Got the drivers seat mounted in yesterday to try out the driving position etc and annoyingly the pedal box is really not in a good position, feels awful, dont know how the hell AndyRG drove it when he owned this shell TBH.
The problem is that the floor of the clio isnt flat at the front, it curves up where it meets the bulkhead, and the pedal box he used is a floor hinged setup so it needs to be mounted flat really, with it mounted on an incline like it currently is it means that your feet are contorting all sorts of ways they dont want to in order to operate it.
I tried moving it up just onto a block of wood to test altering the position of it and that improved things a fair bit, so will make up a new mount to move it to there, but my mrs is longer in the leg than in the arm as it were, and to get her legs out relatively straight so that she's in the ideal driving position for this type of pedal box means that she then cant comfortably reach the steering wheel or gear lever.
So looks like to get the correct driving position im going to need to move both the gear lever and the steering wheel, the gear lever needs just to come straight back, but the steering wheel needs to come back a bit and down a fair amount.
Its not a huge issue, but likely to be relatively time consuming to get right and is work I hadnt scheduled into my plans for getting it ready for llandow (im only home for about 5 days between now and then due to work commitments keeping me away) so looks like im going to be joining Daniel in the "probably not going to be there" camp now for the mk1

although im still going to crack on and try.