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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

  Tesla MP3 2021
Been playing MW2 today and my god its so much deferent, ok take away all the snipers, noob tubers etc but the hit detection and lag was totally better (for me) than MW3!

It was actually fun playing it aswell!
  Goliath I
Talk about lucky shot, I managed to stick Semtex to people 3 times in one match last night.... The last shot I thought I was throwing a grenade! lol
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
I f**king knew there was hacking. I get killed quite often by stuff like pistols and mp7 in 2 shots and thought f**k off that's not right.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I've been watching kill cams to see what's been going on. I've been hammered with damage on all sorts of guns. I've been watching for lag and to see whats been happening and to my surprise my guns hasn't gone off etc.

I hope the patch does more than fix the damage glitch and introduce the 2 new maps.
  Edition 30
I will do the maps when I get in if they are out tonight.

The current ones are ruining the game. I'd rather play stadium.
Sack that. Stadium map pissed me off so much on Blops.

Theres only a couple maps on MW3 that I don't like. I think they need another map like Dome and a proper Sniping map though.
  Edition 30
Wastland, Afghan, overgrown and crossfire.

I know people will probably say its bad bringing back old maps but they are brilliant maps unlike the MW3 ones.
  Edition 30
Maps can be created and downloaded so easily.

They have got too greedy now. Why not give the option the play the new game on all the old maps?

They only really have a couple of maps good enough for domination. It has killed the game time imo.
I only play this really for the Campaign and Survival Mode.

I've played online a few times and didn't really enjoy it. You don't have time to think and you've been quickscoped from halfway across the map.


Not seeing much crawling? Just giving it another chance, Polski. It's still for sale, if it sells I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
I don't think the maps are too bad. The spawns are a bit biased to the defending side on s and d, should be in the middle really.
Yup. The new maps are alright. Not great, but not bad either. The spawn on the big open map was slightly annoying though. I was playing Team Defender and it'd spawn me t'other side of the map, so id spend a good minute trying to get back to where its all happening.
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I've been thinking about buying elite, does anyone know what any of the other dlc is apart from the new maps they brought out this month ?
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I think I'll wait till the maps come out on there own in march if I'm still playing it. Sod paying £35 for elite
  White APE
Has anyone been playing the drop zone? Only found it yesterday and it's proper manic but I love it. Suits me!
For people with Elite... how the hell do you get your clan score up? Me and my mate have made one just to test it and after playing normal games nothing goes up. Is it special types of games that get your clan score up? If not, how do you do it?

Also, is there a CS clan? ;)
