this cossie one is ridiculous mind, would love a go.
Not sure he'd actually let you drive if it he doesnt know you but richie is mega easy going im sure he'd take you out in it if you asked nicely.
He likes showing stuff off anyway.
this cossie one is ridiculous mind, would love a go.
Only you could give a monkeys about the exterior on a car that is that sexy underneath.
Its more or less WRC spec rear suspension.
I went through all 42 pages, that is bats**t mental but awesome! (I know I already commented)
I just thought the subtlety was nice for a change. Partial sleeper.
Really like it. And guess what? No s**tty stickers!
Anyone know what that setup of suspension is called?
So pretty standard setup then?
Is it just a matter of having 2 rods instead of an arm - reducing unsprung weight? Why would that give better control.
My connect van I build.
300bhp. Quafie diff. Omex engine management. I loved that thing.
I heard about this! This van is cooler than cool !![]()
I just wish I could of seen it. The best sleeper I have seen in years this !
yeah right I bet it was, good times ! Wow and cheap to run. Brilliant ! Hats off to him ! :approve: