MK3 1.4 dynamique s
Hi guys,
I first started snooping around at age 16, knowing I definitely wanted a mk3 for when I could drive. Having been inspired by the likes of 'biohzrd' and 'sofaboy' I had made a list of the mods I hoped to do
August 2011: Travelled 2 hours up to manchester with my dad and uncle in the hope to find my perfect car, i'd seen two mk3 clio's previously to this one, one black, one silver, both being the dynamique S model I hoped i'd be able to get. The two i'd viewed previously were sheds in my opinion, the paint was in dreadful condition and I didn't think it'd been cared for at all. So, after arriving in Manchester, walking round the car for ages being the perfectionist that I am, I asked my dad to test-drive it as quite honestly, I didn't think it got much better than this! A few hours later, this was my first car:
This is the earliest photo of my car i've got but tbh the modding started pretty quickly!
I bought it as a 2006 graphite grey clio 1.4 dynamique S (98bhp)
As you can see from the pic, i've got my pressed private plate on and 197 grille - just one week after purchase, i was keen
Next came a 'Renault Sport' steering wheel trim, followed shortly after by some 'Renault Sport' mats which to this day still look like new..maybe something to do with me meticulously cleaning my car every week without fail!
I was becoming happier with how the inside of my car looked so decided a full de-tango was needed!
In went the silver vision indicators, nightbreaker plus headlight bulbs and SMD LED ice blue side lights and out went the fried egg bubls!
Rear Before:
Rear After:
Front Before:
Front After:
I was much happier with how my car looked and to this day I always drive around with my side lights on, just because quite honestly, I think they look great
Next up came the stubby aerial and cliosport sticker
Summer was fast approaching and i'd made the decision that I really wanted some Heko's!
Right, this is the stage where my car changed for the best:
AP coilovers, custom rear springs (lower than standard AP springs) and 20mm Eibach hub-centric spacer's all round
This is how she sat as soon as they'd been fitted, obviously they hadn't settled yet but I absolutely loved it, it handles like a dream, isn't too rigid, doesn't drive like a boat and there's now zero body role, success!
Next came the 197 bullets, I'd wanted some of these for a while, found a pair on eBay locally and snapped them up!
At the same time, a good friend was selling his mk3 and had wrapped his renault centre cap diamonds black, we swapped centre caps and I liked the look of the black, I think it complements the silver
The car was de-badged in the first week of me owning her but unfortunately I didn't get a picture till now, no more 'CLIO' and no more 'Renault' One of the most simple but most effective mods!
Next came the audio:
Sony BT2700 head-unit
Pioneer 13cm component front speakers hidden behind the standard grills and tweeters which I wanted to be shown as I love the look of them
The front's are amped on one amp and i've got a second amp running my JBL 12" subwoofer at around 270watt's RMS. Not ridicuous, not chavvy, just adds to the music
So thats all the mods i've completed so far, I don't think thats too bad considering i'm 18 and 15 months into ownership
She's currently on 58k miles, recently had a cam-belt change and will have anything she asks for completed by Fred and Zoltan at BTM who are the BEST mechanic's I have ever met!
A few more pics
The poor clio getting pushed around by my dad's BMW's!
Absolutely love how my car is at the moment, the next mods i'm considering are:
- Lime green wrapping the black renault wheel centre cap diamonds
- Possibly painting my callipers lime green too - just to stand out
- The rear adjuster cups are definitely coming out in the coming month as the weather improves so the back will drop another 2-3cm and i'll probably wind the front down another few coils
A few more pics after her frequent polish
And lastly: A picture with my best mates cars - Couldn't have completed anywhere near as many mods without the owner's of these two cars, Dale and Kieran, Cheers guys!
I hope you enjoyed my project thread to date (01/02/2013)
Please feel free to comment and offer any suggestions on what to do next!
I will be frequently updating this thread with any new mods
Appologies for the naff quality pictures - iPhone 4S!
I first started snooping around at age 16, knowing I definitely wanted a mk3 for when I could drive. Having been inspired by the likes of 'biohzrd' and 'sofaboy' I had made a list of the mods I hoped to do
August 2011: Travelled 2 hours up to manchester with my dad and uncle in the hope to find my perfect car, i'd seen two mk3 clio's previously to this one, one black, one silver, both being the dynamique S model I hoped i'd be able to get. The two i'd viewed previously were sheds in my opinion, the paint was in dreadful condition and I didn't think it'd been cared for at all. So, after arriving in Manchester, walking round the car for ages being the perfectionist that I am, I asked my dad to test-drive it as quite honestly, I didn't think it got much better than this! A few hours later, this was my first car:
This is the earliest photo of my car i've got but tbh the modding started pretty quickly!
I bought it as a 2006 graphite grey clio 1.4 dynamique S (98bhp)
As you can see from the pic, i've got my pressed private plate on and 197 grille - just one week after purchase, i was keen
Next came a 'Renault Sport' steering wheel trim, followed shortly after by some 'Renault Sport' mats which to this day still look like new..maybe something to do with me meticulously cleaning my car every week without fail!
I was becoming happier with how the inside of my car looked so decided a full de-tango was needed!
In went the silver vision indicators, nightbreaker plus headlight bulbs and SMD LED ice blue side lights and out went the fried egg bubls!
Rear Before:
Rear After:
Front Before:
Front After:
I was much happier with how my car looked and to this day I always drive around with my side lights on, just because quite honestly, I think they look great
Next up came the stubby aerial and cliosport sticker
Summer was fast approaching and i'd made the decision that I really wanted some Heko's!
Right, this is the stage where my car changed for the best:
AP coilovers, custom rear springs (lower than standard AP springs) and 20mm Eibach hub-centric spacer's all round
This is how she sat as soon as they'd been fitted, obviously they hadn't settled yet but I absolutely loved it, it handles like a dream, isn't too rigid, doesn't drive like a boat and there's now zero body role, success!
Next came the 197 bullets, I'd wanted some of these for a while, found a pair on eBay locally and snapped them up!
At the same time, a good friend was selling his mk3 and had wrapped his renault centre cap diamonds black, we swapped centre caps and I liked the look of the black, I think it complements the silver
The car was de-badged in the first week of me owning her but unfortunately I didn't get a picture till now, no more 'CLIO' and no more 'Renault' One of the most simple but most effective mods!
Next came the audio:
Sony BT2700 head-unit
Pioneer 13cm component front speakers hidden behind the standard grills and tweeters which I wanted to be shown as I love the look of them
So thats all the mods i've completed so far, I don't think thats too bad considering i'm 18 and 15 months into ownership
A few more pics
The poor clio getting pushed around by my dad's BMW's!
Absolutely love how my car is at the moment, the next mods i'm considering are:
- Lime green wrapping the black renault wheel centre cap diamonds
- Possibly painting my callipers lime green too - just to stand out
- The rear adjuster cups are definitely coming out in the coming month as the weather improves so the back will drop another 2-3cm and i'll probably wind the front down another few coils
A few more pics after her frequent polish
And lastly: A picture with my best mates cars - Couldn't have completed anywhere near as many mods without the owner's of these two cars, Dale and Kieran, Cheers guys!
I hope you enjoyed my project thread to date (01/02/2013)
Please feel free to comment and offer any suggestions on what to do next!
I will be frequently updating this thread with any new mods
Appologies for the naff quality pictures - iPhone 4S!