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Overtaking flashers!

I used to love blasting past 10+ cars in the RS turbo - time the gear change to get the dump valve dumping at full volume as you go past the lead slow car thats holding everyone up as you are topping a ton and its a nice surprise for them :devilish: hehehe

I was usually half a mile up the road before they awoke from their slumber and floundered around enough to find the main beam LOL

I miss my turbo - the valver takes forever to wind up to a decent speed... :cry:

True... Mine was f**ked... I had a Baileys dump valve on mine and drilled air box sounded ace. The 20v camb belt change was a killer...

Mack - HGVs on A roads are a nightmare -

Was following a line of 4 hgvs along the single carriage A road from A14 to peterborough not long ago at 6am. The Hgv in front of me was an absolute psycho, overtook the hgv in front of him, took ages and we went round bends and all sorts til he got in front. About 3 miles on the hgv now in front of me (the one the other guy had overtaken) decided that he was going to take the hgv in front at the approach to a roundabout.

Well all I can say is sh*t, they were barking, the one in front of me ended up side by side with the other, ran out of road but the front guy wouldnt yield and so he ended up all over the road trying to brake in time but couldnt so he went round the roundabout the wrong way to carry on the duel after the roundabout!!!

This wnet on for another few hundred yards after the roundabout until he backed off and tucked in behind the other guy- This was single carriage way FFS!!

HGV drivers are nutters when it comes to overtaking. Thank god there wasnt anything coming the other way.

i have driven twice weekly for the last 4 years through the scottich borders on the a70 and 798 and been faced by caravans tractors and lorries and invariably been flashed for allsorts of perceived motoring misdemeanours such as having the gaul of over taking a volvo s40 doing 50 mph.

granted sometimes my manourves look a little alarming due to the torque steer my car has over the crown of a road ( you try accelerating full bore out of coldstream and over take up that hill and not squirm all over the road) but for god sake im not interested with the scenery and just want to get home so please don;t flash i wont have to stop then stop you and rage through your window. (not big not clever but hey neither am i)


Must say if someone overtakes me in the van and they aint gunna get anywhere I wont let them in... Id rather them crash than let them in.

Quote: Originally posted by Doigy on 08 January 2005

Must say if someone overtakes me in the van and they aint gunna get anywhere I wont let them in... Id rather them crash than let them in.



Glad to see you wont mind having the deaths of innocent people coming the other way on your conscience then, what with playing judge, jury and executioner being part of your cv...

And presumably you wont mind losing your legs and possibly the lives of your passengers when you attempt a similar manouvre yourself, only to have someone else do to you what you do to others.

*narrows eyes and raises eyebrow*

Causing an accident just to prove that you are in the right is stupid, plain and simple. You should just be happy to know that youre the one who can drive and let them get on with their foolish little lives, safe in the knowledge that you are superior to them. Karma catches up with people in the end anyway, so you dont need to actively play a part in it.

And why only do it in the van? If it were your pride and joy at risk you wouldnt, or if it was an older car that had crap crash protection (i.e. an original mini) you wouldnt, so dont bully others just cos youre in something big and not yours. Perhaps this desire to be one-up indicates some sort of inadequacy issues? ;) lol

Anyway, be aware that there are people like me on the road who, faced with the option of hitting something coming the other way at a combined speed of 3 figures and above or ramming the side of the person who just closed the gap on me, I will pick the latter and either force you off the road or push my way into the tiny gap you have left, meaning that you will have then hit the rear quarter of me. And, funnily enough, insurance companies usually take the person who hit the other person up the rear as being in the wrong... :devilish:

last nite on way back from work, i was driving @ 60 taking it steady.. and a red polo popped out of knowhere overtook and flashed me to get out of the way ? wtf it wasnt as if i was behind he was overtaking in the opposite direction :confused: its like, get out of my way im on your side of the road now :mad:

WTF is it with people who flash you when your doing the posted speed limit? Dont think i have ever flashed someone when they are dodling along at 40 in a 60. But i do HATE folks who sit in the outside lane of the motorway who wont move in cos there is a car in the middle lane about a mile away:mad:

