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BG 182


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Do these have one at the rear of the gearbox? No issues that I could feel no. It's only recent i'm sure.


ClioSport Club Member
Hmm i don't think the 182 does as i think it takes it from the ABS i may be wrong.


ClioSport Club Member
I didn't have any lights on the dash but it did have an error logged, can't remember what it was now though. Live data from abs sensors showed one rear wheel was doing the 1000mph when the others were doing 30! Only one sensor was broken thankfully [emoji23]


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
I didn't have any lights on the dash but it did have an error logged, can't remember what it was now though. Live data from abs sensors showed one rear wheel was doing the 1000mph when the others were doing 30! Only one sensor was broken thankfully [emoji23]
I'll have to get it plugged in. Thought I was over these bloody ABS issues. Would a snapon diagnostics do it, or will it need clip? I have access to snapon, but will need to go to a specialist otherwise.


ClioSport Club Member
Try the snapon first see if you find anything. I know my guy had access to clip at the time but don't know if he used it then. He can't get his hands on one now which is why I'm at DDC now.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Looks loads better foglight-less.

Regarding the RR day in April at RS Tuning, I really want to run my car but it's MOT time in April and for the cost of running my car at that day I could pay for my MOT. If there's a few peeps going down from here though I'll come down for a little meet.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Looks loads better foglight-less.

Regarding the RR day in April at RS Tuning, I really want to run my car but it's MOT time in April and for the cost of running my car at that day I could pay for my MOT. If there's a few peeps going down from here though I'll come down for a little meet.
Only problem with the ducts is that any stones are going to be directed right at my belts now. Need to collect my arch liners off Dan and then get some ducting bought. Some mesh is on it's way too now.

Fingers crossed you pass MOT with few issues mate!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Given the car a thorough clean the past few days making the most of this sun. It had gotten filthy inside, so I vacuumed and cleaned all panels, seats, doorcards etc to get it spotless again. The seats need debobbling which i'll do when home, and also the bolsters could do with a little treatment as it looks to be cracking slightly. Can you get a dye for it that rubs in?

Washed, clayed and polished the car. I'm yet to wax it yet, but will do tomorrow if the sun is out. Unfortunately my camera needs some new batteries so apologies for the bad phone camera. Just wanted to post a couple of better photos of the ducting with it freshly clean. Waiting on mesh to arrive, and I also have some carbon fibre washer blanks on the way too which should compliment the front end nicely, especially when I get a ktec carbon splitter on there.

33217423511_37a1a06b92_o by Louis Walker, on Flickr

33345005665_2cafeed312_o by Louis Walker, on Flickr

32531009023_8a6732cdf6_o by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I also finally fitted some alcantara trims that Dan gave me months ago. They had bubbled slightly hence me putting off fitting them, but I pulled away the material and reapplied it and now it's perfect so they're on. Bad picture again, bright sun + shitty camera doesn't go well.

20170308_111105 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

That's all for now, nothing really to update with! Enjoying driving the car, although i've got some heatshield rattles but I have a new red centre mount to fit so will kill two birds.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Removed my inlet tonight and fitted my new spark plugs. Had been meaning to do this since I got the belts done, but just haven't had chance although I've not put that many miles on yet anyway!
The old plugs were well worth changing! But was nice to see they were NGK, however old.
20170310_194325 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20170310_194314 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

And the new ones that went in.

20170310_194346 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Car started up fine with the new plugs and seem to idle slightly better too. It also seems that the EML light I had earlier has now disappeared! Good old french electrics but I'm counting it as a win.

My grill mesh also arrived today from Germany, and i'll get that cut up for my brake ducts in the not so distant future.

20170310_140952 by Louis Walker, on Flickr


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Had some problems this morning with the clio struggling at low RPM. Stripped it down again, and I think one of the leads may have been trapped or a coil not on properly as I re-assembled and it's absolutely fine now. I got worried when it started, but a nice easy fix! Just ordered some gearbox oil as I dont know when that was last changed as I may aswell go and refresh everything!
  Clio II RS 182
Hi, I saw that you have a cup spoiler, how did you managed to fit it properly, because mine is a little bit too high...



