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Anthracite roof 182

  Arctic 182

A quick photoshop of what I'm thinking - anyone got a better angle of a 182 so the roof can be seen a bit better?

(ignore the wheels I've pinched this image)
  Arctic 182
I'm warming to it... doubt i'll ever get round to doing it though to be honest - would set it apart from all the other arctic 182s, but then if it makes it look like a Corsa maybe I'll shelve the idea! ;)


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
I was thinking of getting this done on my Iceberg as the roof is scratched a bit (previous rough arse owner). Not sure how it would look either! Or if it would be worth the expense (roughly how much you reckon?).

Where in Manc you from dude? Don't see many 1*2's around
  Arctic 182
I was thinking of getting this done on my Iceberg as the roof is scratched a bit (previous rough arse owner). Not sure how it would look either! Or if it would be worth the expense (roughly how much you reckon?).

Where in Manc you from dude? Don't see many 1*2's around

I'm in the City centre mate - a stone's throw from the Renault garage as it happens!

I'll ask my bro for a price, although he lives down in Northampton so might be a bit of a journey for you... still it'll be roughly the same as most other wrappers I should think.

Haha, growing support for the roof wrap!
