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[PC/XB360/PS3] The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

Still haven't taken the plunge and bought this yet, even though I want to. I hated Oblivion so will I hate this? Bare in mind I'm a very casual gamer, don't play alot so will there be too much for me to take in? The thought of all the potions etc baffles my brain. Although I'm thinking a strategy guide may help me on this front?

If you hated Oblivion you will hate this, same with me on MW3 or BF3, see the hype and get drawn in with everyone saying how great it is then bam I play and hate it again, so tell us why you hated Oblivion and we will tell you if this is the same but I'm guessing you won't enjoy this, o the guide will make it worse, lol
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Not sure if still like. Getting a bit pissed at some of the quests which basically let you get twenty miles into an underground dungeon with relative ease, and then pit you up against Gandalf right at the end, whom I have no hope of defeating. It's breaking the flow for me. Do I backtrack out of the dungeon and return at a later time when I have more skills & power (hoping that the state of that quest & its enemies remains intact) or load an earlier save and try something else?

Not very good at these types of games :eek:

I'm not either TBH, but I stick it out and just try different things to beat the guardian at the end. The sense of achievement is great and when you exit back into the open world it feels good.

Having a companion definitely helps at times, if just to take away the focus on you. Keep saving, even during the battles and mix magic with combat and your shouts or powers.

If you're up against a Mage or spell bound opponent, sparks/electricity works well at draining their magicka. Stay hidden so they are firing at Walls or obstructions. They'll lose their powers and you can go in for the kill. The Relentless Voice shout is also very good against any enemy as it will stagger them allowing you to get a good few blows or spells in early. Once they lose life in this state, save and gather your bearings ready for another go at them.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Also, those steps up to the Greybeards gaff took the f*cking piss.

First few trolls I've encountered in the game too.
  Octy VRS
Hoping the wife goes to bed early so I can start the game..

I remember when I first started Fallout 3, very exciting getting out the vault. I almost don't want to play it so I don't finish it, but then there's dlc. Oblivion dlc was awesome.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Hoping the wife goes to bed early so I can start the game..

I remember when I first started Fallout 3, very exciting getting out the vault. I almost don't want to play it so I don't finish it, but then there's dlc. Oblivion dlc was awesome.

This may take a while to finish, TBH.

Also, the first few hours are a little bit boring when you consider the scope of what you're getting yourself into as the days go by.
  Goliath I
I feel I need this game in my life, but feel I won't have a life with this game.

Had The last elder scrolls and spent hours and hours... days... but I don't think I even started the main story properly. Loved mixing up powers (walk on water FTW!)...
  Octy VRS
This may take a while to finish, TBH.

Also, the first few hours are a little bit boring when you consider the scope of what you're getting yourself into as the days go by.
Yeah I know, Fallout took me about 6 months lol. It's just the whole world of it that I don't want to eventually get bored with if you know where I'm coming from?

Fallout 3 was slow to start but that's the whole experience. There are people that don't get these games and give up after a couple of hours because they can't pick up an M16 and shoot everyone. I don't get that. Blinkered.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah I know, Fallout took me about 6 months lol. It's just the whole world of it that I don't want to eventually get bored with if you know where I'm coming from?

Fallout 3 was slow to start but that's the whole experience. There are people that don't get these games and give up after a couple of hours because they can't pick up an M16 and shoot everyone. I don't get that. Blinkered.

Even Cookie is enjoying Skyrim, without VATS. That says a lot.
Also, those steps up to the Greybeards gaff took the f*cking piss.

First few trolls I've encountered in the game too.

LOL Yea! I did this one yesterday. Encountered my first trolls too. I tried skirting round them. My lady companion decided she was going to attack one. She didn't do very well.
Not sure if still like. Getting a bit pissed at some of the quests which basically let you get twenty miles into an underground dungeon with relative ease, and then pit you up against Gandalf right at the end, whom I have no hope of defeating. It's breaking the flow for me. Do I backtrack out of the dungeon and return at a later time when I have more skills & power (hoping that the state of that quest & its enemies remains intact) or load an earlier save and try something else?

Not very good at these types of games :eek:


Lol guessing you defeated said Gandalf!

I'm not very good at these games lol. Still don't really get whats going on. Just keep following markers on the map lol.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Level 13 now and have only just released that holding down the Shout key longer, makes the Shout more efffective. :eek:

Started to outfit Lydia with some kit. Is there anyway that you can dictate what she uses? She automatically seems to equip the most potent piece of equipment that you give her. But that's not always the best given certain circumstances....

  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Level 13 now and have only just released that holding down the Shout key longer, makes the Shout more efffective. :eek:

Started to outfit Lydia with some kit. Is there anyway that you can dictate what she uses? She automatically seems to equip the most potent piece of equipment that you give her. But that's not always the best given certain circumstances....


LOL, I didn't know that either :eek:

Loving the fire breath shout, seams to be the most effective :cool:
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
Nightingale quest.... :eek:

Absolutely amazing! Which Agent did you chose at the end? I went for the Stealth one, seams pretty cool. Completely invisible for 120 seconds when sneaking, can only use it once a day though. The quest itself was awesome, really atmospheric when you walk into that huge dark room and the lights burn you. Was 'effin brilliant :cool:
  Octy VRS
I've only just started and seem to have pissed a bloke called Hog off in the first village by killing a chicken. I killed him and threw him in the river so now the whole village is after me. This was at night too so not sure how anyone saw me. Is it the same as Oblivion where you go and pay a fine or go to prison?
  Nissan 350z
I'm looking for Maven Black-Briar. She isn't in the Ragged Flagon. Apparently she should be in the Bee and Barb but she isn't.

