Right as you know I sent my ECU to CPL on Monday at 11am.
I got an e-mail off Lynn yesterday evening with the Tracking Number for my reflashed ECU. I kept tracking it, and it was going to arrive before 1pm today. Now I started work @ 1pm, and wanted to take the car, and it needed fuel, so time was against me.
I decided to take the forum stickers off, they were a bit big and will be replaced with smaller ones:
I put the R on the daily, as a joke, its off now
I then needed to finish wiring the starter button, or at least connect the stock ignition wire back. I took a trip to a local electronics place to pick up some connecters and put the cowling back on.
Then at 12:05 this little beauty turned up
I cant open it to show you as it will Void the warranty, the only difference on the outside is my name is on written on in Pen lol. Out of curiosity (and to stop some bitchin' on some forums), I emailed Lynn to ask what ahs been done. She confirmed that inside the ECU there is a K100 Board, just with a generic map on. IF I went all out with further modifications, they could remap this, without the need to buy a K100 or Kpro. Just pay for the tuning, amazing deal IMO, I've basically paid £40 for a generic map, with the option to get a full map and expand in the future!
I quickly fitted it, took all of 10 minutes and then wired up the negative. I turned to stage 2 ignition and pressed the button and it started first time

Was more surprised the button I wired up worked TBH

I let it idle for a bit whilst I reprogrammed the radio stations, then drove to the local Shell Garage to fill it up with V Power. It immediately felt "punchier" even before V-Tec. I let it warm up and went the long way to work to give it a test.
I must admit I wasn't sure what to expect. All I have right now is an air filter, the exhaust isnt fitted, so this is pretty much a standard Type R, running a generic "budget" map, really its nothing special. Once warmed up, I took it down the dual carriageway to see how it went. It is certainly MUCH faster than before. I have no dyno figures or anything to back this up, but there is a definate increase in Power THROUGHOUT the rev range. It even picks up @ low RPM in 6th gear. The one thing I will say is the Stock Type R to me was a very jekyl and hyde car. Pre 5800rpm, it wasn't very fast at all, even for a 2.0. When you went into V-tec you felt a kick and away it went. The V-tec engagement point is now 5200rpm. However, I believe in the standard Type R, the ECU cuts the power slightly before changing cam and you "feel" a quite abrupt kick. This "kick" has gone, it just goes. You have to be checking the Speedo/Rev limiter to see where it changes, and when you concerntrate you can feel it, but its not as abrupt as before. The speedo however confirms that you're going much faster than before. The change from Low - High cam is absolutely seemless in comparison to stock.
Another benefit is the increased rev limiter, same as the JDM's, the limit is now 8600, as opposed 8200? on a stock UKDM car? This has 2 advantages, you're in the "window of opportunity" for longer. Also, when you change up, if you change up too early, you can sometimes "drop off" V-Tec, but because of the lower engagement point, you kinda always drop into V-Tec.
As I say, I cannot back this up with a graph, but honestly, it is easily the best mod you can do, regardless of your state of tune. Im running basic mods, with a budget reflash and its TRANSFORMED my car. TDI North said a mapped car is a night and day difference to a reflashed one, if thats the case, they just be amazing!
Pleased as punch, best £380 I've ever spent. And my starter button works