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leeRS Clio Sport 172 ph2

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
my mates garage, he has Renault tools.
it is possible to time them correctly.
To be fair the 193bhp ATF is over exagerated. I'm not deluded. Going from the ATW figure its more like 165-170 which I'm more than happy with. Will be nice to see what yours gets on the same rollers @N4TH4N
  172 cup clio v6 st
sound m8,im expecting the car to drive a bit better,not expecting big power gains i got money burning a hole like you so stuff it,if i notice no diff i will ebay them no big loss there tbh
  172 cup clio v6 st
yeh i doubt much at all,but looking at older threads on these a lot have reported a difference low down ,gonn get mine tomz,was supposed to be getting some of someone on here but messed about m8

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
engine management light has come on today after about a 70 mile round trip.
havnt lost any power and all seems normal. Will get it plugged in asap.
any common things that triggers it?

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
was only £20 a run on the first set.
was weird though because a 172 went on before me and put out 153ATF.

I was more interested in the graph to be honest, nice and smooth all the way through.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
and ira not so clean at the moment, havnt cleaned it since xmas with all this crap weather. Cant get the hose out because it will all freeze over on the footpath where all the oldies slip over and to scared to take it to a car wash to have salty grit jet washed off it from point blank.
  Megane r26
After going to Oulton Park this weekend it has made me want to change a few things to my car. Ideally I want to buy another clio ready for track so I don't have to spend money caging it etc but I don't have an endless budget.
So, for now I want to turn mine into a fast road car. Have already got the suspension how I want it but what else makes it fast road?
Don't really fancy spending 1000s to earn an extra 20bhp via ITB. Induction kit is my first port of call I think and a remap.

Would love to take this on track but is it safe without having a cage? Would hate to bin my daily :p

Yea cause your safe to take it on track, end of the day the organisers will stress how it's not a "RACE" during the briefing. It's normal fun to have a little tussle with other drivers but it's nowhere near the level you would when competing.

Majority of cars on track days are people's everyday motors, I use my r26 on track days and that's not caged.

There's always a risk of accident but that's still there on the road when your driving and as long as you stick to rules and guidelines you'll be fine.

Anyone who owns a performance car and doesn't track it clearly doesn't know the full potential of there car and what there missing out on
  Megane r26
very true that Dan. I will have it on track soon :)

Honestly mate you'll be asking yourself why you haven't done it sooner, I know I was!

You don't need to spend millions like some do to have fun, most of the people that seem to do this are to scared to use them in anger.

You'll often see the people having most the fun at track days are in the lesser spec'd cars.

I was suprised how many moderately tuned clios were at my first day, there great cars for it.
Lovely car. Regards the engine light try a code reader cheap one off eBay for about £12 won't do engine management stuff though or try swapping your lambda sensors round. It only takes 20 mins or so and its an easy/cheap fix if it works. Think its 22mm open ended spanner needed. While your under there I'd recommend poly bushing the dog bone. About £50 for them and makes a difference on the gear change removes loads of play in the gear stick. Happy fettling, it never ends!
  MK2 PH2 172 Cup
Was about to Say I've got a code reader local to stourbridge only one of the little bluetooth adaptors but seems to work well on minor problems :)

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
lol. The guy let me down plugging it in. @jordmk2 offered to plug hes in but i couldn't get there I time to do that.
have done the dash diagnostic and it didn't find any faults so will try get it to the garage again today to get it plugged in.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
No probs.

engine management light is to do with the cat as its blowing a bit.
lights off now, new exhaust system on the list to do. Well, it was anyway but now its moved up the list.


ClioSport Moderator
Track car wise - as long as the brakes are decent / fresh (discs, pads and fluid), decent tyres and the car is mechanically sound, then get it on track. Things like cage, mods etc aren't needed to have fun.

Best thing you can spend your money on is tuition, especially on your first track day to show you the lines etc. Also, try to book a day that is sessioned as opposed to open pit on your first day, as you'll get to head out with other track beginners so you won't have people flying along on track at the same time to begin with.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
yeah, that's what I plan to do cub.
Ads, its a sports cat. Its a Longlife system and its pretty decent but the tailpipe is letting the car down. I would love a prospeed exhaust but Cardiff is looooong to get to.


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy
Great result Lee , I wonder how much a difference the Intake enclosure makes to the power. Won't know unless it's back to back with and without enclosure on a Rolling road.

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
Haven't cleaned the car for a while with all the rain and crappy weather but managed to get out and give it a good going over today while its dry.

quick rinse and decontaminate to get rid of all the stubborn gritty bits and then onto washing.
gave it a twice over with autoglym body shampoo then a good polish with autoglym super resin. Then a finishing spray with maguires quick detailer spray.
Not a bad result for a quick clean.
noticed a few stone chips from over the winter with all the salt and grit on the road, really does ruin cars.
