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Fallout 4

  Listerine & Poledo
This pipboy.

OK, yes, it's great, But f**k is it s**t.

I've been trying to think of inventive, fun ways to actually use it. For instance, Vault Pay.
BUt no, you can't get to the button on an iPhone to fire up Apple Pay and, even if you could, would the pipboy block the signal? Not near-field enough?

I wish I knew how to develop apps, I'd be all over this.

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
Found the fatman early on but no ammo! Got to level 10 last night. Enjoying it but my armour is weak, only used the suit for a short while and it ran out of power. Met a legendary super mutant skirmisher (sp) last night, took a few attempts to kill him. Waited until the dog distracted him and threw a frag at his head, lol. The dog cannot die, which is pretty cool.


ClioSport Club Member
I've been using the floaty robot instead of the dog, because the floaty robot has a flamethrower and a spinning metal disk thing


ClioSport Club Member

Naughty Fallout! I'm trying to work.....
If you trade it in at Smyth toys you can get fallout for ten quid. Dunno if this helps you just saw it on hot UK deals

I've just done this, sold out in Wigan had to go to St Helens which obviously ruined my day.

Daft girl behind the till tried charging me £19.99. I picked up the sign and went no it says right there. Then she goes "oh yeah I should know I've just done this for myself". Thick as a plank


ClioSport Club Member
Works in Game, never going to be a nobel prize winner.

Pretty sure my girlfriend will be mega pissed that I've moved the xbox and main TV to my office for the forseeable. Revenge for making me watch 90210. DEAL WITH IT.
  A shiny black one.
Just spent the last few hours playing around with building a settlement. I'm mixed on it so far, it certainly needs tweaking. Using snap points makes objects float in mid air, and building on uneven ground is just a mess.

I'm going to start a non story game tomorrow so I can see how far I can push it. I'm thinking a sky scraper.
Just spent the last few hours playing around with building a settlement. I'm mixed on it so far, it certainly needs tweaking. Using snap points makes objects float in mid air, and building on uneven ground is just a mess.

I'm going to start a non story game tomorrow so I can see how far I can push it. I'm thinking a sky scraper.
Trying to line up for a corner is annoying unless I'm missing a trick! Wall just wants to carry on straight.
  A shiny black one.
Trying to line up for a corner is annoying unless I'm missing a trick! Wall just wants to carry on straight.
I've only tried with metal walls and found I had to use the dedicated corner section or leave a gap. It's rather fiddly at times.


ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo C30
Cheers guys!

Heads up for anyone else on PS4 you have to hold X.
I feel stupid as its so simple..


ClioSport Club Member
I really dont understand what is not to enjoy about this game - but then I played for 3 hours and haven't left 'home' yet.

Was worried about the feel of the weapons - vastly improved to FO3.


ClioSport Club Member
I love it. Can't understand the bad reviews. I'm lvl 11.
Xbox you hold a to get out of the power suit. Make sure to remove the power core too b
In 2 days I've got from Sanctuary to concord and now I'm back in Sanctuary

I don't think I'm going to be the quickest on this one


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
Got mine yesterday from games365 and it doesn't work! Just won't read the disc! They then had me taking pictures of the disc, screen shots etc for half an hour before agreeing that I can send it back. It will then go away for 'testing' for a week before they'll offer a replacement.

Moral of the story - buy from tesco.
  Listerine & Poledo
LOL, Yep, I was stuck in the power armour for ages.

Seems you can fast travel and not use up any fusion core power though ;)
Also, a fusion core is worth money even if it's got 1% charge left, but will turn to dust at 0%......just saying.

I feel like I did when I first started 3, completely lost and confused. The crafting bit I've not even thought of trying yet, that'll be a massive sit-down at the weekend to harvest materials.

I'm missing the skill points, it seems they really did merge skyrim mechanics into Fallout... even the sneak one.

I do like how crippling enemy limbs has a proper effect now, Deathclaws aren't so much of a problem if they can't walk
  Cayman S Edition 1
On level 13 with loads of weapons, but still struggling to find enough ammo;)

I've strayed in to some tough areas and got my a**e handed to me many times, especially by the big green dudes and some oversized crabs.


ClioSport Club Member
Ok few things I dont yet understand;
1. How to craft weapons? TBH thats what Im most excited for!!
2. Perks / SPECIAL. Say I'm 6 Strength - why am I not done to perk 6 on the chart?