Quote: Originally posted by JEZZA182 on 08 January 2005
Mack - HGVs on A roads are a nightmare - Was following a line of 4 hgvs along the single carriage A road from A14 to peterborough not long ago at 6am. The Hgv in front of me was an absolute psycho, overtook the hgv in front of him, took ages and we went round bends and all sorts til he got in front. About 3 miles on the hgv now in front of me (the one the other guy had overtaken) decided that he was going to take the hgv in front at the approach to a roundabout.Well all I can say is sh*t, they were barking, the one in front of me ended up side by side with the other, ran out of road but the front guy wouldnt yield and so he ended up all over the road trying to brake in time but couldnt so he went round the roundabout the wrong way to carry on the duel after the roundabout!!!This wnet on for another few hundred yards after the roundabout until he backed off and tucked in behind the other guy- This was single carriage way FFS!!HGV drivers are nutters when it comes to overtaking. Thank god there wasnt anything coming the other way. 

I had a similar experience on some A roads in the Selby area (tend to be big long straight A roads) I was trying to overtake a miss daisy (Me in escort TD van)and this RECTUM lorry driver pas right up my arse even though it was obvious I was trying everything I could to get paster her WHEN IT WAS SAFE! Next thing this lunatic overtakes us just as Im making my overtaking manouvre and forces us both off the road! I checked the miss daidy was ok and set off after the w**ker. I had every intention of ringing the number on the lorry and giving them a bollocking but the fekker was irish and the number of the wagon didnt work. In the end I backed off cos I would have seriously hurt the guy if wedve diceded to stop and discuss his driving.

Utterly appauling but soooooo typical of HGV drivers they are a complete liability on A roads, B Roads Motorways. IMO they should be Tested yearly and far more strictly as 99% of them are not fit to push a trolley round morrisons.

I dont mind people overtaking what so ever but when theres a line of traffic in front and they aint gunna get no where I cant see the point in people risking there lifes...

A few months back I was going over Woodhead on Saturday morning (working in Manchester somewhere) and there was a Seat Cupra R in and out of the traffic behind us (could she him in the mirrors). He came flying past us, overtaking on corners and hills. Carried on doing the same in front of us, people flashing and peeping. We both said "hes gunna kill him self". 5 minutes later went round the corner and there he was... Dead... Clipped another car on the other side of the road and went into a wall. Someone must have pulled the fella out of the car and but a blanket over him... Every person that did a U turn to find another route where saying the same thing. "Serves him rite"...

Quote: Originally posted by White16valver on 08 January 2005


Glad to see you wont mind having the deaths of innocent people coming the other way on your conscience then, what with playing judge, jury and executioner being part of your cv...

And presumably you wont mind losing your legs and possibly the lives of your passengers when you attempt a similar manouvre yourself, only to have someone else do to you what you do to others.

*narrows eyes and raises eyebrow*

Causing an accident just to prove that you are in the right is stupid, plain and simple. You should just be happy to know that youre the one who can drive and let them get on with their foolish little lives, safe in the knowledge that you are superior to them. Karma catches up with people in the end anyway, so you dont need to actively play a part in it.

And why only do it in the van? If it were your pride and joy at risk you wouldnt, or if it was an older car that had crap crash protection (i.e. an original mini) you wouldnt, so dont bully others just cos youre in something big and not yours. Perhaps this desire to be one-up indicates some sort of inadequacy issues? ;) lol

Anyway, be aware that there are people like me on the road who, faced with the option of hitting something coming the other way at a combined speed of 3 figures and above or ramming the side of the person who just closed the gap on me, I will pick the latter and either force you off the road or push my way into the tiny gap you have left, meaning that you will have then hit the rear quarter of me. And, funnily enough, insurance companies usually take the person who hit the other person up the rear as being in the wrong... :devilish:

All the above is true... Cant say Ive ever done what I said above but its what I feel like doing when idiots overtake to get no where... You natural instinct would be to brake anyway if you saw a crash was going to happen.

I wouldnt find my self in that situation anyway... If theres a line of traffic in front I wont overtake to get no where.

Why in the van... Because its companys for one, and not many people over take the 182;)
  E91 M Sport

The most effortless overtaking car Ive had is an (old-shape) Audi S4. I used to drive it all the time for work, and A-Roads with long 40mph queues were a delight, just put your foot down in 3rd,4th,5th or 6th (the power was the same in any!) and it would do 40-!!! quicker than anything. The fun thing (that wont go down well on here) was the on-board computer, which you could program to chime when you reached a certain speed. I set mine for would chime as I was halfway passed some tailbacks....happy days. I got a slow-arsed V6 now though, so I actually have to work at overtaking ;)

Its my aim to get flashed every day,

If a day goes past with out me being flashed i feel quite sad.

The best thing to do is carry a condom in your car so if they come close behind you, you get get out at the next light as say " if you wanna drive that close you had better have one of these" tee hee

I got flashed by a copper the other day (did not know it was a copper) so i got out at the lights and asked what his problem was then i saw his strips on his shirt. he just turned his full been off and said sorry lol

Roads are full of lane hogging w**kers imo

Quote: Originally posted by Mrdemon on 08 January 2005
<SCRIPT language=javascript></SCRIPT> Its my aim to get flashed every day,If a day goes past with out me being flashed i feel quite sad.The best thing to do is carry a condom in your car so if they come close behind you, you get get out at the next light as say " if you wanna drive that close you had better have one of these" tee heeI got flashed by a copper the other day (did not know it was a copper) so i got out at the lights and asked what his problem was then i saw his strips on his shirt. he just turned his full been off and said sorry lol Roads are full of lane hogging w**kers imo

LOL....or get out your car at the lights, open your boot and ask the driver behind if he wants to get in?
  Renault Laguna Coupe

Quote: Originally posted by miketheman2k on 08 January 2005

The fun thing (that wont go down well on here) was the on-board computer, which you could program to chime when you reached a certain speed. I set mine for would chime as I was halfway passed some tailbacks....happy days.
Origin B2 has this feature - I think its called an overspeed alarm. useful in those moments when you get a bit carried away ;)
  E91 M Sport

Quote: Originally posted by telford_mike on 08 January 2005

Quote: Originally posted by miketheman2k on 08 January 2005

The fun thing (that wont go down well on here) was the on-board computer, which you could program to chime when you reached a certain speed. I set mine for would chime as I was halfway passed some tailbacks....happy days.
Origin B2 has this feature - I think its called an overspeed alarm. useful in those moments when you get a bit carried away ;)
Its a very good idea, and since a lot of cars are so damn quick these days, it would make sense to have them as part of the trip computer. I used to be very surprised thinking someone had set it back to 70....but no!
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2

Quote: Originally posted by Doigy on 07 January 2005

Ive started flashing back to show people there dipped.
LOL same here. I was driving the Cup before xmas... long straight road and the car in front kept touching his brakes and flicking his rear fogs on etc...

I dont even have xenons, so put my fogs on and stuck it on full beam for about 5miles.

Thatll teach them!
  "Navy" N17 TWO

I have to confess I do that sometimes (flash full lights at people who overtake me)

Only if I am sitting right on the speed limit and they zoom past, and cut in front, which is usually the case. (Most of the time its a 4x4 or a bmw) some big fancy wagon rich people buy and think they own the road

Once had an incident where sum arse in a BMW M3 overtook me on a corner just missing traffic - after i flash him he pulled onto hard shoulder, flashed me from rear to get his own back - then dangerously overtook me again giving the bird and horns! :mad:

I maintained my speed, got his plate and reported it :)

I only flash my rear fogs at those tw*ts that tailgate me - or tap the brake few times, just enuf to flash the brake lights.

Some people out there make me wish I was traffic police :devilish:
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2

Quote: Originally posted by miketheman2k on 08 January 2005

Quote: Originally posted by telford_mike on 08 January 2005

Quote: Originally posted by miketheman2k on 08 January 2005

The fun thing (that wont go down well on here) was the on-board computer, which you could program to chime when you reached a certain speed. I set mine for would chime as I was halfway passed some tailbacks....happy days.
Origin B2 has this feature - I think its called an overspeed alarm. useful in those moments when you get a bit carried away ;)
Its a very good idea, and since a lot of cars are so damn quick these days, it would make sense to have them as part of the trip computer. I used to be very surprised thinking someone had set it back to 70....but no!
Road Angel 2 has this feature too. Mine is set at 85.

There are a lot of very good points here.

Overtaking the 40s in a 60 can be very problematic, as everyone is stuck tail to tail. However I can not believe people believe that you can not overtake on chevrons. Also so many people believe the the national speed limit on a single carriageway is 50.

The only illegal chevron overtake would be when there is a solid white line on your side of the road.

