s**t game was s**t last night. I must have an awesome signal cos its always compensating the other f**king player. Lol
It's called lag compensation do a wee search on google.
Seems a bit unfair for us that spend a bit more on our Internet.
To be fair it doesn't surprise me you moan about this game. You moaned like crap about mw2 but carried on playing it. Starting to think its a bad looser attitude?
Not really I'm still a beast and win 90% of games I'm in. Mw2 was s**t and needed complaining about.
You think if everyone stays quiet about the game flaws that they will get sorted on there own? Lol
Obvious statement is obvious.
We know.
What you think your little voice on this forum will change it? Who's deluded, not me.
Ok mate.
Who are you the f***n cs police? Was just sayin if it's been in the thread I'm not reading the hundred odd pages to find out.
And we are merely players...