oh and you start a game with 8 people most of the games i have been in have ended up with about 4 in
LOL. I had Nuketown four times in a row last night. :approve:
Just started playing, not impressed for some reason? single player that is. As for multiplayer, I cannot connect to any lobbys internet is fine.
Single player is just a bonus really, everyone knows they buy COD for the multiplayer. As for not being able to connect to any lobbies I think a few people are having problems but have you checked to make sure you NAT is open?
+1 Ive only owned MW2 and Blops. MW2 i got half way through SP before getting addicted to MP, and I havent even touched anything but MP on Blops up to yet.For me, COD has always been about MP. I was saying last night that even if SP didn't exist, I'd still have bought it.
Once I've completed SP (whenever that is), it'll never get played again. Whereas MP will probably sit in the tray for 90% of the time until the next COD.
+1 Ive only owned MW2 and Blops. MW2 i got half way through SP before getting addicted to MP, and I havent even touched anything but MP on Blops up to yet.
S'all about the online play.
I enjoy the challenge of beating it on veteran
I have FPS OCD whereby I have to complete the campaign before getting on MP. It's like when I eat burger and chips. I have to eat the chips, salad etc. before the burger.
Best 'til last FTW.
If the chips are above average... I might save a couple for after the burger. that's rare though. lol.
when i have a roast i'll eat the veg first to "get it out of the way". then it's a toss up between spuds, yorkie puds and meat.
Sounds like normal eating to me.I agree, chips, burger then more chips
Just been in a random game which Sargey was in LOL.
Completed this on veteran. Instead of being challenging like the last 3 CODs it was a pain in the arse. Didn't emotionally get attached to the charecters or story like MW1/2 just wanted th game to end. The twist was pretty obvious for me. Also make it into a film? What fight club with guns lol?
Right i feel able to pass my thoughts having completed the campaign and now 3 online games...
Wow, what a game, the campaign mode story is superb, the cut scenes and story line are excellent the twist could be made into a film!
I like the detail and gun variation i found it very well executed, i find that Black Ops is a more raw experience to MW2 personally, it seems you need to think on your toes for most of it, again i like this, MW2 felt a little limp by comparisson. 8.5/10 for the campaign.
Having only played 3 games online i am so far impressed, i havent experienced the lag issue's that some other have and feel its pretty fluent which im happy with, the re-spawning also doesnt seem to be an issue although i have made double kills seeing it happen to other players... again, i havent deemed this an issue! I like the point system also, it will make it more interesting to a degree i think! Big thumbs up so far!
My only real issue with the game is that there doesnt seem to be much room for snipers which although isnt the biggest issue, an issue all the same! My only other gripe is the grid system on each map, as time goes on this is going to make it alot easier for people to "buddy up" and take turns at cheating the game and rank higher up the score ladder, this will become apparent i reckon...
All in im very impressed and would urge anyone thats having issues to ride it out, 9.5/10 on the whole for me!
So veteran was much harder than that last 3 CODs?
I can remember WOW being a reet pain in the arse (grenade central)