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Mark 1 Track Car - Trophy Red 172 Project

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
New addition to pop on soon, big thanks to Ant at ACS for hooking me up with some shiny shiny sexy sexy kit!
So add this, get the geo done (me half pissed with some string probably) and once the welding is done I can get a trackday booked!
oh and fuel lines to sort this weekend hopefully!



  Clio RS
where can i get this from? With "ACS Motorsport" i found racing headsets systems only. I know this kind of parts from pure Motorsport. but the dont have it anymore.

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
More updates :smile: love summer, crack on and get stuff done!

changed the positive terminal cover on the odyssey so thought would be wise add one to the track car too, as the terminal is now sideways mounted its easily shortable when working on the flywheel end of the engine, safety first!



then replaced the cam sensor seal as it was pissing oil out all over


soggy old one


bagged up new one


Cat hiding trying to help in a random one!


marks on the casting from a presumably messed up previous attempt, hope new one seal!


new seal fitted


sensor refitted


Breather plate as standard


then chopped down and refitted


air filter swap to fit behind headlight better without pressing on the foam of the pipercross


green one sounds meaner as well even just static revving on the drive


pikie respray of cam cover next, couple coats of primer then teknik grey alloy wheel paint, hopefully hold up okay but we'll see as zero proper prep as I'm super lazy!



and finished result with new magnecor leads fitted (controversial I know but they were kicking about so figured why not to continue the random colour theme!





Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
So fuel system this weekend, ever since I've had the car its been on a lash up of mk1 and 172 lines.

Bodged together, hardline into flexi directly, etc. Fuel filter last changed in god know when, so something needed to be done.

Plan is to remove all the old stuff, replace with internally routed braided lines and just clip connectors onto original fixings at rail end and pump end. No need for fanboy top fuel drag racing spec connectors and hoses, its just a cheap track car!lol!

So step one, rip the old s**t off the car, ensure remember which goes where to what :)



usual start off well, end up in mess work area!lol.


Passenger seat out to get at line routing


Pita to work with braided line, so I drilled two holes into the rear of the car to make a direct line to the in tank sender unit. One for feed one for return, first line in to mock up vague routing from back to front of cabin and through bulkhead to engine bay.




Then in all honesty just cracked on as it was taking a while cutting, routing, trimming and swearing at the damn things!!lol!

Done, it'll do for me, checked and had one leak at tank end as I forgot to do up a clip, nipped it and sorted fired up first go.

Used pipe spacers to keep the lines neat, all I need now is to grab some P clips to fix them down to the chassis.








Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
Well, MOT failed as expected on welding, two more patches needed and the sill on the drivers side which I knew about.
Only other issue in 13 months of being laid up is the wiper motor decided to seize so need to source a new one of those too.

So should hopefully have her back and on the road in next week or so :) properly excited now to drive the thing, been too long!

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
Quick update, got an MOT on her and sorted the welding to get it. Buying some red tomorrow to rattle can it cuz trackcar

Also wrote a list of stuff to do before Cadwell on the 13th of next month :)


Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
Paint in hand


rattle can job like a boss! zero f***s given ;-)



Mess all over the place as ever, working neat is not in my nature! despite initial best intentions, the excruciating heat didn't help matters in all honesty!


painted the scuttle for about the 23rd time, need to strip back the old paint and do it right one day, but i'm impatient!


and pads that I thought were on their last legs......not so much! CL RC6's and appear to be like new still, lol! bonus!


Cadwell is all official now too, booked day off work and booked the trackday itself as well! miiiiiiint!



Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...

with Cadwell booked for 13th July and the MOT passed, figured it was time to sort the roll centre kit and fit that.

First job was to remove the hubs for cleaning and painting, I love working on this car these days, everything has been off and anti seized and Powdercoated etc so relatively clean and quick to work on with very few 'nasty' surprises :)

Also decided to drain the box oil and remove the shafts to refurb them as well, may as well go all out!

in bits:

some bits



bit of a tickle from the wire wheel on the drill later


lick of hammerite hammered black paint


both done


similar treatment for the shafts


and end of post, lol! got to split it up now as adding pics direct which is max 10 so I'll break it up into logical sections. Damn you photobucket!!!

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
So onto the fun bit......roll kit install!

first and foremost, its lovely looking bit of gear, very rare for me to splash out on new stuff in all honesty as i'm basically tight!

unboxing is fun and Ant has included some great instructions which make fitting the kit a doddle on the drive with basic tools. best part being no modding the hubs, this is a straight swap for the o/e kit, so if the old stuff comes off, the new goes on! didn't even need tech support from @ACS_Motorsport ;-)

only slight thing to note is the Williams rack on the mk1 I have is a female inner tie rod fitment, so I had to swap the inners for some mk2 clio ones with the male inners. Had to be earlier sport of poverty spec model too as the 182 cup inners are wider and I had set of those and set of phase 1 172 kicking about and for my application the 182 were too long.

so, bit of Loctite, bit of anti seize and a few clicks on the torque wrench as she was fitted! pics!!

kit as boxed




lower ball joint mounted to hub



and mounted to car, it was very quick and easy to do and I just used a jack to jack up under the bottom joint to lift it against the arb tension to the wishbone




after that, I decided to just smash all the camber I could on for a giggle as I need to geo the car properly anyway once I have some new tie rods which @ACS_Motorsport is also supplying for me :)




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Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
Next I refilled the box oil and as the car had had an engine oil change recently also, decided to treat it to new header tank and some coolant too :)

tank fitted


I then flushed the system, removing most of the pipework to get rid of as much of the old coolant as I could. then filled with nice new type D



and the engine bay as it stands now


Had some R888's kicking about, few track days left in them so slung them on some willy wheels I have


and then weighed all 3 sets of wheels, just noticed one weight didn't show but all recorded below!




1: 15" Speedline Maracanã, Nankang NS2-R Tyres (195/50 R15) - 17.3Kg
2: 15" Speedline Williams, Toyo R888 Tyres (205/50 R15) - 15.8kg
3: 15" OZ Superleggera, Michelin Slicks (205/50 ish equivalent) - 11.3Kg

so 6kg per corner saved with the slicks, 24kg total! big big unsprung weight save there!

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
so, car back together, waaaaay to much camber on and tracked by eye on a wonky drive, I grabbed my phone, taxed the sucker and blasted off out into Derbyshire!!!

what a motor!!! drove awful, pulling all over the place and tramlining like a right git, so no review of the ACS kit yet as I badly need to geo the car, get it to 2.5 deg neg camber and 10 mins toe out and then I'll review for @ACS_Motorsport . There was glimpses though on my little jaunt out, the turn in felt incredible, so much so I nearly stuck it into a wall on the inside of a very tight corner on the little test route I use, it just turned the second I touched the I'm very very excited to see how it goes once geo'd and on slicks at Cadwell.......ooooooooo!!

So couple of pics, first one is from when I first got the car out of storage and then the rest are from Sunday evening as she stands now, 3 years or so on!










Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
Really got me tempted by an ACS RC Kit now, looked really well made, almost a shame to fit it and screw those dirty dirty rods into!

You booked Cadwell yet matey, can come for a passenger lap and see how it's fairing :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 172 / Mk1 Valver
Loving this, everytime I come and have a look at this thread makes me go and have a look at 16v's and Williams for sale :smile:
