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Detailing Chat & Questions Thread


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
They're like glass clothes, they're a bit weird, the set we had in blue, I wouldn't used on paintwork.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
not sure if it was this thread but the house of shine wheel acid in 5 litres is back in stock on eBay.

After my order they have 11 left 👍


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182, E46 M3
not sure if it was this thread but the house of shine wheel acid in 5 litres is back in stock on eBay.

After my order they have 11 left 👍

Cracking, ordered one too 👍.

I’d like to think it’s unrelated but since starting to use that I’ve gone through 2 brake disk backing plates on the wife’s 5 series and 1 on the m3. It’s definitely dissolving them 😂


ClioSport Admin
Was looking to get another bottle of Siramic Lustrous but it’s out of stock everywhere. After a bit of Googling I’ve gone for this stuff. It’s an alternative grapheme sealant and has got great reviews so hopefully it’s as good as lustrous.


Sir Nancy Flowers

ClioSport Club Member
Was looking to get another bottle of Siramic Lustrous but it’s out of stock everywhere. After a bit of Googling I’ve gone for this stuff. It’s an alternative grapheme sealant and has got great reviews so hopefully it’s as good as lustrous.

View attachment 1649466
Adams always seem to get a good write up but I havent used them personally.

I read on detailingworld that the chap who owns the company that make Lustrous is having some poor health. So I gather thats why there is issues stocking it. Shame reallly as Lustrous Plus is the tits!


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
So my water spots have gone. I used Koch Chemia FSE and Garage therapy decon shampoo.

Not sure which worked the best but either way the Gyeon Cancoat on wife's car and my Fusso has been revitalised.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
So my water spots have gone. I used Koch Chemia FSE and Garage therapy decon shampoo.

Not sure which worked the best but either way the Gyeon Cancoat on wife's car and my Fusso has been revitalised.
Were they really stubborn water spots?? Or just regular spots after washing? I really need something to get them off mine. It’s like They’re haunting me. Every time I think I’ve got rid of them they creep back.


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
Good question indeed Daniel-son.

I did notice on my bootlid that the main dusty/limescaley ones had gone but in the sunlight with detailing eyes there were a few unusual spots which looked like older water spots, they are still there. Looked like more old oil stains.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182, E46 M3
I used fairly liquid followed by diluted vinegar to take them off the wife’s car. Smells like a bit like a bag of chippy chips now but it worked a treat. Only downside is it totally removed pretty much all traces of the wax that was in it so had to do that again, but I assume most stuff tough enough to take them off would.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
I used fairly liquid followed by diluted vinegar to take them off the wife’s car. Smells like a bit like a bag of chippy chips now but it worked a treat. Only downside is it totally removed pretty much all traces of the wax that was in it so had to do that again, but I assume most stuff tough enough to take them off would.

If you use white vinegar you can kill the weeds to 👌


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182, E46 M3
If you use white vinegar you can kill the weeds to 👌

I’ll have to bear that in mind for next time 😂

It sounds daft but a lad who owns a detailing place along the road always starts with his own special 3 stage wash. It gets fairly liquid, diluted vinegar then another fairly liquid. He reckons it saves him hours and £££ with clay bars and expensive products as it lifts tar/bugs/water marks and most other general shite pretty much straight away.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182, E46 M3
Yeah that’s his approach, if it’s a full detail he wants the wax stripped back anyway. I’ve not tried it myself but he absolutely swears by it and says it makes the prep much easier


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Dodo lime prime has been around for donkies but I’ve never tried it with a dual action, it’s superb. Great with a green hex pad and a lake country light polishing pad. Highly recommended.
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Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Ah the good old days of lime prime. Russ from Midlands detailing literally started his career with 3m yello head and LP!


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
I need to refill my di vessel. Do I refill it to the top where it starts to curve or a bit below?

Also if I don't use it for a month should I run it anyway to keep it fresh?
I didn't look after my previous one and it went months with no use which may have killed the resin.


ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
Posted on detailing world too.

I have had it a year but its just dawned on me that i may have the wrong connectors on.

When all hooked up to to the final rinse with my hose and a hose trigger gun, I have to pull the trigger on the gun and maybe wait 30seconds for the pressure to momentarily jerk. When it jerks I know it has pure water in otherwise the PPM is still high.

I realised that I have a stop connector on entry and exit for the di vessel. I 100% need one for the hose gun so 3 in total. Should they just be normal connectors either side of the di vessel or does it not matter.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Posted on detailing world too.

I have had it a year but its just dawned on me that i may have the wrong connectors on.

When all hooked up to to the final rinse with my hose and a hose trigger gun, I have to pull the trigger on the gun and maybe wait 30seconds for the pressure to momentarily jerk. When it jerks I know it has pure water in otherwise the PPM is still high.

I realised that I have a stop connector on entry and exit for the di vessel. I 100% need one for the hose gun so 3 in total. Should they just be normal connectors either side of the di vessel or does it not matter.

Only reason for the delay would be if it's an empty hose, where you have to wait for the water to come through.

Also don't forget if the hose was used with normal water first, it'll take a few seconds for Di water to purge through before your PPM level drops.

Using those aqua stop connectors shouldn't affect it I wouldn't have thought. I have one going into my vessel, so I can swap between the Karcher and the Di without having to turn the tap off.

The outlet on the Di side is just a normal, as is the end with the spray head, but could run an aqua stop on that end if needed.
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ClioSport Club Member
  Jaguar XFR
Only reason for the delay would be if it's an empty hose, where you have to wait for the water to come through.

Also don't forget if the hose was used with normal water first, it'll take a few seconds for Di water to purge through before your PPM level drops.

Using those aqua stop connectors shouldn't affect it I wouldn't have thought. I have one going into my vessel, so I can swap between the Karcher and the Di without having to turn the tap off.

The outlet on the Di side is just a normal, as is the end with the spray head, but could run an aqua stop on that end if needed.

Duh ,yeah it's my huge reel that is probably being purged!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)



ClioSport Club Member

I want to buy but I have no need for two sets 😂


ClioSport Club Member
Need to wash the E34 and not washed a car that has been ceramic coated before. I messaged GTechniqs as it has the CSL and Evo v5 coating about what they reccomend to wash and maintain. They said to:
  1. Tar remover and rinse
  2. All purpose cleaner and rinse
  3. Snow foam and rinse
  4. Shampoo and rinse
  5. Dry with drying towel
  6. Use their ceramic sealant
I usually do steps 4-6 above when I wash the cars, maybe with a spray of APC first depending on how dirty it is.
It is just the tar remover step that is confusing me, is this necessary? Isn't it a bit harsh and will reduce the life of the coating? I do have a bottle of their tar remover and it does say coating safe. It seems a little excessive to do this step, sure it is a marketing ploy to get you to buy more of their products which I fell for, although I did run out of my other tar remover recently. Tbh the car has done about 400 miles since being coated so it isn't caked in road grime.

Can confirm the coating on it is pretty good! When I took it out the other week on holiday in usual British fasion rained loads on the way down to Cornwall and by the time we parked up the rain had stopped. Car looked spotless, as if it didn't even get wet. Wasn't bad to apply either, just difficult if you don't have a garage space as it needs to be done inside and kept dry. Would reccomend if anyone is looking for a ceramic coating. I think it was about £100 for the two products, which seems a lot when you only get tiny amounts of each! But it says a 2-3 year life but seeing as this car is garaged and rarely used in the bad weather it should last longer than that.


Bon Jovi Officianado
ClioSport Club Member
It sure why you would use de-tar on a car that didn’t necessarily need it? Personally I’d service wash it as per 3-6. But snowfoam first and then examine the paint to see if it needed steps 1&2

Matt e

ClioSport Club Member
Anybody interested in a poke premium single polisher holder for £10 delivered? Still in good condition

