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Cups in Manchester..

Anyone drive a Cup in the south manchester area?? Stockport area?? My old car was a mk2 106 Rallye and they only did 500 in the UK that was rare to see others. Seems same with my Cup... So say hello & flash !! (Dynami-whatsit Cup wannabees need not aply..!!)

(joking dont want to start an arguement...)

Q: Why are the remaining Gibb brothers moving to Cornwall?

A: Its the only place they will see Morris dancing... oh dear

Ive not got a cup but you might see my Williams flying about around Gatley/Cheadle way...

Where abouts are you?

OOOOOhhhhh... touched a nreve there.. BUT i do support Man City like a proper Manc should,, Not a man U$hited fan are you (they all seem to be from the south)

Dan - i live in Bramhall & Cheadle (er indoors gaff)

A fellow city fan and a renault sport fan... Ill deffo keep a look out for you...

My number plate is N565 ***... dont know why Im giving you that because if you see a Williams about our way Its gonna be me.

See you on the bypass soon enough.

Would do Brun... Im in Blackpool on the 15th for a mates B-day... much filth will obviously ensue.

Im down JJB every Weds night playing footy, shame we cant do it during the week but then again it wouldnt be much good in the dark ina rammed car park....Ill shut up now

Quote: Originally posted by Seedy on 07 March 2003

OOOOOhhhhh... touched a nreve there.. BUT i do support Man City like a proper Manc should,, Not a man U$hited fan are you (they all seem to be from the south)

Dan - i live in Bramhall & Cheadle (er indoors gaff)

You cant afford 6 quid to join the club

Pay no attention to Rob... hes just jealous that

a) our roads are still free to drive on and

b) theyre not so full that it makes driving anywhere the worlds biggest ball ache....:D

Ive driven a cup a few times, not to mention a list of great cars so jealous isnt a factor, im just piss taking.

I dont commute into the city of london, and i live close to kent with some fab roads, and 10 mins from brands hatch, so erm, nur nicky nur nur

eh eh nuff said!! on the subject... i have to say i dont mind southerners but am glad i dont have to mortgage my house to buy a pint!!

Oh and i get to go to Bedford Aerodrome twice a year with work & tharash all Johnathon Palmers rapid little toys including last time i went the Proper track version of the Cup used in the race series... roll on September..

(see Bedfords south & i dont get a nosebleed when i go there)
  TT 225

Quote: Originally posted by DanG on 07 March 2003

My number plate is N565 ***... dont know why Im giving you that because if you see a Williams about our way Its gonna be me.

Not true! It might be me but then it would be quite obvious I wasnt a bloke ;)

Quote: Originally posted by Seedy on 07 March 2003

eh eh nuff said!! on the subject... i have to say i dont mind southerners but am glad i dont have to mortgage my house to buy a pint!!

Oh and i get to go to Bedford Aerodrome twice a year with work & tharash all Johnathon Palmers rapid little toys including last time i went the Proper track version of the Cup used in the race series... roll on September..

(see Bedfords south & i dont get a nosebleed when i go there)

What did you think of the cup racer? The one i drove was pants

if ur saying its pants, basically ur saying that the 172 and 172 cup are pants as they are all based on each other.

personally i think the 172 is great and looking forward to driving the 172 cup soon hopefully

Cup racer was good but they put a rev limiter on it & the sequential box was bloody hard to use at first.. (it also didnt have full race slicks on)

I will treat my Cup a bit nicer though dont fancy a spin at 115mph off the track like i did at Bedford in an Evo vII
  TT 225

Yea, I live in Oldham, but dont stay there very often. Was in Wilmslow Last night, Stockport the night before and work in the city centre - busy little bee - so you might see me around :)

Black 16Valve with tints and lowered on Super Ts. I live Very near cheadle/Gatley so maybe i have seen some of the others about?
