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Gear change light on 172 Cup?

  172 Cup
Right, bought my 172 Cup like a week or 2 ago and I've just read on here that they come with a gear change light?
Now admittedly the way I've been driving recently I haven't dared take my eyes off the road, but I really haven't noticed a gear change light.
Either, A) mine hasn't got one for some reason
B) it's not really a cup (even though the book says so, the badges,no air con or ABS etc., OR
C) i have temporarily gone insane/blind and am too stupid to notice it.
Anyone got a possible explanation?


  182 & LY Clio 220 ed
If you're taking the revs up to about 6,500 then it will come on, although it will come on earlier if the engine is cold.



  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
It'll be a wee green gearstick light in the bottom rite corner of ur dash. 172,182,cup,V6 all have them! If the car is not warm you'll see it at 6.2k rpm...
  Nimbus Clio 197
lol just give it some beans mate, and when u get near the redline on the revs, a green light should come on, u will have to cane i though. its not really a thing to tell you when to change gear though, a good gear change will be a bit before that to keep it in the powerband. or so it feels to me anyway ;)
  Weeman sucks ****
It doesn't always come on. Mine doesn't and I've ha the needle bouncing before.

It's french after all.
  172 Cup
Just stepped out in the cold and had a quick look and I think it's the little circle bottom left on the rev counter? Looks like it might be a light anyway?
Great, so now I've got no ABS, no traction control, ice and slush and snow and now a little light that is going to facinate me until I see the thing!
Could get dangerous (fun.......but dangerous!)
Cheers lads
Fins straight road. Put foot down in second and keep it planted. You'll soon see it.*

*lagerlout accepts no responsibiility if you end up in a ditch trying to see the gearchange light.
  172 Cup
In which case, anyone know of a good road in Chester where I can test to see if the light does work? All in the good name of science of course!?!
  Ziel Nurburgring
As Lout said, just keep it nailed in second and you should see it. Be brave the engines dont mind hitting the limiter once in a while.
  172 Cup
Excellent! Probably got just enough road between work and the pub so providing it's not too wet out there, I should be able to just about hit 60, brake AND make the turning into the pub car park. Perfect!
  106 GTi
If you just want to see where it is an what it looks like before you go out for you thrash - it lights up when you turn the ignition on in 182's do may do the same in your Cup to.
  172 Ph1/Scooby MY00
It's there, you can be sure of it. Get the engine warm first buddy. Don't want to hear about another dead cliosport! You have to really welly the engine for it to show.
  306 TD Slut
the light is in the far bottom right corner of the dials and will flash green. its hard to notice sometimes when driving but if ur god. u can concentrate on the road and manage to catch the light in the corner of your eye and change.
Quite sure it comes one when you turn our ignition on. Good way to know what you are looking for.

As said, bottom right hand corner, green light. It's like a joystick for a computer or something.
  Mazda 3 MPS Mk1
hold down the end of the stalk and click the ignition on one click, it will illuminate all the dash lights, have a look then mate!
try the small byepass at the top of vicar's cross very good at night . watch out for them wabbits they get stuck in ya grill . lol
  Saphire Cosworth
my god - i noticed that light on mine when i was test driving it ??

It only comes on about 5 times a day in mine - carefull owner............
Hard to see, seems a bit pointless considering there is a large round rev-meter right in front of you clearly showing everything in much more detail.

I've spotted it out of the corner of my eye a few times, only ever at night though. When I hear the dash rattling louder than the screaming engine I usually know its time to shift up anyway and its usually a bit before the light appears!
  172 Cup
Now all you need is a RSport ECU and it will not come on till 8.5k, and how much fun is that!!!
wouldnt you be worried that your car revs to 8.5k?

its easy to make the gear change light come on, you don't need much road, warm the engine up, put your foot down and there you go. I can make it come on pulling out of the drive way, though i have no tyres afterwards, lol
  172 Cup
Yep seen it! After booting it and nearly torque steering into a parked corsa last night, I finally saw it. God this car is so much fun! Had a Series 1 Escort RS Turbo and that wasn't nearly as much of a giggle as this little thing.
Only thing I'm worried about is that it's french and my old 106 rallye used to blow head gaskets like nobody's business. Cup's are pretty reliable aren't they?????
Neil82cup said:
It comes on at 7800 rpm with the R Sport ECU.
Is that the case for a 2001 full-fat 172 Mk2 as well? I have the group N ECU (same thing I think) and definitely have the higher rev limit, but I have never seen the "green gearstick" except when switching on ignition.

  An orange one
when i test drove my cup, the dealer told me about it and said take it round till you see it!

it will definately come on with the ignition..interesting point though, when i did the dash test lights up orange lol!!

i didnt know my v6 had one until i had it a day or 2 lol, i was so busy listening to the piperX noise with the passenger window down i caught it flash :D
  E39 530i
I've got a mk1 172 and it never comes on, not even when i turn on the ignition. Is there a fuse which controls it?
  Saphire Cosworth
cup johnny - are you from bedford by any chance ?? i know someone called johnny who had a 106 then a series one ??
  172 Cup
But I bet you didn't know I just bought a Cup though did you????
Scoobywhoo......hmmmm, don't remember seeing a cup around Bedford, but then again I'm not around there much these days. Who's this then?
