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Mk1 F4R/172'd Track Car Project [Year 3 - Engine and Chassis Rebuild]

Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

The curse of the Mk1 struck again today, some bad luck (for once in the past few months).

As some of you who've seen the car in the past few months will know, the starter was getting 'lazy', which I presume has been caused by excessive heat from the exhaust manifold. Anyway, recently its been getting worse, it will always start, but the starter will only turn over very slowly (like the battery is going flat, but it isnt).

Spotted a starter motor on eBay for £35 from an engine builders which was only down the road in Warrington. Decided to go and pick it up today to hopefully fix the problem once and for all.

If your reading this ^Jonff^, the starter definitely comes out of the top with quite a bit of room to spare ;)


Both new and old...


So after a lot of faffing of removing the old one, and fitting the new one, I went to connect the main power connector, which sits over a thread sticking out of the solenoid....When i went to tighten it, it just snapped clean off!

So, had to remove the starter motor again to see the damage...


Great! Not much I can do with that....

Decided I could try and get it working by putting the solenoid from the old starter motor to the new one, because I knew that solenoid was fine.



Fitted it to the new motor, and then fitted that to the car once again. Wired it up, and went to start the car, but got nothing! The solenoid fires but the motor doesnt turn over.

Anyway, checked if the motor was getting 12v which it was, tapping with a hammer etc, but nothing at all.

So removed it once again, and hooked it upto a battery with jump leads, then fired the solenoid. The solenoid works fine but the motor just doesnt spin up....great, a dud starter!

Thought id swap the solenoid back to my old starter motor just so I could use it for a few days until I can get something sorted, but went to undo one of the bolts holding the solenoid on, and it rounded off (thanks for using Torx bits Renault!)...

So, off down to use the milling machine to get the bolt head off, the push bike came in handy for once lol. Drilled it out and managed to get the solenoid back onto my old starter motor, which was then tested with jump leads and works OK again...

Just need to re-fit that now tomorrow, then get a new motor sorted (edit: one on the way now, cheers Jay!)...

Got some more updates in the next few days, il post them up soon :)
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Been meaning to do this for AGES, think I remember mentioning it around May time when I first did the conversion, but anyways.

Got hold of another Mongoose backbox last week, for the purpose of modifying it. Also so it would fit straight onto my current center section.



Next job was to cut the tip off...



As you can see the outlet of the backbox is quite small, infact its only 47mm.



The old tip had its own baffles inside the tip itself, which was kind of wierd. It reduces from 3.5" to around 2" in the end of the tip too!



Anyway, got hold of a straight section of 2" stainless, and had it welded onto the end of the backbox...



Also while I was at it, I had a joint on the center section welded up solid, so now its just a two piece exhaust. The clamp that used to hold the joint was always catching on the floor too, so should be a lot better now...


Anyway, fitted it a few days ago...




Sounds alot raspier, but quite quiet until you plant it. From some angles (like in the pics) it looks a good size, but from others it looks too small.

Removed it from the car again today, and decided to get some 2.25" pipe instead, which will be replacing the current pipe thats on there. I also picked up a flexi joint which is going to be welded into the center section, to allow some movment in the exhaust system. As it was the whole system was solid with no movement, and a cracked manifold is the last thing I want!

Going to cut the 2" tip off and put the 2.25" on at some point in the next few days, should give a bit of the volume back and look good from all angles. While im doing that, im going to cut a section out of the side of the backbox and have a look whats left inside...If there is plenty of wadding im going to remove some of it, then re-weld it shut, which should definately increase the volume!

More soon!


ClioSport Club Member
  ph2 172 track car
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

nice work with the exhaust, suits it well!
  Track valver + Ibiza FR
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

That tip is a trip hazard, somebody will break their neck on that thing lol. I prefer the old tip to be honest but obviously it's up to you :approve:


ClioSport Club Member
  BMW M135i
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Its not the size of the thing, its what you do with it.

Mine is very hard to see and when you do see it, its drooped :/ lol
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project


Yeah Dave, it will be slightly further in. It was just a test fit to get the center section length right, so I have an idea of the correct length now.
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

I've got some 2.5 s/s if you want it going spare

Got some 2.25" already, cheers for the offer though!

Had a play around before, cut a section off the side of the backbox as said earlier. The thing was packed out to the max with wadding, no wonder the small tip wasnt making much noise!


