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[PC/XB360/PS3] The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

^ I liked the Imperial Legion quests

Made you feel like you were part of a larger battle

Final mission in it is very cool too

I've just done the one where Whiterun was attacked by terrorists, and we had to defend it. The one just after you give that bellend the Jarrl's axe and he tells you to f**k off. There's another one to do now, which I think is probably the last in that line?
  Revels Mum & Sister
I know Roy! RL has been getting in the way.

Plus the other half split with her previous boyfriend largely because he spent his life on WOW and COD! So as you can imagine me wanting to play games is met with hostility. Sometimes I just need to tell the b.itch to s.hit off and do the washing n tings!
That should be awesome! I hate that place anyway. It's always f**king snowing :(

EDIT: If you want to play Skyrim you best forget about RL! There's some fit birds in it anyway. One of them even has warpaint. Warpainted hunter wench, or RL gf? You decide.
  328, MK1 Clio 1.4
I joined the stormcloaks, purely as the legion were ready to have me executed for no good reason. Their missions are the same, except
obviously at the end you take over Solitude, instead of the legion taking over Windhelm.
  Octy VRS
  Evo 5 RS
I'm with storm cloaks so doing the legion missions is a bit of a no isn't it? Can you even?

And think I've killed about 5 or 6 dragons in total.. although one blood dragon didn't dissolve :( part of a 'rare' bug apparently lol.

Killed one Giant but Dragon and a few bears helped me out. lol can't imagine having that conversation on the train...

Yeah this f**king bear was like properly pegging it after me. I was like JESUS CHRIST so I turned around, shouted at it and it flew about 4 acres.


ClioSport Club Member
@Scone - You can't do the Legion quests if you've started the Stormcloaks, and vice versa

I don't like the Blood Dragon's. They seem to be 10x as hard as the normal ones
  Evo 5 RS
Thought as much, will probably save that for another character. Planning on finishing the thieves guild, joining the dark brotherhood and then doing the main quest eventually.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
@Scone - You can't do the Legion quests if you've started the Stormcloaks, and vice versa

I don't like the Blood Dragon's. They seem to be 10x as hard as the normal ones

Aren't they? I quite like Frost Dragons as I'm a Nord so 50% resistant to frost. The fire dragons are a pain in the arse but the blood dragons are a nightmare. Don't think I fancy meeting an ancient dragon.
  Nissan 350z
I've killed 20 dragons aparently, got an achievement last night "Dragon Hunter". Its not even like im trying to kill them, they keep attacking the towns after i fast-travel to them and i dont really get a choice in the matter! I try to stealth away but Lydia always blows my cover.

Just finishing up some misc quests at the moment then im going to start on the Wizard college chain. I NEED that summon spell from a couple of pages back so i can get rid of Lydia.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I've killed 20 dragons aparently, got an achievement last night "Dragon Hunter". Its not even like im trying to kill them, they keep attacking the towns after i fast-travel to them and i dont really get a choice in the matter! I try to stealth away but Lydia always blows my cover.

Just finishing up some misc quests at the moment then im going to start on the Wizard college chain. I NEED that summon spell from a couple of pages back so i can get rid of Lydia.

Or you can try and buy back that Sanguine's Rose which is quite effective, too. You can fire 2 or 3 of those Dremora's as long as your staff has ample charge.
Does your FOOS work on giants? I use an awful lot of FOOS shouting and so any enemies that it doesn't affect (like those dwarven robot efforts) tend to give me more of a hard time. Dragons are piss by the way - The hardest part is getting them to land. As soon as they do they're toast.

I should imagine the menus are waaay better with a gamepad but I play this game kind of like a first-person shooter and for that M&K is the only way to go. Oh and button-festooned mouses FTW - I have my powers/shouts mapped to my thumb buttons and my array of weapons mapped to the number keys.

So, can someone clarify (without spoilers if possible!) is the big battle between the Imperials and Stormcloaks part of the main storyline or part of the faction side missions? Seen some screenshots and it looks good fun. Not sure how to access it though.
Does a tiny bit of damage. I mainly use it for blasting them away from me so I can carry on filling them with arrows.

It's also f**king great for blasting folk off high places. The big final battle with the head of the thieves guild - I didn't fight him at all - Just ran up to the top of that big monument and launched the c**t off the top with a well placed FOOOS! He bounces off a rock at the bottom: Mission complete. Piece of piss.


ClioSport Club Member
I have wrecked many a dining table with an accidental fooooooos

If I get the chance to play tonight, I'm going to fill my house in Whiterun with gems and shiny things, then foooooos the lot
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Oh yeah it works like a charm.

I was in the yard behind the Thieves Guild entrance, and a dragon came down to roost. I slayed it infront of many onlookers. Hero.

I then had a thought. Would my FOOOOOS impress the onlookers? Would they be overwhelmed by the ability I had. Dragonborn and all that.

As it turned out, no. I powered up an almighty shout, knocked several of them over and then had to reload an old save as 15 of them kicked the sh*t out of me.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
@Scone - You can't do the Legion quests if you've started the Stormcloaks, and vice versa

I don't like the Blood Dragon's. They seem to be 10x as hard as the normal ones

I've only encountered one before and it got deaded quite easily. The giants are fine so long as you use the scenery to your advantage. Just keep running around a stone pillar/outcrop or something and they tend not to keep up... ;)

  Evo 5 RS

The recently released Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim patch 1.2 appears to have broken character resistances and made some dragons fly backwards.

Resistances protect your character and AI monsters/characters from a portion of harmful effects, be they fire, ice and lightning magic, or things like diseases and poisons.

As it stands, players take full damage, no matter what enchanted gear, race bonuses or perks they have.

Multiple reports of the problem can be found on the Eurogamer forum and Bethesda forum.

The other effect, as mentioned, is that some dragons now fly backwards - evidently bored with hours of flying face first.

The patch appears to affect both PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Skyrim.

Note that you can refuse to update Skyrim to patch version 1.2. You won't be able to play the game while online if you do, though.

Oh deaaaaar :eek:
  Evo 5 RS
This is what happens when you put PC games on to consoles :p

When they break it on PC the community fix it. The devs just sit back and work on a patch whilst sipping on gin and juice

When they break it on console the community gets bitchy and they can't play the game. The devs foreheads are drenched in sweat LOL
