what see if the water gets hot????
the heating on the car was blowing hot up untill 2 days ago
thing is we only bought the car on sunday!
if the heater matrix went would i still get the mayo on the cap????
Did you buy it from a trader?! Take it back!
Sounds like head gasket to me, not that expensive a job if you can do most of it yourself, just need to pay to get the head skimmed.
it's a c**t of a job, that engine is not a good design. The timing chain and tensioners and chain guide are a well known weak point, so they'd need replacing, and the timing wheel for the cam sensor is floating so you need special locking tools. Dreadful engine. Swapped an engine on one that had a snapped chain, and the new one rattled like a bag of bolts, they're all s**t
it's a c**t of a job, that engine is not a good design. The timing chain and tensioners and chain guide are a well known weak point, so they'd need replacing, and the timing wheel for the cam sensor is floating so you need special locking tools. Dreadful engine. Swapped an engine on one that had a snapped chain, and the new one rattled like a bag of bolts, they're all s**t
My advice, ( i sell cars for a living)
DON'T DRIVE IT!!! Ring the garage at 9.30 am (Give the bloke a chance to have a brew) and explain that the car is over heating, heaters are not working and there is a lot of gunk in the oil cap. Don't mention the headgasket.
Give him an oppurtunity to repair the car fairly.
If you drive it and fcuk it up good and proper, he will say its all your fault and tell you to go fcuk yourself.
Take it back to the dealer, I'm sure they have to provide either 1 or 3 month warranty even on used cars.
Thats what I was told when vw main dealer wouldn't sell me a p/x going to auction as a trade deal, since they still by law have to warranty it.
Daniel should know if this is true or not?
Take it back to the dealer, I'm sure they have to provide either 1 or 3 month warranty even on used cars.
Thats what I was told when vw main dealer wouldn't sell me a p/x going to auction as a trade deal, since they still by law have to warranty it.
Daniel should know if this is true or not?