Hmmmm :S A good driver that crashes, different dude i'll give you that.
Moral of the Story, just because he is a young lad doesnt mean that he cant get insured, doesnt mean that he shouldnt have the car and DEFINATLEY doesnt mean he will crash it.
Have any of you been in a car with the lad?? I havent, so how can judge his driving ability?? I dont think i can, i say if you can afford it mate go for it, you will love every minuite of it. Ok maybe some people havent got family who can help fund things so im not trying to make out i did it all on my own, but i definatley didnt have no problems with keeping it on the road, and yes i do drive my ars hard as im sure all you do.
I only test the limits when I'm on my own and its resonably safe never crashed with others etc. It deepnds how you call a driver good? One who never crashs one who knows the limits of himself/herself/the car. One who never drives anywhere?
Chances are you'll crash otherwsie insurance would be lower sorry to say. I'd say there a 50% chance of you crashing to a degree where a claim is enevuitable.
If you drive hard (I mean proepr quick driving) you will enevitably have a crash. Its one of the things you note when driving harder.
Maybe I'm old and stupid but IMO you should be limitef to match box cars with small engine no electronics to help you with little protection for the first few years and with a minimum milage and a stricter driving test one which covers more situations. To many young people get a quick car as there dirt cheap crash it and there so safe these days you end up walking away not recognising how the car has saved you and the amount of times its saved you before.
If he can afford it properly then sure go for it I'd say good chance of you crashing it unless you do a tiny amount of miles but hey thats the way it is.