She is, shes upstairs in the Inn around the corner to your right when you get to the top of the stairs just sitting at a table on the landing area. It puts an arrow marker ontop of her head as i had the same issue and wouldnt have turned like 360 to spot her if it wasnt for the tracker arrow.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
So, just getting the hang of Enchanting items now.

I have 2 black soul gems (Grand) which offer maximum enchantment reward when combined with items.

I've a lot of weapons and apparel with magical attributes so set off dis-enchanting the ones I'd never use so I could learn the magicka and use it on other items.

I had a crown which gave 15% more damage with bows but obviously wearing that offered little protection to my noggin, so I disenchanted it to learn the magic, then used a black soul gem on a silver ring which I could always wear and enchanted it with the learned magicka (15% damage with bows). If I had used a petty soul gem or lesser gem the % went down a lot. Like I say, the black soul gem gives you the maximum reward.

I really want to build my Smithing level up now along with the perks (I'm at 57 currently) so I can craft an awesome Bow and then enchant it. I'm using Archery a lot more now. It's brilliant, especially with my Sneak level being so high and the perks I've got associated with it. Simply go into sneak mode and I can one hit kill through sneak bonus while not being seen.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
ffs how do you c**ts find time to play this! It's not fair

I've been off work 2 days so got a lot of play time in. But other than that, I wait until the missus goes to bed at about 8ish and then get on it. Got to 11:45pm last night and she's there at the top of the stairs moaning, "Are you coming to bed or what?" So I went up and she says, "That game is taking the piss."

Yes. Yes it is.
  328, MK1 Clio 1.4
I've been off work 2 days so got a lot of play time in. But other than that, I wait until the missus goes to bed at about 8ish and then get on it. Got to 11:45pm last night and she's there at the top of the stairs moaning, "Are you coming to bed or what?" So I went up and she says, "That game is taking the piss."

Yes. Yes it is.


Similar thing happens with me.


ClioSport Club Member
I've been off work 2 days so got a lot of play time in. But other than that, I wait until the missus goes to bed at about 8ish and then get on it. Got to 11:45pm last night and she's there at the top of the stairs moaning, "Are you coming to bed or what?" So I went up and she says, "That game is taking the piss."

Yes. Yes it is.


I have a 10pm switch off time, PC and whatever else I'm doing gets turned off and I go and read in bed for an hour

Means I'm dreaming less about wizards and more about Jack Reacher kicking people's faces in
I've been off work 2 days so got a lot of play time in. But other than that, I wait until the missus goes to bed at about 8ish and then get on it. Got to 11:45pm last night and she's there at the top of the stairs moaning, "Are you coming to bed or what?" So I went up and she says, "That game is taking the piss."

Yes. Yes it is.

That is brilliant.


ClioSport Club Member
I've been off work 2 days so got a lot of play time in. But other than that, I wait until the missus goes to bed at about 8ish and then get on it. Got to 11:45pm last night and she's there at the top of the stairs moaning, "Are you coming to bed or what?" So I went up and she says, "That game is taking the piss."

Yes. Yes it is.


Proper job.

In completely unrelated news, I've just nudged north of 80 hours.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
80 hours is hardcore.

I'm on 36 at the moment. I'm currently doing the first quest to join The Circle.

The enemy leader, Skinner, should be a doddle but she's killed me 5 times!

Will see her off tonight.
Think I'm around 22 hours or so.

FYI for those that don't know. This will probably only affect PC users. When you 'pause' the game, although the onscreen action stops, the game clock continues to tick. If like me, you often leave your PC running overnight or even longer, you'll rack up loads of false hours if you leave the game paused. Mine went from 19 hours to 45 hours between play sessions, so I decided it best to revert back to the previous save in order to not skew my stats.

/hyper_geek :eek:

Did the nettlebane dagger quest last night. F*cking awesome game!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Does this make sense to anyone? Found it on another MB:

also I now have upgraded my dagger to an Ebony Dagger (Legendary) which hits for 32.

So using my (now improved slightly) formula from a few pages back, this is what my normal, non critical sneak attack hits with my dagger do

_32 baseline damage
x1.12 (+12% from shirt)
x1.25 (+25% from ring)
x15 (sneak tree perk granting 15 times damage with dagger while sneaking)
x2 (double sneak damage with one handers on gloves)
= 1344 damage

if I do it for a power attack, which is twice damage, I can simply throw another x2 on there and I get a massive 2688 damage while sneaking with a dagger. Watch out dragon priests, you won't see me til its too late.

I haven't used a dagger once. LOL.
  Evo 5 RS
Think I'm around 22 hours or so.

FYI for those that don't know. This will probably only affect PC users. When you 'pause' the game, although the onscreen action stops, the game clock continues to tick. If like me, you often leave your PC running overnight or even longer, you'll rack up loads of false hours if you leave the game paused. Mine went from 19 hours to 45 hours between play sessions, so I decided it best to revert back to the previous save in order to not skew my stats.

/hyper_geek :eek:

Did the nettlebane dagger quest last night. F*cking awesome game!

LOL. You're probably not far behind me already... Maybe I should take a month off work or something
Does this make sense to anyone? Found it on another MB:

I haven't used a dagger once. LOL.

Loads of maths in this game, lol, I don't sneak so no puffy dagger for me, big Sword and big Amour, wade in and hit them hard but those stats suggest that thief and sneak look very powerful.
