ClioSport Moderator
Just thought I'd post a few pics of my engine build that's almost ready for my cup. Enjoy! 
Thanks scott! Yeah not as much as you'd think though tbh!Amazing mark, few quid gone into that bud.
What power are you hoping for?
Cheers mate! As above, I'll do a spec list tomorrow.Seriously fly looking engine! what sort of power are you hoping for? Also whats the spec of it? If you are willing to share :smile:
R3 mate! You may well be right about the best bits as well! Lol! The manifold is a pms item that I bought off @Porkie and @BIGASHSo that's what a R2 engine (mostly) looks like!
Best bits are invisible I reckon!
Is that the Pure manifold or also renaultsportR2?
Lol! Yes mate, pretty much all my own work other than the machining work on the block.Christ alive. Did you do that yourself??
Cheers fletch!Wow.. Looks great Mark.
Thanks mate. :smile:Work of art!
Cheers Morgan! 172 block mate not a 197 one. :wink:Very nice Mark :up:.... Cup bracket going on for the alternator? Does it fit on the 197 block?
Full spec list to follow mate, but it should produce good numbers considering the lack of itb's. Or at least that's the idea! LolSo it is, be nice to see your figures without ITB's.
Lol! Sometimes you just have to go against the flow mate.This is quite frankly, utterly f**king brilliant.
I can't wait to see it. You've done Team Mincer Racing proud.
Cheers sonny! Yeah the Airbox is one of my favourite bits.Looks great Mark, love the air box
It's a bastardisation of 197 and 172 mate. Spec list to follow shortly.I've not a clue what I'm looking at bit I guess a 197 lump?
Yeah me too tom! It's only the throttle body that in theory can hold it back. Got a plan of attack for if it does!Can't wait to see what it makes Mark, should be good!
thanks mate!
Lol I do indeed mate! It was much lighter on the way out the golf than it was on the way in too! Flol!You know my thoughts on this already @NorthloopCup
Looks very different to the block we hand balled into the golf haha
Lol I do indeed mate! It was much lighter on the way out the golf than it was on the way in too! Flol!
Thanks. It's quite a long list when you write it all down like that! LolThat is one impressive spec.
What was the idea for it all ? Just pick the best bits from the Renault range to fit in the Cup for max performance ?
Looks fantastic.
Lol! It must've been because my finger was still hurting after being squashed!! Permanently fuelled by red bull mate! LolMore of a controlled fall haha, not bad consider we were fuelled by red bull haha
@not normal dan let me know if your free on the 17th @Cub. is heading up to have his hubs fitted. Ideal time for a Clio vs Meg head to head! Flol
Thanks mate. Yeah fingers crossed for good numbers mark!Looks good Mark. Looking forward to seeing how it goes on the rollers.
Lol! Thanks mate.Just yum.
Oh, and wow too.
They're there to allow flexibility and for thermal expansion mate.What are the springs on the exhaust manifold for ?