Did you need an ATL Tank for the race in November? I can't remember if you said the rules said you needed one. And can you refuel during the race?
No not needed and yes you can refuel.
Hi Mark,
Apologies for the delay in replying, it's a bit manic here at the moment.
The current regulations (MSA Yearbook J.5.2.1 page 144) require, among other things, the fuel tank to be isolated from the drivers compartment. If you mounted the fuel cell inside your car it would need to be in
a sealed box. Any fuel lines passing through the drivers compartment would also need to be either protected or metal braided with screwed sealing joints. Although I can't find a specific regulation
I certainly wouldn't be happy with the dry break refueling point in the side window. I believe there is a real danger in the heat of the moment refuelling, that a plastic window would not be sufficiently strong. All the hoses for the refuelling system would also need to be encased.
There is no specific regulation regarding the swirl pot. Fitting one or not is entierly up to you.
If you retain the original tank you can use any filler cap you choose providing it meets the MSA yearbook regulations K.4, 6 & 14.1.2. However it will need to comply with regulation Q.19.1.4 page 270. Also if competing in Britcar it will have to have a proper dry break refuelling system, there are no exceptions to this!
I suggest you give the MSA yearbook sections J, K & Q a good read
ATL saver cell comes with a box so thats sorted. The fueling line can go through the rear quarter bulkhead.