After chopping up my old cup spoiler brake light and fitting an LED strip, i got fed up of the brake light moving around in the spoiler as over time the plastic had gone brittle and cracked (The messing around with it didn't help, but i had nothing to lose as it was knackered before).
So I purchased a new one from renault and got that fitted. For the price it's hard to justify not doing! I still have problems with it coming out slightly though after a spirited drive which is a bit of a pain, any idea to keep it inside the spoiler?
Anyway, I had bought some gearbox oil a few weeks back now and got it changed over today so that all of the fluids are replenished (Nearly all, I've got the PAS fluid to change soon).
One Halfords copper crush washer
DSCN0319 by
Louis Walker, on Flickr
One washing up bowl
DSCN0320 by
Louis Walker, on Flickr
Three bottles of oil
DSCN0326 by
Louis Walker, on Flickr
And the car resuming it's natural position. Seems it's hardly been off the axle stands! I do drive, I promise.
DSCN0324 by
Louis Walker, on Flickr
I gave it all a wipe underneath, and nothing seemed untoward. Although I was quite amazed at how easily the linkage moved to get it into gear from underneath. It's just not as tight as I want it to be, and will definitely be looking more into the PMS shifter or similar.
DSCN0323 by
Louis Walker, on Flickr
There was a weird grey oil of some sort on the bottom of the sump. Any ideas? Didn't look like engine oil or similar. Hard to see really as i'd wiped it off in this photo.
DSCN0321 by
Louis Walker, on Flickr
Had no issues with the draining of the oil, but it was pretty black! I presume it gets like this fairly quickly though so wasn't surprised.
DSCN0327 by
Louis Walker, on Flickr
Think I got about 2.9L out of the car, and I refilled it up with 3L but then sat it down off the axle stands and released the plastic butterfly to let it settle at it's proper level. Put the old oil back into the bottles to take to the oil bank. What I did notice was a fair few tiny metal shards in the oil, so i'm glad I changed it.
DSCN0328 by
Louis Walker, on Flickr
Whilst I was there I wiped up all the gearbox top, all underneath with some degreaser and a nylon brush and refitted the undertray. My ecu brackets knackered too, so shoved some big washer on and a bit of trim to stop it moving hopefully.
DSCN0329 by
Louis Walker, on Flickr
Another job I did yesterday was add a 2nd boot light onto the plastic trim as i'd had one lying around for a while. I just need to wire it up and should give me some more light into my boot. It needs a little more fettling but i'm happy with how secure it is as I don't want it flying out.
DSCN0332 by
Louis Walker, on Flickr
And that's it really for now! I still need to sort out my exhaust bracket as it's hanging low and it's always on my mind when driving as I can hear it blowing.
PAS fluid change will probably be up next as then everything is upto date. Summer is fast approaching so I will have my eye out for some new 15" alloys which is exciting! Will be the first big change of many really.
Thanks for reading