You could of course have a crash on one and there is the possibility of "without due care and attention" or "dangerous driving" or even worse "death by dangerous driviing". Chevrons are a warning of potential danger only.

I live in Epping Forest (A11) and the amount of muppets who queue up behind each other is so ammusing. They even deviate their course to go round chevrons with a simple "I can go over dotted line". rather than keep a sensible course. I suppose the same applies to people weaving in and out of parked cars where there are bollards rather than keep a straight line.

I love a good straight peice of A11 and overtake, and whilst doing so will exceed the 60 limit. Nothing wrong with that as the law allows it. PS this road is long and straight with no hills. It is safer. How many people do you see on dual carriageways and motorways overtake at a speed of 1mph above the other: why, no need.

This comes from a class 1 police driver. Before anyone mentions it NO NO NO nothing to do with traffic police.

  E91 M Sport

Quote: Originally posted by blaze on 08 January 2005

I love a good straight peice of A11 and overtake, and whilst doing so will exceed the 60 limit. Nothing wrong with that as the law allows it.
While I completely agree with you - doesnt the law state that you must not go over 60 on a single-carriageway A-Road?

Quote: Originally posted by Funkyjahooner on 07 January 2005

Its because you dare to overtake them. Some people take offence and think you should sit behind them whilst they drive Miss Daisy.

If the road is clear and you overtake without breaking the speed limit it seems to wind them up :sick:

You are entitled to break the speed limit when overtaking. The highway code states so.

Quote: Originally posted by Doigy on 07 January 2005

I hate it when people flash you to move. When they want to get passed and theres a long line of traffic in front. Doesnt happen in the 182 but in the van you get it all the time. Happened today, moved over then was about 2inch off his bumper for 5 miles.
I get alot of people flash me about my xeons.
I think technically, according to the highway code if a motorist approaches from behind and wishes to travel faster than you are then you are obligated to move over and let them pass, I would imagine this is regardless of whether or not there are vehicles in front of you. A lot of people forget this, which is evident from the number of times i get annoyed because one person is travelling at 25mph with a massive queue building up behind them and a vast open stretch of road in front. It just all adds to britains increasingly congested roads.
  Volvo S60 D5

Quote: Originally posted by Dark182 on 08 January 2005

Quote: Originally posted by Funkyjahooner on 07 January 2005

Its because you dare to overtake them. Some people take offence and think you should sit behind them whilst they drive Miss Daisy.

If the road is clear and you overtake without breaking the speed limit it seems to wind them up :sick:

You are entitled to break the speed limit when overtaking. The highway code states so.

Im not saying youre wrong - because I dont know... but what if you get caught by radar whilst overtaking say at 70 in a 60???
  Clio v6

Quote: Originally posted by CupCake on 07 January 2005

Have to say though, was travelling on the M25 sometime last year and came past the Renault Sport F1 team who as I put my indicator on flashed me in. Nice to feel special. :)
Of all people the F1 team should be using a track and not the M25 lol
  Renault Laguna Coupe

Quote: Originally posted by James on 08 January 2005

Quote: Originally posted by CupCake on 07 January 2005

Have to say though, was travelling on the M25 sometime last year and came past the Renault Sport F1 team who as I put my indicator on flashed me in. Nice to feel special. :)
Of all people the F1 team should be using a track and not the M25 lol
lol yeah, you might have passed them on the M25 but theyd have had you on the twisties :D

Quote: Originally posted by FelixWood on 08 January 2005

Quote: Originally posted by Doigy on 07 January 2005

I hate it when people flash you to move. When they want to get passed and theres a long line of traffic in front. Doesnt happen in the 182 but in the van you get it all the time. Happened today, moved over then was about 2inch off his bumper for 5 miles.
I get alot of people flash me about my xeons.
I think technically, according to the highway code if a motorist approaches from behind and wishes to travel faster than you are then you are obligated to move over and let them pass, I would imagine this is regardless of whether or not there are vehicles in front of you. A lot of people forget this, which is evident from the number of times i get annoyed because one person is travelling at 25mph with a massive queue building up behind them and a vast open stretch of road in front. It just all adds to britains increasingly congested roads.
And people say Ive got a memory like a sieve...Rules 144 and 145 for reference.

and yes, i would agree with mike and disagree with dark182, it does not say you can break the limit, it specifically says you shouldnt! lol
