How did you get on with the glue?
Most definatly get rid of the light unit, I have. Just got the wires running up the a pillar and across the roof to the windowscreen now.
I LOVE that seat, definitely one thing on my list of things to change are the seats
ThirtySeven pages... you finished yet with the shed?![]()
Fletch are you sidemounts on back to front? Kevlar screams hard bast*rd lol
Done the same with mine today. I have tried to hide the wires in the door skin to tidy it up a bit, got to sort a mounting place for the window and mirror switches now.
Keep fit windows next Fletch![]()
Nice work fletch. Keeping about the same build pace as it seems.
Im building a custom cage at the moment and Oreca GF door cards on their way
Polycarbs and CF door cards are what you want!
Yes mate, I want to tidy the door cards up, some CF cards would fit the bill nicely, and the polycarbs would save some more weight :approve:
I am looking into roll cages ATM![]()
Fit a bloody passenger seat!!
IMO that cage is not a very good cage, read the FIA regulations an you'll understand why. No low horizontal bar connecting the "legs" in the mainbow + the connections in between the front bow and main are not allowed in that position. Same goes for the diagnonal over the front window.
Strictly my opinion but that is a styling cage nothing else. Not sure if it will be any good if you'll crash. FIA saftey regulations are restrictive for a reason.
With a few extra bars and other connections it could be a much better cage.
Fletch for the money you'll spend buying it and modifying it to fit, you may as well get a custom cage like I am. It'll be fia approved, have more cage to it as well as being better structural wise (pick up point on rear shocks and b pillar gussets). And above all else it'll be lighter than the caged one and uses better grade materials using 'cds'.
Really depends though on whether you'd want to take it out and sell once you've finished with the car.
Give me a pm if you want to know a bit more!![]()
Depends how far you want to go, the OMP cage is FIA approved and isn't Three Thousand Pounds.
but on the other hand, Caged will be able to alter it to meet the standard if you so wished, only have to call
Loved this last night, sounded the nuts. Surprised security didnt come along.
I forgot to give your seat a go though mate. Ill have to try it at FCS for sure. If you want your headlights going over with a rotary give me a buzz and ill give them a quick go over.
Isn't the OMP a b**ch to fit?
Yes! The 2 OMP ones I had were poor, and I mean very poor that would of needed a lot of 'work' to make them fit!
When speaking to Mike at Edwards Motorsport (the person doing mine), he said that when a customer asked him to fit a premade cage the customer was confused as to why it would cost the same as just building a custom one. He said to me with the amount of cutting/rewelding you have to do on them you might as well just have a custom one to your needs!
Oh and Fletcher, your a yobbo now with them pops and bangs!![]()
performance and mechanical wise, do these pop 'n' bangs have an effect? better/worse?
Any ideas when yours will be finished mate? I'll have to have a good look around your cage
Indeed mate, once it's done I'll give you a shout. All I'll say is once you see it you'll want one![]()
You and your bloody priorities!
Tell Mel you need a passenger seat before you can start on the house!![]()
I don't mind if you do.
A (matching) passenger seat is a must though![]()