Removed it all to see how much there was, then put half of it back in.



This box was overflowing with it...


Folded the metal back down and will weld it up tommorow at some point, along with the 2.25" pipe as the tip.

Once its all back on il see how loud it is, and what its like sound wise. Will test it with 172Bens meter at the meet on thursday if he dosent mind, and go from there. If its too loud il just cut it back open and put some more wadding back in, but I dont think it will be!

More soon!
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

how are my cams getting along matey?

Just a bit of an update, I sold the Schrick cams to a well known member this afternoon, partially to help him out a bit as hes having trouble sourcing cams, and they were just sat around here!

Because of this, I was able to take EasyTrack up on their offer of 5 trackdays for £500, which allows you to do any 5 of their trackdays in 2010. Considering some of the circuits are £250+ in summer for the day, the offer will mean that il only be paying £100 per trackday, its pretty much a bargin :)

Might be tempted towards some cams over the winter to go with an ECU, but will have to see.....alot more fun in 5 trackdays than 15bhp ;)


Oh well. lol.
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

haha i'm hurt, at least they have gone to a good home though:)

just read back about nicks 106 too, i want details haha
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

looking good man

ive got the ashley exhaust on mine now, gives it more of a 'racer' look, but im sure its quieter than the magnex :S
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

yeh it has got a centre box, that'll be why

the magnex didn't have a centre 'box' as such, just a larger diameter section in the middle

the induction noise makes up for it :D
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Yeah, the center box on mine used to be like a small cherry bomb silencer rather than a box, didnt make 'that' much difference to noise when removed, just a tad louder under load...

Iven taken half the wadding out so il just have to see how that effects it I guess!
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Added a flexi-joint into the center section tonight, ALOT better fit too as I added 3/4" to the length of the center section while I was at it :)

Tip was chopped off and 57mm (7mm bigger) welded on, looks loads better.

Backbox also welded up, was dreading starting it and it being mega loud with only half the baffles in, but its near enough spot on sound wise.... Nice and raspy but a decent volume too (104/5 peak on DB meter, that was like 6k revs though)...

Will pop some pics up of it all tomorrow, on! :)
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Backbox was welded back up again, sealed now. Il make sure not to cut the side off it again, took quite some time to weld up with it being stainless and thin, and having no gas left to use the Tig welder...anyway, all sorted :)

Flexi Joint added to the center section:


2" Tip replaced with 2.25", alot better...





I *might* trim the tip down, going to see how much further it will slide onto the center section first....As cutting the tip shorter could possibly mean it would go a bit louder.

Just about to put a short clip of it up...its alot raspier, and happily under 100db at 3k or so. 6k is quite loud, so really dont want to make it any louder if I can help it, I think if any more of the wadding had been left out it would have been a bit too loud. Il get a few proper video clips later :)
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Well, driving along earlier, heard a few wierd noises (Originally thought exhaust had come loose)...was like a 'ping' noise, like something was catching. Anyway, come to drive it back home and could feel the rear end twitching, felt as though it was braking by itself.

Thought might be rear pad jammed on, or fell out, or a cracked disk....but no, jacked it up and....



Popped the cap off the hub nut :dapprove:


Pulled the disk off and the race just fell apart, lol...







ClioSport Club Member
  Renault 5 GT Turbo
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Where does it end? Looks like the axle is ok though?
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Its never ending!

Yeah axle is fine it seems. Not going to bother buying a new disc, considering they have not even done 8k! The bearings done the same, lasted 8 trackdays, suppose something had to give


ClioSport Club Member
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project


My face was probably priceless when you got the grinder out. :(

Don't cut the exhaust!
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Going to leave it and 'age' it a bit I think, see how it looks then.

Im guessing my decision will change once it looks less 'new'
  106 GTI
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Fail. Its staying.
...for now.

Gotta try and get the sleeve out of the disc later, its still stuck in there. Can get a new bearing and pop that in tomorrow then, if all goes to plan

Heat, socket and a hammer? Or will it require pressing?
Re: Mk1 172 Hybrid Track Car Project

Going to try and press it later on, im 50/50 weather there is a lip on the sleeve that is left that can be used or not, hoping there is. Considering it has to come out 'forwards' so to speak, its the only way it could be pressed I guess...

If not, il just use whatever I can get to hand there and then (most likely a big hammer and a gas torch lol).
