eye brow when. You said he hadn’t contracted you back as I’ve had enough of bad comms. The ProAm guys seemed fast to respond when I asked them about the kits.


ClioSport Club Member
Following this with interest, I've always said I wouldn't get a kit because of the wear of the bearings, doing 3000 road miles a year, but reviews on handling are so overwhelmingly positive I might budge..


ClioSport Club Member
I hope not for you! Rather hear it's not worth it though because it'll save me £600 😂

Mr Underhill

ClioSport Club Member
Following this with interest, I've always said I wouldn't get a kit because of the wear of the bearings, doing 3000 road miles a year, but reviews on handling are so overwhelmingly positive I might budge..
I’m not sure I’d fit one on a road car, well I know I wouldn’t, but for circuit use it’s one of the best bits of kits you can fit. Even better when used in conjunction with an LSD/Gripper.
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ClioSport Club Member
Roll centre and bump steer kit fitted, waiting on a 22mm crowd foot to do the final torque settings but all good to go. The camber bolt added as well.

Totally pointless and inaccurate measurement of the camber is not at 6.5 degs so I’ll need to pull it back in a bit I think.

Some of the worst photos, but it was raining on and off so just wanted to get it done.



Also found a split / melted boot on the caliper piston so I’ll need to sort that at some point. I’ve got another set of these calipers that I might refurb and just swap over.

So, I’m also going to get an oil analysis done, it’s £40 so cheap enough and it’ll be interesting to see how the oil is holding up and also the engine.

Next up will be tracking, oil change, brake fluid and adding some rear height.


ClioSport Club Member
Looking good!

What coilover covers have you got/what length are they?

Oil analysis is well worth it in my opinion, had it done on three of my cars now and a good way to keep an eye on wear levels and to check if your oil change intervals are sufficient.


ClioSport Club Member
Looking good!

What coilover covers have you got/what length are they?

Oil analysis is well worth it in my opinion, had it done on three of my cars now and a good way to keep an eye on wear levels and to check if your oil change intervals are sufficient.
I’ve got BC Racing BR series I think. Not sure what length they are.

Yeah saw it on a YouTube video and thought it’d be expensive but for £40 it feels a sensible move on a 116k engine.


ClioSport Club Member
Blyton yesterday. Car was great again, although towards the end I was getting some clutch slip going from 3rd to 4th so I’ll keep an eye on that.

The changes I made really helped the car and given how hot it was the @FrogJam Motorsport corvette ducts worked well with PBS brake pads and I never suffered any fade.

Couple of minor offs, braking too late i to the last corner and had to take the short cut and got a swapper on the first chicane so was just a bit messy but other than that it was grand.

Loads of other clios there with stickers but not sure want are active members.


There was also this Micra there that was driving like a complete loon and ended up on his roof.


Not sure where I’m off to next but no big changes planned, fancy cadwell or Croft to see how it compares to the last time I drove them so we’ll have to see.


ClioSport Club Member
Been a while since updating on here, the Clio has been largely sat gathering dust while life got in the way. I have used it pottering around locally a couple of times and that been a lot of fun. Planning on Cadwell in a few days though (10th Sept) need to sort the tracking again before that.

The only thing that i have really done is got the oil report back from Millers and all seems good. The oil is in good condition after two trackdays and there are no high levels of anything worrying which is really positive. So I think I can leave it more than two before changing. I've attached the report for interest.


  • 59027 - Richard Sharp - 05-07-24.pdf
    492.1 KB · Views: 9


ClioSport Club Member
Ahead of Cadwell I have a few small jobs I need to do

- Replace all the engine mounts with "solid" mounts, having read about the gearbox one im a little apprehensive about doing it in case I snap the bolt - advice gratefully received.
- Add some toe out to the rear axle
- Tracking (again)
- Might take the passenger seat out as no one ever used it.

Edit - Also hard wire my GoPros
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ClioSport Club Member
Engine mounts are an easy swap, nothing to worry about regarding snapped bolts.

This is true! I was really easy, biggest pain was the rear gearbox mount bolt won’t come out without removing the whole spider thingy so just wasted some time doing that.

So all solid mounts now, I’ll probably tidy up the engine one as it’s not very pretty to look at, but that can wait for another time.




The gearbox mount wasn’t in the greatest shape, so probably timely


I’ve had an intermittent abs warning… I did a quick check and the cause was pretty obvious. Something to fix after Cadwell as I don’t have time before


Also added some quick release buttons for the bumper, just saves a small amount of hassle




ClioSport Club Member
Spot on didnt think the mounts would give you any issues.

If it vibrates on idle loosen off the mounts slightly, start engine up let it settle into happy position and retorque the mounts.

@plees made a nice fitted washer for the upper mount too, might be worth fitting. Can just about see it in this pic on my trophy.


ClioSport Club Member
Spot on didnt think the mounts would give you any issues.

If it vibrates on idle loosen off the mounts slightly, start engine up let it settle into happy position and retorque the mounts.

@plees made a nice fitted washer for the upper mount too, might be worth fitting. Can just about see it in this pic on my trophy.View attachment 1709205
I started it and it seemed very quiet so I may have got lucky and managed to get them placed perfectly first time. 🤣