I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
They're still there. I just routed the wire down the edge. It's not visible from the drivers seat.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Not much to update.
I ordered a sticker as I thought it was about time i represent. Happy with the looks as it suits nicely in the anthracite.
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I also fitted the mint front arch liners from @GazzaCup that @dann2707 kindly picked up for me. Much happier now knowing the belts are somewhat more protected. I have a fairly mint condition felt belt protector, but i'm just wondering whether it's worth fitting or not? As I tried and it looked like it would rub on the belts etc? Wasn't really feeling it so took it back off.

Crap pictures, but it's just my phone and it's bright outside today.

20170330_160727 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20170330_160749 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Only negative is I have 6 more screws to remove when removing the bumper, but oh well. Another problem I have is that my centre exhaust bracket bolt has snapped. Mole grips don't want to know either... I'm going to get some heat on it and try again hopefully.

I also debobbled my seats and the difference is night and day! Will get a picture next time i'm outside but i'm proper chuffed.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
After chopping up my old cup spoiler brake light and fitting an LED strip, i got fed up of the brake light moving around in the spoiler as over time the plastic had gone brittle and cracked (The messing around with it didn't help, but i had nothing to lose as it was knackered before).
So I purchased a new one from renault and got that fitted. For the price it's hard to justify not doing! I still have problems with it coming out slightly though after a spirited drive which is a bit of a pain, any idea to keep it inside the spoiler?

Anyway, I had bought some gearbox oil a few weeks back now and got it changed over today so that all of the fluids are replenished (Nearly all, I've got the PAS fluid to change soon).

One Halfords copper crush washer

DSCN0319 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

One washing up bowl

DSCN0320 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Three bottles of oil

DSCN0326 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

And the car resuming it's natural position. Seems it's hardly been off the axle stands! I do drive, I promise.

DSCN0324 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I gave it all a wipe underneath, and nothing seemed untoward. Although I was quite amazed at how easily the linkage moved to get it into gear from underneath. It's just not as tight as I want it to be, and will definitely be looking more into the PMS shifter or similar.

DSCN0323 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

There was a weird grey oil of some sort on the bottom of the sump. Any ideas? Didn't look like engine oil or similar. Hard to see really as i'd wiped it off in this photo.

DSCN0321 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Had no issues with the draining of the oil, but it was pretty black! I presume it gets like this fairly quickly though so wasn't surprised.

DSCN0327 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Think I got about 2.9L out of the car, and I refilled it up with 3L but then sat it down off the axle stands and released the plastic butterfly to let it settle at it's proper level. Put the old oil back into the bottles to take to the oil bank. What I did notice was a fair few tiny metal shards in the oil, so i'm glad I changed it.

DSCN0328 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Whilst I was there I wiped up all the gearbox top, all underneath with some degreaser and a nylon brush and refitted the undertray. My ecu brackets knackered too, so shoved some big washer on and a bit of trim to stop it moving hopefully.

DSCN0329 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Another job I did yesterday was add a 2nd boot light onto the plastic trim as i'd had one lying around for a while. I just need to wire it up and should give me some more light into my boot. It needs a little more fettling but i'm happy with how secure it is as I don't want it flying out.

DSCN0332 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

And that's it really for now! I still need to sort out my exhaust bracket as it's hanging low and it's always on my mind when driving as I can hear it blowing.
PAS fluid change will probably be up next as then everything is upto date. Summer is fast approaching so I will have my eye out for some new 15" alloys which is exciting! Will be the first big change of many really.

Thanks for reading :)


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Cheers Dan. My updates are slightly more boring compared to some :smile: Fingers crossed I will be yeah. Wanted track time but don't know if it's still available? Was planning on getting tickets at a later date when I know where I'll be after uni.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
That's a fancy funnel, I ended up using an old funnel I found knocking around the house with a bit of scraggy hose pipe 😂


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
That's a fancy funnel, I ended up using an old funnel I found knocking around the house with a bit of scraggy hose pipe 😂

Don't even get me started on that funnel.
Was trying to be a tight b*****d and drove around everywhere to find a cheap funnel and some hosing but nowhere had any decent sized ones. So I ended up back where I started in halfords paying 6 quid for a funnel 😧 Oh well, worked good.

Student house problems. Got loads at home.


ClioSport Club Member
  Bean 182 + E70 X5
Don't even get me started on that funnel.
Was trying to be a tight b*****d and drove around everywhere to find a cheap funnel and some hosing but nowhere had any decent sized ones. So I ended up back where I started in halfords paying 6 quid for a funnel 😧 Oh well, worked good.

