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Hi all I'm French


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Racing Blue
Hi my name is Adrien I am 21years and I live in the Paris suburbs.

Sorry for my English I'm student but I work to construction. ;)

I have a BMW E21 of collection. Its a nice car, she has 32years and she is in the excellent condition.
I'm here for search a Clio172 to import in France. I want do track and the RHD is not a problem for me.

Bye guys


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Racing Blue
In France the clio 172 are very expensive.
For exemple a ph2 in UK its 2500£ or 2900€. But in France the ph2 are in 6000€.
And in the UK the clio are in good condition, here in France its the loto.

This forum is more complet than forum france.
