Mr Trailer Man
ClioSport Club Member
What was that black car that past you at Shell on your out lap?
Came screaming past!
Came screaming past!
cant see why not, was hoping to pick it up from the canbus but doesn't seem to so failing that would go down as an analogue sensor and need calibrating. ill have a look when doing the oil stuff as need to buy an expansion for those anyway
@f0xy is a whizz with electronic dashes and sensors, he might know.
small update, did cadwell park on the 17/04/2018 but only managed to get one video all day, it was set to take a picture not record doh! best lap was at the end of the day with a passenger at 1.45 im happy with that with the brake issue
first time at cadwell with it boosted love the track but as you can see in the vid just not comfortable there as yet. the 2nd session i did threw a brake issue up, pedal went hard no servo assist quite scary! re applied and were ok again. it appeared the one way valve had failed so was pressuring the servo so had to be very catious on my braking zones. sometimes i had servo sometimes i did not so made it interesting to say the least. swapping the r888 with the r888r has worked wonders, car feels much more happier with those up front
have since got the car back and as suspected the one way valve is now not a one way valve, new valve fitted and new hard pipe all the way that shouldnt happen again. water temps were behaving again but the water pipe i bought was just crap so have since fitted some better stuff and shall test on the next outing.
the black clio infront at the start of the vid that nearly goes awol is my brothers also megane turbo running gt28 and adaptronic. he had some handling issues on the day as you can see!
next outing is oulton 31st of may with msv
Just an aside we used to run one of Colin McCraes old reccy cars in group N and pro-drive basically binned the watercooling from the turbo as it would cook the engines so it just ran oil cooling and an oil cooler to help cool the turbo
tnx!BYC splitter mate bolts to the chassis with his own brackets, nice piece of work think he sells them off the shelf now but not sure how far behind he is after a trip the the USA
it was my car he used to mock it all up