Student house problems. Got loads at home.

Sods law!

May be dropping you a message on Facebook a bit later, think my handbrake cable has snapped and I know you've replaced yours not too long ago.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Went out for a nice drive for a couple of hours just taking in the scenery around digley/meltham/holmfirth/dovestone way. Love these roads and always nice to explore single file country lanes! More fun tottering around at 40-50 round windy roads than just doing speeding on straights.

I took my camera and got some shots which I am still trying to improve. I have edited some, and not others. Comments and criticism are welcome as always as I just want to improve!

DSCN0357EDIT by Louis Walker, on Flickr

DSCN0362edit by Louis Walker, on Flickr

DSCN0355 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

DSCN0346edit by Louis Walker, on Flickr

DSCN0341edit by Louis Walker, on Flickr

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DSCN0335 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

DSCN0364 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

DSCN0350 by Louis Walker, on Flickr
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I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Car looks pretty clean underneath mate :smile:
It's not too bad for 121k! New fluid has taken away the slight crunch it used to have at high revs from 2nd to 3rd, im sure this is only temporary though. Box refurb is probably on the cards in the future too! I'll just take it easier.

Also will be getting a tripod to hopefully improve my pictures after advice from the forum. :)


ClioSport Club Member
Cars looking good mate, have you hit it with the DA yet? I need to give mine some tlc but here we are April already and I've not had time for anything other than give the car a quick wash. I'll have to buy a gazeebo soon cos mines stood in the sun all day!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Cars looking good mate, have you hit it with the DA yet? I need to give mine some tlc but here we are April already and I've not had time for anything other than give the car a quick wash. I'll have to buy a gazeebo soon cos mines stood in the sun all day!
Cheers mate. I havn't yet, no. I had been hoping to do it when I was last at home, but i'm too busy with deadlines and stuff and would like to spend a whole day getting to grips with the DA which is time I just don't have at the moment. I've not even washed it for about a month and need to fit my carbon blanks.
Thankfully I get some cover behind my house for car polishing so isn't too bad.
Will definitely have to go out for a drive soon with a few of us!


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah we need a meet organising for the end of this month. My Mrs asked me yesterday if I had anything arranged with the clio guys as we've not had a meet for a while now!
  Soon to be 1*2
Love this thread, the attention to detail on the smaller bits really does it for me :D
I'm off to view a Black Gold 182 this evening, hopefully i'll have it sat at home tonight ready to strip down and clean things tomorrow!

By the way, the black gunk you found under the upper edge of the scuttle panel was probably Butyl. It's what we windscreen fitters tend to use to stick things down that aren't 100% flush...we call it Trim Shield or Cold bond.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Love this thread, the attention to detail on the smaller bits really does it for me :smiley:
I'm off to view a Black Gold 182 this evening, hopefully i'll have it sat at home tonight ready to strip down and clean things tomorrow!

By the way, the black gunk you found under the upper edge of the scuttle panel was probably Butyl. It's what we windscreen fitters tend to use to stick things down that aren't 100% flush...we call it Trim Shield or Cold bond.
Cheers mate, really appreciate that. I hope to have the thread progressing more in the not so distant future but for now just maintaining is my main concern. Oil changes and belt changes are things which just need prioritising!
And ahh fair enough! Wasn't stuck down at all and it's been fine since the double sided tape.
Get some pics up if you buy it but don't just get it because it's the first one you see


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Got a couple of little jobs done today whilst the sun was out. Full of cold though, which is s**t when it's warm outside!

Had been having problems with the CC not wanting to change temperature regardless of buttons pressed. Found a thread on here saying that it's most likely the little star input where the motor attaches too in the drivers footwell was knackered.

I found this with a massive crack down the side.
20170409_132746 by Louis Walker, on Flickr
20170409_132800 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

That'll be why then... Shoved a cable tie on it, and put it all back together and it now seems to work fine! Although I think I need an aircon regas as it's not blowing very cold. Can't even hear a click when i go to turn it on? I'm sure it used to click...

20170409_134002 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Fairly simple job, just a bit of a b**ch to access all the bolts and get the motors lined up.

I also tried straightening my exhaust, but it's just wonky the other way now but I got fed up after twatting myself in the face with a pair of pliers when the ziptie i was trying to tighten snapped :expressionless: Got a nice lump now.
I also have more rattles now i've moved the exhaust, brill.

