ClioSport Club Member
Cup 172
These any good? Seems cheap enough
They almost look disposable. I’ve ordered a set to try. Can use on glass and interior thenThey're like glass clothes, they're a bit weird, the set we had in blue, I wouldn't used on paintwork.
not sure if it was this thread but the house of shine wheel acid in 5 litres is back in stock on eBay.
After my order they have 11 left 👍
How much is that?
Adams always seem to get a good write up but I havent used them personally.Was looking to get another bottle of Siramic Lustrous but it’s out of stock everywhere. After a bit of Googling I’ve gone for this stuff. It’s an alternative grapheme sealant and has got great reviews so hopefully it’s as good as lustrous.
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Were they really stubborn water spots?? Or just regular spots after washing? I really need something to get them off mine. It’s like They’re haunting me. Every time I think I’ve got rid of them they creep back.So my water spots have gone. I used Koch Chemia FSE and Garage therapy decon shampoo.
Not sure which worked the best but either way the Gyeon Cancoat on wife's car and my Fusso has been revitalised.
I used fairly liquid followed by diluted vinegar to take them off the wife’s car. Smells like a bit like a bag of chippy chips now but it worked a treat. Only downside is it totally removed pretty much all traces of the wax that was in it so had to do that again, but I assume most stuff tough enough to take them off would.
If you use white vinegar you can kill the weeds to 👌
Ah the good old days of lime prime. Russ from Midlands detailing literally started his career with 3m yello head and LP!
😂 How did I forget Jim in his shed. A real detailer. There are a few up here like Gordon at defined details, Ronnie at autobath detailing and arfan but they are rarer.And Jim.
Ah the good old days of lime prime. Russ from Midlands detailing literally started his career with 3m yello head and LP!
Posted on detailing world too.
I have had it a year but its just dawned on me that i may have the wrong connectors on.
When all hooked up to to the final rinse with my hose and a hose trigger gun, I have to pull the trigger on the gun and maybe wait 30seconds for the pressure to momentarily jerk. When it jerks I know it has pure water in otherwise the PPM is still high.
I realised that I have a stop connector on entry and exit for the di vessel. I 100% need one for the hose gun so 3 in total. Should they just be normal connectors either side of the di vessel or does it not matter.
You've lost me Riz? Must have missed that.What was the name of that Kid who was detailing?!
You've lost me Riz? Must have missed that.
Only reason for the delay would be if it's an empty hose, where you have to wait for the water to come through.
Also don't forget if the hose was used with normal water first, it'll take a few seconds for Di water to purge through before your PPM level drops.
Using those aqua stop connectors shouldn't affect it I wouldn't have thought. I have one going into my vessel, so I can swap between the Karcher and the Di without having to turn the tap off.
The outlet on the Di side is just a normal, as is the end with the spray head, but could run an aqua stop on that end if needed.
I want to buy but I have no need for two sets 😂Bargain
Hybrid Solutions Pro Collection Triple Pack
The Hybrid Solutions Pro Collection Triple Pack contains, one of each of the HS Pro performance car care products. This kit contains: 1x Hybrid Solutions Pro Graphene Flex Wax 680ML 1x Hybrid Solutions Pro To The Max Wax™ 414 ML 1x Hybrid Solutions Pro 1 & Done Professional Polishing