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[PC/XB360/PS3] The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy #404
Just filled a couple of Black Soul Gems. :evil:
I like how if you kill someone when nobody is around then the bounty is removed, or when you kill all of the witnesses.
But I might regret it later on in the game when I have no NPC's to talk to lol.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Only way she can die is if YOU kill her

Nope. When a follower is in defeated state (ie on their knees unable to move until they recover), the enemy will ignore them. However, they can still be perma killed by stray magic or weapon blows.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Just completed the House of Horrors quest. Bit of a brutal ending.

Can see now why it's advised you complete this and pick the reward weapon up early on. Might disenchant it and use it's powers on another of my weapons.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Either give it to Lydia to carry it or store some stuff in barrells. Just remember where you put them 'cause I can't :eek:
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Archery is brilliant if you put enough effort into it.

With a high level of archert and sneak along with the perks associated with those skills, if you stay hidden you can one shot kill many enemies with sneak attacks with the bow.

I'm on Sneak 90 and Archery 60 now and my main combat weapon is either the Enchanted Dwarven of Forsworn bow.

I've also got a Dwarven shield and an Enchanted Skyforge sword (the one you get early on, but with magic enchantment) for close combat battles.

For magic, I use Fire and Frost mainly against the dragons. Being a Nord it's always a bonus coming up against a Frost Dragon, as Nord's are 50% immune to Frost. So I can just stand in the same place as it attacks and either fire my arrows at it or my fire spell. Think I've killed about 10 dragons now.

I've also got 4 shouts.

Has anyone used any of the scrolls yet? How do they work, as some of them seem quite handy?
Just completed the House of Horrors quest. Bit of a brutal ending.

Can see now why it's advised you complete this and pick the reward weapon up early on. Might disenchant it and use it's powers on another of my weapons.
I wouldn't, once upgarded to Flawless it's a mighty weapon, I use it all the time, it's nice.
It's a 48.
How do you shout lol :S
Killed my first dragon and got a shout power. These monk people are asking me to use it, but don't know how lol.
Sorry for all the noob questions!

Edit: ignore I done it. :p


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy #404
How do you shout lol :S
Killed my first dragon and got a shout power. These monk people are asking me to use it, but don't know how lol.
Sorry for all the noob questions!

Edit: ignore I done it. :p

Hold Z on PC
My ego keeps writing cheques my body can't cash. I keep getting all cocky and then getting torn a new one :(

I think I'm just going to become a common thief.

So this one time. I tried joining the Dark Brotherhood. I tracked down the old dorris, spilled her guts (much to the delight of the kids), and then got swarmed. About a hundred guards came windmilling in. It was a f**king bloodbath :(

EDIT: I wouldn't mind but it literally took an hour to ride there :(
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  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
My ego keeps writing cheques my body can't cash. I keep getting all cocky and then getting torn a new one :(

I think I'm just going to become a common thief.

That may help getting you cash, but it won't help much in defeating the bad guys. Unless you're planning on stealing their weapons and magic and running away.


ClioSport Club Member
My ego keeps writing cheques my body can't cash. I keep getting all cocky and then getting torn a new one :(

I think I'm just going to become a common thief.

So this one time. I tried joining the Dark Brotherhood. I tracked down the old dorris, spilled her guts (much to the delight of the kids), and then got swarmed. About a hundred guards came windmilling in. It was a f**king bloodbath :(

EDIT: I wouldn't mind but it literally took an hour to ride there :(

Wait til she goes into her office/bedroom, and make sure it's at night. Close the door between the rooms too.
Wait til she goes into her office/bedroom, and make sure it's at night. Close the door between the rooms too.

Yeah I did that, but...

...the kids all came crashing in, cheering. Then the maid ran outside screaming. Maybe I should gut the maid as well?


ClioSport Club Member
Has anyone killed Alduin on the quest 'Alduin's Bane' where you fight him using the dragonrend shout at The Throat of the World? Fml having a nightmare! If anyone has killed it, what were you using once you had used the dragonrend on it?
In the side quests, how do you find where someone is?
I've just done something for someone (Proventus Avenicci) and I can't remember where he was, does anything show up on your map?
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Proventus is always in Dragonsreach at Whiterun, either in the main hall or up in the Jarl's quarters asleep.

Make it your active quest and you'll get an icon on your radar at the top and on doors etc when you're close.
Ah cheers. Is there any way of knowing
Or is pressing start to bring up your quests then selecting x to show on the map the only way to do it?
Though it only shows the town, is there any way of getting them up on the mini map? What are the letters in the bar at the top for?
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Ah cheers. Is there any way of knowing
Or is pressing start to bring up your quests then selecting x to show on the map the only way to do it?
Though it only shows the town, is there any way of getting them up on the mini map? What are the letters in the bar at the top for?

I edited my post above. But if you press X on the town main map (this is on XB360), it gives a more detailed view of the area.

The zoom in function is absolutely f*cking pointless.


ClioSport Club Member
Finally killed killed Alduin on the quest 'Alduin's Bane'

Equip yourself with a sword or axe in one hand and fast healing magic in the other. Use dragonrend to bring Alduin down. Stay behind him and everytime he tries to fly away use dragonrend again. Keep repeating until you get him. Took me a while :(

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member Anyone on PC check this out, injects FXAA over the top of the game engine, choose preset 4 for best results. If you press Pause/Break you can switch between normal and the mod.

Makes the game look 10 times better.

Does look MUCH better. Unfortunately, PB probably won't do the images much justice. This was set to Preset 4, btw. I thought the sepia aspect would be a little overkill, but it does add to it. The Dwarven bow I have currently looks a whole lot more richer in colour.

Without the FXAA Injector....


....and with....






Just started dabbling with conjuration too. Loving the Raise Zombie ability. Encounter three enemies, kill one and then raise him/her/it from the dead to fight on your behalf.


I think I'm going to drop most aspects of the sneaking/thief aspect of my character now (only Lvl 11 so I'm not too committed to a path yet) - and switch to conjuration. I won't (can't) drop the archery aspect with my race being wood elf and archery being a core discipline of that race. But I think a conjuration archer is quite an unusual mix of abilities to have? :)

Awesome game.

I accidentally spent all evening on it from about half five lol.
Still don't really get whats going on , with all the different quests and abilities and stuff , but still , I enjoyed myself lol.
I was reading something and it said an imperials ideal class is 'battlemage' somehow I managed to stumble across that by running round with a big sword and using a lot of spells, what a happy coincidence.

i need to find frost atronach as that dude is massive.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I've currently got a spell that can raise the dead once a day. It's helped a couple of times against multiple enemies with a boss like figure.


ClioSport Club Member
I started on the Thieves Guild quests last night. They get unhappy when you kill the target :p

I also killed 12 guards in Riften (just before I joined the Thieves Guild), joined the guild, and got half my bounty off lolz
  Nissan 350z
I think I'm going to drop most aspects of the sneaking/thief aspect of my character now (only Lvl 11 so I'm not too committed to a path yet) - and switch to conjuration. I won't (can't) drop the archery aspect with my race being wood elf and archery being a core discipline of that race. But I think a conjuration archer is quite an unusual mix of abilities to have? :)

Awesome game.


Give Lydia some better equipment as it looks like she is still wearing all the default stuff she comes with from your screenshot! She'll equip anything thats an improvement over her default stuff if you give it her to hold.

Oh and on the subject of companions...
Iona or whatever her name is that you get given as Thane of Riften is nowhere near as hot as Lydia
