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leeRS Clio Sport 172 ph2

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
my drive is to steep to leave it on stands.
might leave it at my mates for a couple of days more than likely.
I can just get the cup spoiler sprayed, my mates a sprayer.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
WP_20141222_14_46_45_Pro (2).jpg

quick photo I took down at the graffiti wall today


ClioSport Moderator
I like my fried eggs.
I prefer the orange indicator bulbs and orange side repeaters on a black car, everyone else seems to disagree though.

Stunningly clean mate, i clicked the pic above to get the full resolution and it looks lovely - almost brand new. You missed a bit under the number plate though :tongueclosed:

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
lol, its where the old owner had number plate surrounds stuck on with foam sticky pads. Ive got to get a strong cleaner to get it off :)

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
lovely,that bloody exhaust though,looks lovely m8

cheers mate.
the exhaust was on it when I bought it so you cant blame me. Will be getting a prospeed recessed one this year.

there are a loads of swirl marks when the light hits it right from the previous owner being a novice with a DA. ive not got a DA to correct it so when I polish it, it looks shiny but shows the swirls more. Annoying.


South Central-South Coast
ClioSport Area Rep
That looks awesome mate, the first one iv really liked with the standard wheels on.

Any other plans for it or keep it clean ?

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
That looks awesome mate, the first one iv really liked with the standard wheels on.

Any other plans for it or keep it clean ?

cheers mate.

future plans include:

ProSpeed recessed single exhaust.
16mm front spacers
engine bay mods - battery cover etc.
brakes (when needed) will be uprated.
not much else I want to do really, just trying to keep it stock and subtle.
  172 cup clio v6 st
lee after you bring the swirls out the paint try zaino Z8,it will make the black look so good

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
nothing. Ive just polished it and the swirls are more visible as the light bounces off them more.
probably needs to go to a detailer to be fair as I cba. I can just hold about enough concentration washing the car tbh lol.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
well, the cars back in the garage again.
this time to sort out why the rear brakes are sticking on.
the other night the rears locked up completely but loosened up after a bit of a drive.
this morning in the snow they semi stuck on so I had to rev it up to get it going which made me look like a prat on icy roads.
ive recently fitted the 5mm stub axle spacers so I'm not sure if they are pushing on the handbrake cables every so slightly but I would be surprised if they were.

the discs aren't burning up but it just doesn't feel right when I'm pulling off. Its like somethings holding me back.
this morning I had the ABS / TRACTION CONTROL and SERVICE lights come on but have had it plugged in and removed those now. No other faults were found which is a plus I suppose.
anyone ideas. I think its either what i said above or just another sticky caliper.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
wow, bit of an update here.

After debating wether or not my car had the 98ron map mod I had a search around and tried a few things.
Firstly, it was idling at 1100rpm cold and dropping to 900-950 when warm.
Secondly, i was told if it hits the limiter at 7500rpm in 2nd then it has probably been mapped, which it did on the dot.

So after a bit i thought i would check the paperwork i had with the car and phoned up the guy who had it before me. Felt a bit funny phoning someone who i dont know but im glad i did now.

Turns out it has been remapped - the guy couldnt remember the name of the map but assured me it had been as he owned i from new. On top of this, all of the engine mounts, gearbox mounts etc etc are all uprated.
I knew this was a quick car but couldnt compare it to another 1*2 as i have never driven one. Cambelt had already been done at 25k but he had lost the paperwork so its has had 2 cambelt changes in 50k miles.
Also has a sports cat on it which i didnt know it had as i thought it was just a chavvy cheap one because of the tailpipe. Its a longlife or something? said it cost a fair whack anyway.

So yeah, pretty please with that. Want to get it on the rollers now to see what its putting out.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
yeah, the bloke was 45 and had no reason to bullsh!t me about any of the mods. He was over the moon someone owned it who was looking after it.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
After going to Oulton Park this weekend it has made me want to change a few things to my car. Ideally I want to buy another clio ready for track so I don't have to spend money caging it etc but I don't have an endless budget.
So, for now I want to turn mine into a fast road car. Have already got the suspension how I want it but what else makes it fast road?
Don't really fancy spending 1000s to earn an extra 20bhp via ITB. Induction kit is my first port of call I think and a remap.

Would love to take this on track but is it safe without having a cage? Would hate to bin my daily :p
