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Insurance: 182 ff, 19 yrs old, no yrs nc bonus, 5 months driving

For starters I know that I am quite young to be trying to get insured on a 182 but from myself aleady realising this I hope people understand that I am not a stupid driver and wont drive it like a tit all the time lol. I have tried to get onto my Dads fleet insurance and he says I can for around £2200 but his business isnt doing so well at the moment so it might not be permanent.

If anyone has any suggestions about me getting insured for a reasonable price then all help is greatly appreciated.

  Fiesta ST
hope your dads business does better so you can take that quote, i see your from manchester which i am close to, and im sure you wont get anywhere near that quote on your own. keep ringing round tho.
For starters I know that I am quite young to be trying to get insured on a 182 but from myself aleady realising this I hope people understand that I am not a stupid driver and wont drive it like a tit all the time lol. I have tried to get onto my Dads fleet insurance and he says I can for around £2200 but his business isnt doing so well at the moment so it might not be permanent.

If anyone has any suggestions about me getting insured for a reasonable price then all help is greatly appreciated.

99% chance you'll crash so insurance won't be cheap.

Ben_p was 19 when he had his 172 I tink he was paying £3.5k. You'll have to shop rounds loads though some places who are cheap for some young drivers won't be for others.
Not looking good then... lol What would be the best option for me then? To stick with the 1.4 until im older? At the moment Im on my mums insurance and on a Mk2 Ph2 1.4 im paying around £1300 per year which is still quite alot. I sooo want a 182 lol but sooo dont wanna get bummed by insurance!!
  gen 7 celica
hey mate for insurance that is really good. I'm 20 with 1 years no claims have a 182 ff and its £1700 for me with Adrian flux. That is the best deal i could get by a mile. insurance is rubbish but i understand why its so expensive. My car would be lethal in the wrong hands.


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
I was 19 when i got my 172. £1477 first year. £941 the second...Some mod's insured! ;)
Not looking good then... lol What would be the best option for me then? To stick with the 1.4 until im older? At the moment Im on my mums insurance and on a Mk2 Ph2 1.4 im paying around £1300 per year which is still quite alot. I sooo want a 182 lol but sooo dont wanna get bummed by insurance!!
Leave it till you can afford one there better things to do with an extra £2k a year you'll be spending on insurance IMO.

Ever 3 month you could go off on a £500 holiday/weekend away/track days IMO thats much more fun.
  C250 AMG & 172 Cup
I used the AA mate when i was 18 and had my 182 full phat....was just over 3.5k, its not gonna be cheap!!!

Try companies like bell on a 10 months bonus accerlerator!!! My mate just got insured on his 106 gti (i know there a little cheaper) at 19 for just over 900 quid fully comp with them.
  Fiesta ST
hey mate for insurance that is really good. I'm 20 with 1 years no claims have a 182 ff and its £1700 for me with Adrian flux. That is the best deal i could get by a mile. insurance is rubbish but i understand why its so expensive. My car would be lethal in the wrong hands.

tbh your insurance is a steal. mine is 1200 and im 25 with full no claims. dont think he has a chance really, will be up around the silly figures 5,6,7k range,
Get a motorbike then. A 600 CC one would make a Ferrari look slow. Nothing much quicker on the road.
Quickest way to an early grave too! ;)

Theres always that. IMO why buy a quick car if all you want is to go quick and be safe when you crash. Get a bike, you'll either have a bad crash or scare yourself to learn. The cars only saving you so you'll drive like an idiot again.

How safe would you be in a Clio at the same sort of speeds as a bike?

you'd prob have to wait to be honest or go for something else, as above id recommend a 106 gti.

Nooo dont say that :( The only reason I havent just thought "182 and im 19 HAHAHA INSURED HAHAHA" is because i have seen other people on here who got a 172 or 182 when they were 19 but i dont kno whether they are stinkin rich or what lol. When do you think I shud go on my own insurance so I can start getting no claims?

Cheers, Ads
Nooo dont say that :( The only reason I havent just thought "182 and im 19 HAHAHA INSURED HAHAHA" is because i have seen other people on here who got a 172 or 182 when they were 19 but i dont kno whether they are stinkin rich or what lol. When do you think I shud go on my own insurance so I can start getting no claims?

Stay on your own insurance and build up your NCB.
im not on my own... im on my mums... It would of been around £3000 on my own (in september) so went on mums instead.
  Chocolate Bar™
for me being under my dad as a named driver has worked out quite well. as a student i wouldnt/couldnt afford to pay for insurance in my own right so went under my dad. when i bought my 172 i was 21 with 0NCB and i paid 1250 with some mods on the policy in my own name.

my advice would be to wait at least a year and then to get the 182. i know they arent mega quick, but they're quick enough to catch you out. ive been driving for 4 years and felt the time spent in my 1.2's has stood me in good stead for owning faster cars as im a much better driver compared to when id driven for 5 months.

ultimately its only a car, and although i for one spend alot of money on it, there are other things in life, and for that reason alone i would never ever ever spend 2k+ on insurance
for me being under my dad as a named driver has worked out quite well. as a student i wouldnt/couldnt afford to pay for insurance in my own right so went under my dad. when i bought my 172 i was 21 with 0NCB and i paid 1250 with some mods on the policy in my own name.

my advice would be to wait at least a year and then to get the 182. i know they arent mega quick, but they're quick enough to catch you out. ive been driving for 4 years and felt the time spent in my 1.2's has stood me in good stead for owning faster cars as im a much better driver compared to when id driven for 5 months.

ultimately its only a car, and although i for one spend alot of money on it, there are other things in life, and for that reason alone i would never ever ever spend 2k+ on insurance

hmm it does seem right actually to not give the insurance company the satisfaction of me paying them £4/6k+ a year on an £8k car. If I leave my insurance on my 1.4 on my mums and then when im 19 should I go for my own and try to get 1 years no claims bonus then maybe the 182 insurance wont rape me as much? Or would going on the fleet insurance benefit me in the future??
  Chocolate Bar™
its not going to give you any benefits, other than if you crash you wont lose any NCB (as you dont have any) and you'll "save" some money.

if you want a RenaultSport before your 21 then you really need to have a least one years NCB if you want to keep your quote looking respectible.
hmm it does seem right actually to not give the insurance company the satisfaction of me paying them £4/6k+ a year on an £8k car. If I leave my insurance on my 1.4 on my mums and then when im 19 should I go for my own and try to get 1 years no claims bonus then maybe the 182 insurance wont rape me as much? Or would going on the fleet insurance benefit me in the future??

Your paying £4/6k becasue you'll crash it if you cannot pay the premium don't buy the car

Fleet insurance yep that can be done and some companies may accept your compnay NCB claims as your own but insurnace compnaies won't like you on there books as a fleet driver if I were the underwriter and you crashed as your likly to I'd refuse to pay (I'm a harsh guy what can I say) so you'd be stuck with a crashed car and all the rest of the bills. After all why should insurance pay up as they know the only reason your not on your name is because it costs that much and it costs that much because of the risk you are.
andit costs that much because of the risk you are.

Prove it :p lol I am a perfectly good driver in my own opinion but there are alot of boy racers out there who have put the statistics of young drivers crashing really high so for people like me, who doesnt consider himself to be that bad of a driver gets stuck with the stupid premium because I AM A LIABILITY. I understand everything you have put mate and I am in no way argueing with what you have put I am just annoyed that I can afford this certain type of car but an insurance company will still rape me for a quote.

I am going to wait until I am 19 (Feb 2007) then see how much it is to go onto my own insurance, wait about a year or 2 then will buy the 182 whilst im still young :p
  Chocolate Bar™
probably the best way.

otherwise look at cars other than the RS which are alot cheaper for instance. i looked at the 1.8 Corsa C SRi. got 125bhp so its not mega fast but half the insurance cost. otherwise a nice VTS would be a good bet
I'd probs prefere a massive jump in power so will jus keep my 1.4 and be happy with her lol She isnt that bad after all. Ive just got this little vision in my head of me being 19 and LOVING LIFE because I have a 182 ff and no1 else does lol would just be showin it off all day!! :)
Prove it :p lol I am a perfectly good driver in my own opinion but there are alot of boy racers out there who have put the statistics of young drivers crashing really high so for people like me, who doesnt consider himself to be that bad of a driver gets stuck with the stupid premium because I AM A LIABILITY. I understand everything you have put mate and I am in no way argueing with what you have put I am just annoyed that I can afford this certain type of car but an insurance company will still rape me for a quote.
You are a risk 180hp 0-60 in 6 second will get you in trouble it gets enough older drivers with years of experiance into crashes.

I'm argubly a good driver I can throw my car round a fair bit but I still manged to crash a few times (only one on the road) first time I was 19 thought I was a good driver the roads disagreed almost wrote the car off and it was brand new that gives you an idea of the final bill.

