Progress has been pretty slow over the last few months primarily because of lack of time but i have managed to take a few weekends off to get the wheels rolling again. car has been off the road now for nearly 3 months and miss not being able to drive it

still at least gives me some time to work on it over the winter months, which is something i enjoy nearly as much as driving it.
Got my NRG quick lock holder through from funky power along with the revised skunk 2 lower control arm bushes.
Old lower control arm bushes bushes completely shot.
new ones
also got my momo boss again from funky power and now just waiting on the resistor to turn off the srs light arriving before it gets fitted along with the NRG set up.
Took the old ek9 wheel off
the replacement- momo steering wheel together with the spoon horn and nrg quick release ready to go on when the momo hub goes on.
Side by side comparison. The after market momo one has a much nicer feel to it and feels less bulky. its also obviously lighter as it has no airbag
After thinking about it for months i finally decided to buy a hid kit. The ek9 headlights are piss poor at best and on some occasions the poor lighting they offer has been pretty dangerous so i have decided that i want to try hid's out. i loved the xenons i had in the clio so looking forward to fitting these.
Wasnt sure which lanyard i wanted and since tegiwa were doing them for a special price for ek9 owners i bought all 3
Also ordered a few bits from honda a few weeks ago:
Genuine facelift rear lights. i wired up the fogs into the right hand side tailight for neatness as i didnt like the look of the bodged rear fog that was on before.
Genuine honda battery
Complete set of bolts to replace the old rusty ones when the lca's and coilovers go on.
one brake light was out so bulb to replace
also ordered some genuine spoon stickers, which arrived this week. not sure if i want to fit all of them now as i like the clean look and im thinking now that too many stickers on the exterior might look abit cluttered but might stick them on just for the Nurburgring trip in the summer.
stuck a few of the smaller spoon stickers on the spark plug cover and one one the boot
Fitted the skunk2 tie bar.
old tie bar
new skunk2 one
When i undersealed the car in the summer i was never really satisfied with the job on the underside of the car using a brush as it was difficult to get to the tiny spaces with a brush so i bought some waxoyl and a high pressure sprayer to spray it on with instead. Will hopefully have access to a ramp during the Christmas holidays so i can get it done properly.
A couple of random fuses needed replaced so picked some up from halfrauds.
Fitted the spoon wipers aswell but wasnt happy with the condition of the actual wiper arm as the paint was flaking off it so i removed the whole arm on both sides and resprayed them satin black (closest to oem colour) and they came out nicely.
can see where paint has flaked off or faded
took them off
dry and ready to be fitted
was kind of getting bored of the gear extension and heavy weighted ek9 gear knob so i decided it was time to fit the spoon one. Other than looking nice, its made from hollow titanium, making it silly light, which gives gear changes more feel because you dont have the throw of the weighted stock ek9 one. made a small difference but was noticeable.
Also picked up a genuine spoon b pipe off cartney, which needed abit of tidying up. The baffles were needing replaces as bits of it were smashed up in the silencer but instead of rebaffeling the silencer i will either getting the silencer taken out completely or just get the baffles removed. Looking forward to fitting this and the decat, which should make for an interesting noise lol
The b pipe was not in too bad a condition but i wanted to get it cleaned up and polished to bring it back to its former glory.
gave it a rinse down
Then washed with a bucket of shampoo and a sponge
Then let it drain for a while and took it inside to get cracking on with the polishing.
used the 3 stage polishing get i got in the summer and After about 3 hours i got through about 2/3 of it and decided to do the rest at a later date. had inhaled enough polish dust for one day. It came out nicely as you can see the difference between the lower 1/3(unpolished) and upper 2/3(polished)
I was going to order some arb drop links from honda but was advised by a mate who works at the honda branch in edinburgh not to buy honda ones as they tend to fail and i was best going with an aftermarket set. so thats what i did and it also worked out alot cheaper so cant complain.
Been looking to upgrade my front brakes for some time now and when these came up for sale i snapped them up immediatly. They are only about 1 month old so are as good as new and even off the car they look stunning imo. The anodised blue colour really does set them off. Going to be using yellow stuff pads with them and got a set of hel braided lines on order so once they arrive i will get them fitted. Although costing a fortune to buy, you save a decent amount of money in the long term as you can use oem pads and discs with spoon calipers. Will also rebuild the rear calipers when i come to fit these as the left one is sticking slightly and obviously bleed the brakes when its all back on the car.
Also got my 5mm spacers as you need extra clearance to fit the spoon calipers
As good as they were i decided it was time to part with the standard ek9 recaros for something more special and with abit more support so bit the bullet and bought a recaro spg pro racer seat. This seat feels awesome to sit in and certainly does hold you in place. Im not sure if i want a seat in the passenger side but think that might be abit unsociable on a road legal car lol so i will probably replace it with a recaro of some sort. Wont be anything as hardcore as the recaro pro racer that i got for the drivers side but more along the lines of a red recaro from a jdm ep3 or dc5. Also ordered a recaro aluminium side mount for the spg which should be here early next week.
Removed my old recaros for preparation for when the side mount comes.