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dmallett's indecisive clio thread! Monaco ph2 pg1+, Titanium ph1 pg31+, PB ph1 pg43+

Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Looks like you had a good trip. Who's is the cup? Looks really smart on the F1's

Scott H's, lovely car! im sure there will be a thread up in the media section soon of the trip.

Theres always next year ;)

Courtesy of DannyR





Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Spot of weight saving. I never use the rear seats so it makes sense to get rid of them, removed all seat belts bar the passenger one also.
Half the screws were missing on the rear interior pannels so i replaced them also. Only hard bit was the two torx bolts holding the metal bar in, it was like they were welded in so i just smashed the s**t out of them with a hammer and chisel :p


Dead weight.

Just need to cover it with some carpet and thats finished, not going to the extent of removing all the rear plastics etc to still keep it kind of nice to be in. Might replace the passenger seat with a cup seat to save a few KG as i dont really want a passenger bucket as it annoys me pissing about with the harness's etc.

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Flol and so it begins. If that's still got all its plastics in it in 2 months I'll PayPal you enough money for a curly wurly ;)
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Curly wurly's are expensive down here, so be careful! infact just bring one to CSS for me, as they arent going anywhere!

Rear end needs to come down also to score scene point.

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

You are right, bad move breaking it. Ohwell live and learn! Shouldnt be to hard to build this car to similar spec again if i so desire, unsure if i want this to end up stripped out and raw though.


Cheers Dave, I dont think it will be going down the route of buckets and seats as the ph1 did. Keeping it more enjoyable for everyday use for now seems the best idea.

didnt take long, page 2. (Yes I'm very busy in work today!)
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

FLOL, you must be busy! Its not stripped out though really it just has 2 seats, the bucket seat has been in it a while though i will admit.

Everyone always brings up that bloody ph1, in germany over the weekend it probably got mentioned 10+ times that i shouldnt of broken it :dapprove:
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

yeah that bucket seat.....What was the first thing you said when you got here last week? "That seat was a mistake" rings a bell
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

yeah that bucket seat.....What was the first thing you said when you got here last week? "That seat was a mistake" rings a bell

The seats ok now it's gota support from my old recaro's in it, ain't that comfy on long drives though!

though I was pretty much crippled last weds, I blame a lack of sleep :)
  Monaco 152
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Can you take off the standard seat mount and put an Omp subframe on? Or is it like all built into the chair?
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Rear carpet time, ordered from ebay went for the cheapest possible as ever and its surprisingly decent!

using various bits of cardboard/the original boot carpet i marked it out.

Using my finest carpet scissors i then set about cutting it out.

Almost done, was hard to get a picture on the phone with the sun being so bright.


Not bad for just over £10! Though i should of made it an inche or two longer :(
Think im going to order some velcro to stick it down so its held down nicely then trim accordingly/tuck it in behind the rear door cards for a perfect fit.

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Im lazy.

Seats are going back in for CSS and the Scotland tour but when they come out after that I'll get it done. All I've done to mine today is de-tar, clay and srp it ;)
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Your lazy but youve been cleaning it? Saying that if you get bored before CSS you should come clean mine, the paint work is in a right state but cleaning cars doesnt interest me.

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Aye figured I could clean it for CSS and then got 2 shows up here so it's getting its annual good clean.

Made more sense than fitting carpet that I'd have to take out next week ;) wait till you see the nick of my front bumper now!


ClioSport Club Member
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Nice car, I like the DIY rear carpet thats a great job you did. :)
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

You said you'd removed the black plastic spacers didn't you?
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

I thought they had been taken out but on looking closer it appears not, reckon its possible to fit the drivers side seat and swap what edge the seat belt is on? With out looking I'm guessing it can be done due to manufacturing costs lol

Or even fit the subframe off the drivers seats onto the passenger seat, need to look into it :)
Last edited:
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

The seats are all handed as it has the levers on different sides to let you in the rear. You need a LHD front seat with height adjustment ;)
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Lol i know, was just saying a drivers won't fit in the passenger side :p
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

So far ive had...




And now some dark grey anthracite kind of colour,


Am i happy with them? NO! Being the smart ass I am i decided to use the dremel to reach some points with ease, this wasnt a good idea as they are very un smooth in certain bits now. From a distance they look good though so they'll do for now. Actually need to get them completely sanded down and painted properly by some one with time and patience, oh and the ability to paint stuff properly!

Any comments regarding lack of tyre shine etc will be ignored ;)
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Current spec,

Spax full coilover setup
OZ F1's.
25mm front spacers
10mm rear hub spacers
Whiteline ARB
Federal 595 RSR tyres.
Geometry/camber set by 519
Powerflex'd dogbone mount

Brembo rear discs & pads
Brembo HC front discs
Mintex M155 front pads
Braided lines
ATE super blue fluid.

182 manifold
Cat 421 cams
Catylic converter to fit
Ported head

ARP rod bolts
519 matched inlets
Home made induction kit using ITG filter
janspeed stealth
AC delete (laguna brackets and alternator)
Short rad + Pacet fan

TRS 4 point harness on drivers side
Cobra Imola drivers seat.
Mylandan side mounts and omp subframe.
OMP 300mm trecento wheel
Standard passenger seat.

Pics taken today,










Well this one lasted long.....

​What's next???

we all knew it wouldnt last, i get bored easily. As for whats next i havent even thought about it, considering not having a car/a cheap heap of s**t to potter about in.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

Lol what u like pal. Dont understand the having a cheap car thing to potter about in really, I could personally never do that, would drive me mad after a few weeks.
Re: dmallett's 421'd monaco

The chance of me doing that are slim ;) just i dont know what i want next if it sells! SO its easier not to say, but i do so little miles it doenst matter to much what i actually drive as I have a van most of the time.

If it sells and i drive something i like the look of and i like the way it drives then ill buy it, at current i literally have no idea/no criteria for another car.
