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Cliosport Saturday - 30th July 2011

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era


Ladies and gentleman, today we're very excited to announce the launch of our very own National meet - ClioSport Saturday!​


Banbury Road,​



CV35 0BJ
Tel: 01926 641188​

The Heritage Motor Centre is situated next to the M40 and is located pretty much in the centre of England. There are plenty of hotels around the venue should any of you wish to make a night of it.​

This is the launch of our very own National Event which we are planning to hold every year.​

For years we have all attended FCS, Trax Renault World Series and now we feel we have the members and the support to have our own day that is 100% catered to Clio owners.​

On the day there will be:​

* Great prizes to be won on the Cliosport raffle​

* Clio Cup Racer car - Courtousy of Team ARM​

* Official event photography from Dan Freeman

* Show & Shine competition - Trophys to be given to the winner​

* RockBand/Guitar Hero Tournament​

* Free Food with Every Ticket​

* ClioSport Merchandise for sale​

* FREE ClioSport Saturday goodie bag​

* Plenty more in the pipe line - MORE TO COME


Tickets to attend the event are priced extremely reasonably at only £5 per person. This gets you:

*Access to the event


We are no longer posting out tickets as there is now less than a week to go. If you would still like to attend, you can still turn up on the day and purchase entry tickets from the ClioSport marquee (still £5 per person)
If you plan to do this, please pm Brian or Luke (The Boosh!)
Last edited:


ClioSport Moderator
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

Great work Luke.

I know myself, and whole load of other members from the SE will be up for this.

Camping anyone?


ClioSport Moderator
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

A Hotel counts as camping too, right?

You can't even get close to the fun of camping in a hotel, although if the right bunch do a night out, involving staying at a hotel, I may be persuaded.

BUT, after camping at FCS last year, it was such a laugh, I'd love to do it again


ClioSport Club Member
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

You can't even get close to the fun of camping in a hotel, although if the right bunch do a night out, involving staying at a hotel, I may be persuaded.

BUT, after camping at FCS last year, it was such a laugh, I'd love to do it again

Spend a night in a hotel with me:cool:


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

Great work Luke.

I know myself, and whole load of other members from the SE will be up for this.

Camping anyone?

Hi <3

Il be there


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

Are non clios allowed to attend this? Looks like it could be a good do!
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era


Sounds like a great event and not too far away for me either :D I will definitely be attending :D
  Mazda 3 MPS Mk1
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

If theres anything i can do to help with the arrangements, especially being so close, then let me know, ill book the day off before hand if needed to sort bits and pieces out with you, let me know :approve:

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
If theres anything i can do to help with the arrangements, especially being so close, then let me know, ill book the day off before hand if needed to sort bits and pieces out with you, let me know :approve:

Thanks I will let you know if needs be.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

Hmmm, can a non Clio win the show and shine competition? :eek:

Although I will just have driven 5 hours!

Also i'd like to know where the majority of people will be staying, i'm looking at hotels in Gaydon but don't want to be 20 miles away from a p-a-r-t-y!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

Definitely up for this! Only an hour or so away :D


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

2x tickets bought, now to find that membership card. :eek:
  SG9 Forester STi
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

Tickets bought...i should probably check how far from the location I am now :eek:

Looks awesome! Definitely up for camping Rob if you find anywhere local.
  Megane 225 F1
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

I'll be there!

Now to camp or hotel..........

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

Sounds good. Do we get entry to the centre too?


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

What is this "camping" that people are talking about?


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

Regarding non owning Clio members.

1. Yes you can come
2. You cant park in the ClioSport area so any prizes that come with being there do not apply to you. (Show and Shine, ClioSport Saturday Awards)


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

What is this "camping" that people are talking about?

Camping is being organised by some of the Reps, they will post details ASAP.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

10am - 5pm - However this is subject to change. But 100% No to stupid early starts.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

Ticket bought :D


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

Regarding non owning Clio members.

1. Yes you can come
2. You cant park in the ClioSport area so any prizes that come with being there do not apply to you. (Show and Shine, ClioSport Saturday Awards)
Thanks Tom, just means no asw'ing from me. :( I'm guessing the non Clio crew will be a little bit away from the main area?

Camping is being organised by some of the Reps, they will post details ASAP.
Can't believe you never got my joke. :(

10am - 5pm - However this is subject to change. But 100% No to stupid early starts.
Thanks, Tom.

Hmmm! Food for thought as i'm 5 hours away. Stay over night Friday/Saturday?
Re: Cliosport Saturday - The Launch of a New Era

I'm far too posh to camp.

Stay over Saturday night for me. That means once the day is over, we can chill out with a few beers and not have to get up at silly am on the Sunday. Then just cruise home.