Going to have another go tomorrow if the sunshine is out :D fingers crossed.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
20170410_182043 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Up she went so I could fully remove my exhaust from it's mounts. Given that sheared stud lots of penetrating oil and smashes with a hammer but still no luck. I want to avoid grinding and drilling really as it will mess up the nut.

Whilst I was there I also set to stripping down my front calipers as I want to refurb them. Was nice to see that they have nearly brand new brembo pads and presumably discs but those aren't marked (That I could see). I'm going to buy new sliders and seals as this is what greeted me albeit all free and unseized.
20170410_184134 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I'll try remove my pistons too as much as possible as to get a better look at them but will be sanding these back and giving them a lick of paint.

20170410_184140 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

For now I have just attacked it all with a wire brush, removed any rust from the sliders and sanded lightly with emery paper and reassembled. This is a daily you see, so i can't justify it being off the road all the time but hoping to get them rebuilt in the next few days. It passed MOT fine, so i can only presume both front brakes are working correctly.

20170410_193729 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Whilst i was there I popped out the arch liner to discover a nice little garden inside. Think it needed a little more plant food though.

20170410_195326 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

20170410_195542 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

All cleaned out, much better.

20170410_195936 by Louis Walker, on Flickr


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Having cleaned up the sliders temporarily I ordered some new ones off ebay as for the price you can't go wrong and wanted it doing properly. 72mm X 10mm for front vented discs if of any interest to people who may be wanting some themselves.

DSCN0371 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I wire brushed my calipers/carriers best I could and cleaned out all of the old grease and rust from where the sliders go. Greased up the sliders slightly and reassembled, simple!

DSCN0373 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

The other side wasn't so simple as I hadn't removed these sliders beforehand and by how badly one was seized, neither had anyone else. The pads and discs are fairly new too which is very weird that someone would not sort out the rest of the brakes at the same time.

20170413_141302 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

With the use of the oven whilst all my housemates were out and plenty of penetrating oil I managed to remove all slider.

Snapchat-918789267 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Glad new ones were bought in anticipation of this! Same re-assembly as the other side so no pictures.
Another task i'd been struggling with was the removal of the snapped stud of my centre exhaust mount. £60 worth of stud extractors didn't want to know as it just happened to be too short/too thin diameter annoyingly. I had hoped to avoid using a welder as it was so near the fuel tank, but with help from my neighbour we welded a nut onto it and got it out.

20170420_162928 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Fitted the new uprated centre mount that i'd been wanting to do for weeks and binned off the cable tie bodge. Strangely though due to the exhaust system the bush is sat at a weird angle? It's like the whole system wants to move forwards but the decat/manifold seems to prevent this. Will have another look at a later date but if i try to tighten up the spring bolts on the manifold too much it just bends the tabs of the manifold. Think i'll get an exhaust place to strengthen these up as they move far too easily and means I'm not getting as tight a seal as i hope for.

20170420_180804 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

I moved onto the rear calipers as they were looking a little sorry for themselves. Brake cleaner and a wire brush dealt with the majority of build up, and i applied a slight smear of lithium grease to the sliders on the nearside having recently replaced this whole caliper for my MOT. What I did notice halfway through the job and seemingly missed when changing my handbrake cables, was that the offside had a seized slider on the rear. Thankfully I had bought a pair of calipers which were both in good health and greased up the sliders before fitment as well as fitting some new stainless bleed nipples. Quick bleed of the brakes and good as new! I thought something wasn't right as my adjuster underneath had been angled towards this side and I now know why.
Whilst there I popped off the handbrake boots and re-lubed the mechanisms as they have a tendency to crap out over time as I found out.

Lick of paint and sorted.

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20170420_135525 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

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20170420_135551 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Fronts need painting now :D! Before I do that though i'll be fitting these black series ARB polybushes as I'd noticed the old ones were all perished.

20170415_095422 by Louis Walker, on Flickr

Small steps to just bring the car back round to full health before I start upgrading other components. :)


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Cheers Mark :D It's rustoleum combi-colour. Got it for the spitfire a while back, but thought i'd use it on my calipers rather than buying more paint.
Great work there, I wouldn't have a clue when it comes to jobs like that so saved yourself a few quid there!

The red on the callipers looks a good finish as above
