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CS_dave 172 20v clio turbo


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
Well ive not touched the BG but i have bought another spares car! Comes with pretty much brand new B14 coilovers and a stud and nut kit that ill be using for the BG


Work should start on BG soon.......


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
Well things very come close to an end for me on monday while removing the engine from the 172 parts car. Using the fork lift to jack up from the subframe i started undoing the dogbone and the car rolled back and dropped on top of me leaving me in the yard on my own stuck :-(. Lucky it wasnt the full weight as i car as it caught the very front where rad sits. Im very lucky after screaming like a girl as i couldnt move a bloke heard me and come raised the car. All is good

On a plus note the f**king thing dies tomorrow


Also got my few goodies

Bilstein B14s
20mm spacers with stud and nuts
10mm rear spacers


The parts i could be bothered to remove are in the for sale section but i lost love for this car very quickly lol


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
Sold the cobra bucket seats today so back on std 182 seats my god i dont miss the high seat but i much prefer the look again. Nearly cleared all the bits i have kicking around and the 172 i have on my old mans drive so will be able to invest some time into the Black gold and get the grey one cleaned abit. These dark nights dont help anything need to find a breaker with a carbon bonnet now :)


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
Well after 6 hour around trip ive finally got a carbon bonnet!. Yeh it needs work but it has the lockable areo catches that was on the spec list im after so im a happy bunny. Just waiting on a pair of carbon blanks ive bought from a guy on facebook that should be here already.



lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Stoki4ker who used to be on here had a bonnet like that on at CSF.
Was exactly the same. wonder if he sold it onto the guy you bought it off.
Same catches the lot.


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
Stoki4ker who used to be on here had a bonnet like that on at CSF.
Was exactly the same. wonder if he sold it onto the guy you bought it off.
Same catches the lot.
Better not of as i went to london to pic it up would of been better going to stoke lol

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Hes was in exactly the same condition last time i seen it.
Was on a BG 182. you have probably met him before?
Cant remember his real name but he was called stokie4ker on here. used to be at all the WM meets back in the day.


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
Hes was in exactly the same condition last time i seen it.
Was on a BG 182. you have probably met him before?
Cant remember his real name but he was called stokie4ker on here. used to be at all the WM meets back in the day.
Mike yeh we get on the blokes a legand. Went to a rolling road day the once mike just starts pulling loads of stuff out the car pop box's of crisps and sweets lol

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
LOL yep thats him.
We were up evo triangle and he started pulling out bags of doritos, double deckers the lot.
He knows how to blow a gearbox thata for sure.


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
As with all my plans things have changed lmao a option to buy a well speced cup on here was to tempting so i waved good bye to the black gold 182. With a trip into the unknown lands of sheep land me and @LeeRS went to pick it up. What a car its spot on i really really like it alot such a shame it will end up in parts i will sort a for sale thread this week.



lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Cracking road trip.
Really like this car. shame to see it broken tbh but needs must.
I can genuinley say this sounds mint, goes like stink and the parts on it really are spot on.
I would buy it all if i had the cash and im not just saying that. The turinis are immaculate.

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Nice cup. What was the reason it was sold, something wrong with it structurally or something?

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Sorry for bringing it up/mentioning it. s**t situation for everyone and probably out of order/unnecessary to bring it up initially for Alex if it was fixed to a standard which didnt affect anything.