Car in a relitive terms are dirt cheap. Ask anyone over 50 how much cars were when they were new and if they could ever have afforded a car which could do 60 in under 7 seconds.
  Fiesta ST
you'd prob have to wait to be honest or go for something else, as above id recommend a 106 gti.

Nooo dont say that :( The only reason I havent just thought "182 and im 19 HAHAHA INSURED HAHAHA" is because i have seen other people on here who got a 172 or 182 when they were 19 but i dont kno whether they are stinkin rich or what lol. When do you think I shud go on my own insurance so I can start getting no claims?

Cheers, Ads

Im saying this because you have no chance of getting a 172 at your age, the people on here have theres at 19 because of where they live, end of. as i said before like me you live round the manc area so youll be looking at silly figures, either build up ya no claims for a couple of years or if its something quicker look elsewhere, i knows it s**t waiting but eveyone has to do it.


ClioSport Club Member
get your mum/dad to go to directline.. become a named driver, and get ncb. then when youre 21 youll have 2 years atleast which should drop the insurance and 182s will be 6 k by then.

i was a named driver for 3 years and 1 year solo on the 1.2. 22 now and have 4 years ncb with directline and insured the 172 for 800 quid.
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  C250 AMG & 172 Cup
You are a risk 180hp 0-60 in 6 second will get you in trouble it gets enough older drivers with years of experiance into crashes.

I'm argubly a good driver I can throw my car round a fair bit but I still manged to crash a few times

Hmmmm :S A good driver that crashes, different dude i'll give you that.

Well im 19, and i will give u the list of cars ive had and then list the crashes. And before you ask no i arent rich however my brother isnt short of the odd pound as he is 30 and runs 2 sucessful business's.

1st car, 106gti with quite a few mod's ran a 6.84 0-60 at fcs

Then i had another 106, newer with less miles and put all the mods onto that. This 106 i crashed in a 50/50 accident with another driver. So yes i did crash end of story my fault his faul whatever it was a write off so yes i do agree partially with younger drivers are more risky as i was 17 when i did that.

From there i had another 106gti (yes i like them) This was Throttle Bodied, cams, the usual exhaust + manifold ecu etc etc.... had no probs.

Then i had a cliosport 172 mk2 in iceburg silver, had a few problems mechanically so sent it back to the garage, this is where my brother come in and added the £££ and got me 182 in racing blue 04 plate. Didnt crash either of those.

And then when i started to work for him as a company car i got an E46 BMW M3, (yes lucky b*****d i know) and i was 18 when i first had that....

Moral of the Story, just because he is a young lad doesnt mean that he cant get insured, doesnt mean that he shouldnt have the car and DEFINATLEY doesnt mean he will crash it.

Have any of you been in a car with the lad?? I havent, so how can judge his driving ability?? I dont think i can, i say if you can afford it mate go for it, you will love every minuite of it. Ok maybe some people havent got family who can help fund things so im not trying to make out i did it all on my own, but i definatley didnt have no problems with keeping it on the road, and yes i do drive my ars hard as im sure all you do.
you have just made this sooo hard for me now lol!! WHY CANT THIS DECISION BE EASY!! The only thing i dont want is when I get to 21/22 with 2 years no claims bonus and buy the 182 but its not as fun because I have a GF o a flat or what not. Im just trying to think where I will be in 4 years and well its hard to put my finger on it.
also why we are on this subject could somebody please explain to me why people go on fleet at such a young age? What is the benefit from this? I know its cheaper for then but what about in the future?


ClioSport Club Member
If you can afford a £9000 car and £3000 insurance then go for it.

If not then save and build ncb.

being 22 is hardly OAP style and a 182 will be fun. your hardly going to have a family of 6 and have to get an mpv
If you can afford a £9000 car and £3000 insurance then go for it.

If not then save and build ncb.

being 22 is hardly OAP style and a 182 will be fun. your hardly going to have a family of 6 and have to get an mpv

that is true lol maybe I am thinking a little over the top but has having a 182 at 21-25 been fun or what? With having a FULL TIME JOB or maybe if your still at university...? theres lots of things to think about. I love how you put it down to thinking about it 2 ways but its finding which would be good for me.
HOW!!! did u start driving when you where 10? You gave A sexual favour to the company? YOU OWN THE COMPANY lol please give me your details. Thanks
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