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Fallout 3

  1.8 Civic EX
Is it wrong that I'm going a bit "cold Turkey" since sending my xbox back for repair?!? only sent it back monday....I'm beginning to think this game has one of those subminimanainmalal messages in it that brainwashes you lol
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R

Went back for seconds. Landed 3 good punches then got owned.

If you are facing one ant, run toward it and jump over his flame. Then punch f**k out of it using circle strafe. If you are faced with more than one ant, shoot or attack the antennae, as once thats crippled, they'll attack each other. Silly b*stards.
random question number two.

I've just got to level 7, how long before I can start to feel more confident wandering around?
Atm I find myself retreating too much.
  1.8 Civic EX
random question number two.

I've just got to level 7, how long before I can start to feel more confident wandering around?
Atm I find myself retreating too much.

that's your problem...stand up and beat the bitches. Then you'll level up quicker and be stronger quicker.

I've not run from a single fight yet
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
random question number two.

I've just got to level 7, how long before I can start to feel more confident wandering around?
Atm I find myself retreating too much.

Get yourself a sniper rifle. Very handy.

If there's a group of raiders or anything like that, just make sure you stay hidden, and shoot one of them in the head (I'd avoid VATS because it's never amazing with the sniper). You'll more often than not take them down in 1 because you get an automatic critical hit.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
PMSL :cool:

Where abouts are you wandering, Chris? Originally, when heading towards Jefferson Memorial for the first time, I found myself firing while on the retreat against Super Mutants and the like. One of the best tips of combat is finding cover. It can help so much, especially against the less intelligent chaps. You can circle them as they look for you around pillars etc. in a very Benny Hill esque montage.
  1.8 Civic EX
or trick them into fighting each other...

playing the other day, had a super mutant running at me so I turned back to a raider camp...mutant went in a wiped out all the raiders and had hardly any life left so one hit with the hunting rifle and he was down :)
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
When fighting the ones with headgear etc, sometimes VATS strikes arent effective enough, especially if you dont have Commando or Gunslinger perks. Therefore, aim for their arms/legs, or if they are padded, go for their weapon. Usually very easy to take out of their hands and leave them open.

Last night I was on my way to Rivet City along the bottom of the map and got completely owned by 3 raiders and a little turrent things, about 10 times before I got told to stop playing. I tried finding cover, laying mines, but they were being stubborn and kept buggering off as soon as I wasn't being 100% confrontational.
you said when can i start feeling more confident i was saying i havent had any trouble at any point you just cant go in all guns blazing all the time

Well I try to be tactical, trouble is I have never been that good on FPS and the like. Football, driving yes.

Cheers for all the tips though people.
  Mondeo ST TDci
i havent played it since last night bud will rinse it some more tonight and let you know

unless you just play all teh way through level 20 but dont go any further :s

yeh, ive got to level 20 and thats it..... no more XP to gain :( i would have played slightly differently knowing it was capped. oh well! next time when im evil! :evil:
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
If you have intelligence of 10 and get the Educated perk early on, you get 23 skill points for each level. I imagine that would make quite a difference, depends whether you can sacrifice some of the other SPECIALS for most of the game.

There's a perk that gives you 10 strength providing you have enough intelligence. But I think you need to be a high(ish) level to get it.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
If you have intelligence of 10 and get the Educated perk early on, you get 23 skill points for each level. I imagine that would make quite a difference, depends whether you can sacrifice some of the other SPECIALS for most of the game.

There's a perk that gives you 10 strength providing you have enough intelligence. But I think you need to be a high(ish) level to get it.

Indeed. Some perks are best taken VERY early in the game, such as Comprehension and Educated.


ClioSport Club Member


ClioSport Club Member
Ah the glowing one's heal normal ghouls then do they!!

I've never given them the chance, R2 > VATS > Aim at head > BOOM!!!


ClioSport Club Member
You'll have a tough job.

Yao Guio in the pants, as backup.

With the Animal Lover perk though, the job would indeed be Done


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
just ordered that special edition guide see what the extra stuff is then shall i
  Integra Type-R DC2

The Science team just got to the Jefferson Memorial with Dad, but they wont go in. Just tell me to go in and clear it! Ive killed everything in sight. Do I have to kill everything in the basement aswell?
  Integra Type-R DC2
Good thread on here....

Shame the mods deemed it necessary to close it. Posts 25 and 28 carry a lot of merit, imo.


Id object to being called stupid because I dont have £100's to spend on a PC and upgrades. I spent a good few years playing games on PC's and I became irritated with the constant FPS drop, hardware issues, patches and hassle that came with doing it. I think anyone who bashes people for NOT playing games on PCs is a ring-nut worthy of a falcon punch to the kidneys.


ClioSport Club Member

The Science team just got to the Jefferson Memorial with Dad, but they wont go in. Just tell me to go in and clear it! Ive killed everything in sight. Do I have to kill everything in the basement aswell?