  Listerine & Poledo
Ok few things I dont yet understand;
1. How to craft weapons? TBH thats what Im most excited for!!
2. Perks / SPECIAL. Say I'm 6 Strength - why am I not done to perk 6 on the chart?

You can use level-up to build special, like "Intense Training" in 3.
To craft weapons you'll need to break down old weapons, find junk bits and then take them all to the weapons crafting bench.

there's one at the red rocket
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
A user on Reddit has collected a list of useful tips. I'll put it all in tags as there are a few spoilers (no major ones, just names of companions) and a few ways of "gaming the system", but if you don't care about that, you can go on and read it.

  • Sell Fusion Cores to traders before they run out, you will get enough to buy a new core.
  • Pickpocket enemies with power armor to steal their Fusion Cores, this will cause them to leave the armor, and you can steal the frame.
  • The Lone Wanderer perk still provides bonuses with Dog Meat as a companion
  • When Leaving your power armor remove the Fusion Core so no one will decide to use it.
  • When hacking look for [],(), <>,and {} with anything in between the brackets clicking the leftmost bracket will reset your attempts to give you more tries, or remove dud words from the list.
  • Try to always carry a weapon of each ammo type, that way you are less likely to be completely out of ammo
  • Some companions can pick locks and hack terminals for you. More specifically Cait for lockpicking, Nick Valentine for hacking
  • You can tag specific crafting materials by removing that mat from the workbench storing it all in a random spot then using the search function by trying to craft something that requires it.
  • There is no level cap. Don't fret about spending perk points. The game's enemies don't scale with you, but they do get harder farther from the start, and the farthest away points of the map have level 50 enemies. There's no shortage of things to take down and no shortage of points to get strong enough to do it.
  • To force a companion to equip weapons or apparel switch to their inventory in the trade menu and a bit will show up to have the npc equip it. ( "T" for PC, "Y" for Xbox, "Triangle" for PS4)
  • For Power Armor: sprinting, strong melee attacks and VATs drain your Fusion Core faster than walking or standing still.
  • Fast Travel in Power Armor doesn't use and Fusion Core battery
  • You can zoom in on the pip boy by right clicking.

  • You do not need to break down junk items to get components the game will do it for you and deposit extra resources in the workbench (It may take some time to appear)
  • You can grow your own adhesive by cooking Vegetable Starch with Corn, Tato, Muttfruit, and Purified Water.
  • When naming weapons, put a hyphen at the beginning of the name (EX: -gun name), and those weapons will default to the top of the list in your pip-boy.
  • If you look at the Junk section of your inventory you can switch to a list of all the components your junk breaks down into (with C on PC). In that list you can set or remove a search tag.
  • When you upgrade a weapon, the current mod will be placed in your inventory. If you transfer all mods to your workbench, if you put that upgrade on another weapon, it will use the mod before crafting a new one.
  • You can salvage weapon sites buy modifying the weapon with the no sights attachment which costs no resources to make.
  • If a gun/armour has a mod you can't build, you can still swap the mod out and install it on another weapon.

  • When building settlements you can raise and lower objects by holding E and using scroll wheel on PC, X and L1/R1 on PS4
  • When building your first settlement use E to move the initial workbenches instead of scrapping them.
  • You can remove the radiation from Starlight Drive by scrapping the barrels in the center, and the Unrusted Crashed Car.
  • Water pumps, farms, and traders deposit the Items and Caps they produce into the workbench.
  • To help place objects in hard places use a small rug then place the object on the rug, pick up the rug and the item will remain attached but the game uses the rugs collision detection.(This allows you to clip objects into walls!)
  • To assign settlers select them in the crafting screen then select the object you want them to work
  • Settlers can work up to 6 Food at a time. Meaning a settler can tend to 12 plants that produce .5 food each.
  • To reduce raider attacks make sure your defense state is higher than food + water
  • Highlighting a settler in workshop mode will also highlight anything he's assigned to.
  • Fast Travel in between settlements will instantly grow all crops that have a settler assigned to them.
  • When your selecting something through the workshop build interface if you press and hold the move command(Press and hold [E]) this will pickup all items attached(or very close) to the object you are picking up. (Be careful as if your walls are all attached you can pickup very large parts of your settlement!)


ClioSport Club Member
I'm really struggling with this game. I'm not used to Fallout, and finding it hard to get into :( I was the same with 3 and NV, to be fair - I start playing, find the learning curve quite odd, and don't go back to them.
