Bloody lovely!!
Nice coilies too :approve:
Thanks Stef. They are rather nice tbf, much better than the Vmaxx.
Every time I look at this thread I wished I had got a ph1
Looks great. I actually prefer this to your old 182. Good work.
And you loved my BG! Thanks mate, means a lot
For me it was an itch that needed scratching. I love it!
Meh @ polishing your exhaust, what a wast of time.
So you did all of that and showed us some lovley pictures.
HOW DO THEY FEEL???????????? X
Oh and check you out sand blasting your
I look at your project too much mate, that's what it is
I was going to do the full system but I thought there's no point as it'll discolour straight away. I will probably go over it again with an abrasive wheel first then repolish it, but not for a while.
So far I'm impressed. They are much better than the Vmaxx. I took it up the road yesterday and they felt pretty decent holding the roads. They've settled a bit and they rub so I'm going to raise it up a tad but I'm glad I got them.
AlexW came round last night and had a drive so I'm sure he'll give he's review too.
Haha, it made sense to try and protect the bracket a bit more. This is all your fault
looks lovely mate, really coming together
Slowly getting there Russ
looking good mate
that backbox looks amazingly shiney too
I knew the polishing wheel would get the better of me! No polished engine bay though.
Passionate..... Read idiotic.....
lovely to meet you too dude. Thanks for letting me
pick your brains on so many issues. Your right about the grab handles and door badges by the way!
damn smart arse!!
Not at all mate! Its nice to speak to people with the same interests
You could always just spray the badges silver for the time being. Also put up a wanted thread as the normal handles sell for pennies.
Ordered those spacers yet?