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Non OEM trophy pictures + rubbish Orbisoud Video (Iphone quality FAIL )

  RS2'd Trophy
On the way home from work tonight I decided to get some snaps at the local industrial estate. I had promised Aucky a video of the Orbisoud. I will get a better one than the one below this week I promise! Please note it is inside a garage and I forgot to take my foot off the accelerator lol!



The alignment of the orbisoud (for Aucky)


Interior pic





Thanks for looking



ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Apart from the wheels (Not a fan in general, not yours specifically) I love your car so much. Its bloody amazing.
  RS2'd Trophy
Thanks chaps! I am very very tempted to get some Enkei RPF-01's but thats later on in the year if I make the change!
  RS2'd Trophy
Thanks all!

Yes mate I am rubbish when it comes to wheels!!! I cant make my mind up! Really like the 2118's though!

The cage is a Ktec Racing Full Bolt in with optional harness bar. Made by 'CAGED' I think. Slightly revised version of the MSV cages.



ClioSport Club Member
  Cup'182/Rs2'd Trophy
This the same trophy that went to le mans? I loved it then and certainly love it now.

Cage looks real nice.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Love it. Look forward to having a look round it at CSS mate.
  Meg R26 + Mk4 GTTDI
The wheel needs retrimmed in red imo. Would make an already excellent looking car that little bit better!
This car is like my guilty pleasure on this forum, and it has THE best sounding exhaust built for the clio.

Nice RS2 set up as well, into the V6 box by the looks of it?? Tidy bay and car in general.
  Ph1 ITB'd 172
Looks really nice, very clean.

Where did you get the rear plate from, I'm after one about that size. What are it's dimensions as well?
  Renaultsport Clio 182
^^^rear plate is the only thing I dont like - it's too short for the recess on the boot which makes it look odd IMO
  RS2'd Trophy
This the same trophy that went to le mans? I loved it then and certainly love it now.

Cage looks real nice.

Best Trophy on here. Love the dash, how did you do it?

This car is like my guilty pleasure on this forum, and it has THE best sounding exhaust built for the clio.

Nice RS2 set up as well, into the V6 box by the looks of it?? Tidy bay and car in general.

Best. Trophy. Ever.

2118s are for winners iirc.

this car s such a slut! a nice one!

Cheers guys!!!


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
two questions if I may?

1. Why only a half cage? It looks meaty as f**k. Did you not consider a full cage? (its my personal opinion that they serve no purpose when most of the front corner will crush the drivers face)

2. Why go to the expense of an RS2........ then stick a bloody big airbox on the end? Aurely an open filter would be better for that kind of flow?

Other than that, lovely car. Love the dash, and the xenons. T's should have come with those standard
  RS2'd Trophy
two questions if I may?

1. Why only a half cage? It looks meaty as f**k. Did you not consider a full cage? (its my personal opinion that they serve no purpose when most of the front corner will crush the drivers face)

2. Why go to the expense of an RS2........ then stick a bloody big airbox on the end? Aurely an open filter would be better for that kind of flow?

Other than that, lovely car. Love the dash, and the xenons. T's should have come with those standard

Thanks for the questions.

The rear section does alot more than the front section in a roll. The B pillar hoop protects the drvers body in a roll. The front section is for side impacts and direct loading to the A-pillars mainly. (as I understand it) This cage is a full bolt in item which a full cage isnt, so no welding etc and with it being a trophy im inded one day I will have to return it to std. This cage looks 'meaty as f**k' becuase it has a harness bar which I really wanted as when I eventually do go on a track the std seatbelts are 100% not up for the job.
The other point to note is that if this cage is: A improving whats not there ie no cage, and B good enough for the MSV boys to offer trackdays in there cars with them I instantly feel a little bit safer than in a std clio bean can.

The rs2 does come with an open element in the kit. This element is small and the same diameter as the pipework that it goes onto. The engine will still be taking in the same volume of air because all the internals are std, it is now just doing it more efficiently ie through less of an inlet tract. The idea behind having a box has several benefits for a road car. it sounds a hell of alot more refined now, and the element is significantly bigger than the pipercross one supplied with an RS2 which can only be a good thing! The trumpet iss faced downwards to the wheelarch so no engine bay air is entering the system keeping inlet temps down which is a bonus!

All in all the main reason for having the RS2 and the cage the way it is, is because it isnt an all out track car. I have been trying to build one of the best (can be returned to std) trophies that can be good on both the road and the track. The car is now very very easy to drive, handles like a go kart, engine doesnt require effort all the time, I see 40mpg on a run and best of all I think it looks pretty cool.



ClioSport Club Member
  Many Things
Enkeis will look awesome mate, currently looking for a set for my bro's s2000
  Evo 5 RS
two questions if I may?

1. Why only a half cage? It looks meaty as f**k. Did you not consider a full cage? (its my personal opinion that they serve no purpose when most of the front corner will crush the drivers face)

2. Why go to the expense of an RS2........ then stick a bloody big airbox on the end? Aurely an open filter would be better for that kind of flow?

Other than that, lovely car. Love the dash, and the xenons. T's should have come with those standard

LOL. f**king hell. Shut up.

OT, cars a credit to you. Exhaust sounds spot on
  RS2'd Trophy
Enkei's in Bronze = winner!

More and more I want them but im scared to spend the money and it could potentially look no different lol!

Enkeis will look awesome mate, currently looking for a set for my bro's s2000
My fav wheel of all time!

You should get the Sabelt retrimmed with red across the top!
I was originally going to have the wheel retrimmed in black lether with red band at the top/red stitching but I havent got round to it yet. its on my list. I had better create a project thread soon because it has been quite a journey!

Lovely car as you know mate. Can't wait to help you detail it on Friday. :)
Looking forward to it Jamie! I spent 50quid in alwoods topping up with a few essentials!

LOL. f**king hell. Shut up.

OT, cars a credit to you. Exhaust sounds spot on

Legend! Are you coming to CSS? I really really want to see your ph1!

shall I go for PE2's or AD08's this time round?
