Righteo, embarked on the first of a few changes that I wanted to do as i'm not overly convinced on getting shot of it yet so I fancied a few little changes.
Basically from left to right:
Of course though being renault nothings as simple as just swapping the cluster over as the ph2 lights use completely different connectors in renaults wisdow :dapprove:. Now I don't do just hacking and chopping so decided if a jobs worth doing its worth doing right (or at least to my satifaction anyway). Didn't want to just change to the ph2 connectors as I wanted to be able to go back with as little hassle as possible when I sold the car. So decided i'd order the loom repair kits and make some adapter looms up, in the end I had to chop the original loom a bit but didn't do it by pikey measures either. Also took the oppertunity to convert to dual rear fogs as the meggy only has one on the drivers side as standardo.
First job was to make these two:
Which are a rather lethal combination of the renault loom repair kit and a set of tyco automotive weatherproof connectors which I got from vehicle wiring products.
Next task was to take the original loom and connectors:
And do this to them:
Which when combined with the bits I made gives this:
Which gives you the Ph2 connectors and also lets you easily switch back to the Ph1 connectors as these have the same connector on them. Also note the foglight feed from the drivers light to run the passenger side one.
And hey presto!
Will get some better pics in the daylight tomorrom and yes I know its empeccibly clean

Tbh in the end it turned into a bit of a longwinded (and expensiver) process than I thought it would be but I wasn't happy with the waterproofness (or rather lack of) of normal bullet connectors and I didn't want to be resoldering the loom come sale time either.
Worth it? Maybe but its done now and i'm happy as the Ph1 lights were looking very dated and the passenger one was letting moisture in so something had to be done.
Few more bits to do yet so stay tuned folks!