You are a risk 180hp 0-60 in 6 second will get you in trouble it gets enough older drivers with years of experiance into crashes.
I'm argubly a good driver I can throw my car round a fair bit but I still manged to crash a few times
Hmmmm :S A good driver that crashes, different dude i'll give you that.
Well im 19, and i will give u the list of cars ive had and then list the crashes. And before you ask no i arent rich however my brother isnt short of the odd pound as he is 30 and runs 2 sucessful business's.
1st car, 106gti with quite a few mod's ran a 6.84 0-60 at fcs
Then i had another 106, newer with less miles and put all the mods onto that. This 106 i crashed in a 50/50 accident with another driver. So yes i did crash end of story my fault his faul whatever it was a write off so yes i do agree partially with younger drivers are more risky as i was 17 when i did that.
From there i had another 106gti (yes i like them) This was Throttle Bodied, cams, the usual exhaust + manifold ecu etc etc.... had no probs.
Then i had a cliosport 172 mk2 in iceburg silver, had a few problems mechanically so sent it back to the garage, this is where my brother come in and added the £££ and got me 182 in racing blue 04 plate. Didnt crash either of those.
And then when i started to work for him as a company car i got an E46 BMW M3, (yes lucky b*****d i know) and i was 18 when i first had that....
Moral of the Story, just because he is a young lad doesnt mean that he cant get insured, doesnt mean that he shouldnt have the car and DEFINATLEY doesnt mean he will crash it.
Have any of you been in a car with the lad?? I havent, so how can judge his driving ability?? I dont think i can, i say if you can afford it mate go for it, you will love every minuite of it. Ok maybe some people havent got family who can help fund things so im not trying to make out i did it all on my own, but i definatley didnt have no problems with keeping it on the road, and yes i do drive my ars hard as im sure all you do.