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[PC/XB360/PS3] The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim


ClioSport Moderator
Ok, so I'm going to complete the magic college quests then move onto the stormcloaks/leigon. I'm not sure which yet. Any preference for a badass dark elf?

On the dragon topic, I'm taking them down with relative easy, especially any fire ones as they're breath does seriously minor damage with my 50% fire resist.

Conjuring atronachs is also awesome to put them off.

Also managed to kill a Giant yesterday by myself, using water to your advantage is a great tip, I discovered it randomly yesterday.

I feel like I need to start "making" things. I have been selling all of my ingot as I had no idea what it was for, but after visting some thing yesterday I now know to keep it.

Where do I start with making things for a mage? Obviously, armour etc is out of the question really, I have robes that give me +100% magica regen etc and a hood that gives me 50 points of magica... so I don't really want to lose that!

Actually love this game.

Oh and I fought my first blood dragon yesterday but he was a flamer, so I kicked his arse royally.

I need this staff and also need to get a proper decent bow, because they're useful against dragons. Suggestions?
I then had a thought. Would my FOOOOOS impress the onlookers? Would they be overwhelmed by the ability I had. Dragonborn and all that.

As it turned out, no. I powered up an almighty shout, knocked several of them over and then had to reload an old save as 15 of them kicked the sh*t out of me.

LOL, yeah, the locals fuckin hate being FOOOS'ed. Me and some slack jawed yokels were fighting a dragon when I thought I'd give it a FOOOOS'ing to slow the b*****d down. We killed it then the guards promptly turned on me for the accidental collateral FOOOS'ing they received. Luckily now I'm a thieves guild member I can just buy em off but the bounty still stands - If I talk to any guard they try to re-arrest me.

I've also been told off numerous times for using my whirlwind shout around town. It's jealously I reckon.


ClioSport Moderator
Oh whoever is was that asked about the shout where it knocks them back.... Have you got all three words of the shout? Mine is now powerful enough to knock a giant over and make a mammoth stumble a little.

Oh, and it's pretty easy to get all three words.
Yeah, that was me. I have all three. So it can knock giants over... Cool, I'ma goin giant tipping tonight!

What I really need is an upgrade to some of my others. I have my whirlwind which I like plus my disarm and firebreathing which I have unlocked but never use and then about 2 or 3 others that I haven't even unlocked. What I really want is the 2nd and 3rd words to my disarm, whirlwind and fire ones. No idea how to go about this though!


ClioSport Moderator
I want three stages for marked for death, fire breath and disarm. I refuse to cheat trying to find them until I've played a s**t load more and acquired loads naturally.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Got the 2nd for marked for death and it's pretty damn useful!

Just got the ice one so gonna give that a blast next.

Should compliment me well as I use one hand for magic (firebolt) and one with a mace etc.

Have only got shite maces though (lvl 22) what have others got and where can I get better ones?

Got legendary dragon armour so that's sorted but my attacks are still relatively weak.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
3MB on the 360 mate. It's bigger for PC though IIRC.

Just short of 52MB for the PC version - lol.

Here's a list of what should be fixed (all platforms)..... the last point I am particularly keen in checking.

UPDATE 1.2 NOTES (all platforms unless specified)

  • Fixed crash on startup when audio is set to sample rate other than 44100Hz
  • Fixed issue where projectiles did not properly fade away
  • Fixed occasional issue where a guest would arrive to the player’s wedding dead
  • Dragon corpses now clean up properly
  • Fixed rare issue where dragons would not attack
  • Fixed rare NPC sleeping animation bug
  • Fixed rare issue with dead corpses being cleared up prematurely
  • Skeleton Key will now work properly if player has no lockpicks in their inventory
  • Fixed rare issue with renaming enchanted weapons and armor
  • Fixed rare issue with dragons not properly giving souls after death
  • ESC button can now be used to exit menus
  • Fixed occasional mouse sensitivity issues
  • General functionality fixes related to remapping buttons and controls

f**king thieves guild... it started out as fun. Now it's just a hideous grind.

First up the main quest broke, then I either misread or was misinformed about how to become guild boss, then, once I found out how, I still f**king struggled. Apparently you need to do 4 jobs in a city before you're given a special assignment by Delvin for that city. I managed Whiterun, Windhelm and Solitude okay although it took me forever but the c***s just won't give me jobs in Markarth. When they do it's a pickpocketing job which, apart from magic, is by far and away my weakest stat. So cue an absolute f**king fortune spent on pickpocket training (when I really want to be boosting my smithing) and pickpocket potions and I'm still not getting any jobs in Markarth. Finally got the 4th done just now - 3 days it's taken me.

On the plus side my gaff in Solitude is taking shape. Looks pretty smart now. Got some patio furniture for it an everything.... Awesome!
Have I f**ked by drinking the werewolf blood?
I have done this quest and I don't really want to be perma-wolf either but tbh it doesn't really matter to my playing style as you don't get a resting bonus for sleeping, but I just press T to wait when it's dark so no both - Anyway when you go through that line of quests, the leader of that gang wants to cure himself and asks you to go get a witches head which is an ingredient of the cure. I've been told if you get 2 witches heads then you get the chance to cure yourself when you're sorting out the leader chap (i didnt realise and only got 1) apparently i can also go back and get one and talk to someone in the gang to get cured but as i said it's not really a hinderance so I cant be arsed!
Killed a giant last night by force shouting him off the side of a cliff.

Also got a neat kill on some vampire woman.


ClioSport Club Member
If you follow the Companions quest line to the end (and get more than one witches head) you can cure yourself. I only used beast form a few times, wasn't all that good, bit cumbersome


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy #404
I encountered what I assume was 2 Giants! Up by some mountains. I had been playing for nearly 2 hours. That ended well.

If I sneak up on a giant I can kill them within about 6 shots of the bow. Seem pretty weak now.
39 hours. WTF. Mental game. I was a bad ass earlier on. Srsly f**king some people up.

Oh and lol at my horse walking around with an arrow in it's eye. I had to kill that horse. Got a much better one. Baller spec.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I completed the Thieves Guild main quests last night. Have to do all the little misc ones for the armour, IIRC. Still got a decent perk at the end of the main quest.

Also found the horn for the Greybeards so got my 3rd word for the Unrelenting Force shout. Tried it out on my companion and blew him off the side of the cliff. LOL. Reload.

Also, Marcurio is awesome as a follower. You can hire him in Riften in the Inn. He's an apprentice mage and he doesn't f*ck about at all.
I don't understand how to use the perks. Don't understand the dragon souls either. Can't seem to find any information on how many I need to unlock the next power/shout etc. I don't understand alchemy either, or those little labs. Basically I don't understand the game at all, but it's still awesome. I love playing it knowing that no one else is having the exact same experience as I am.

I'm also doing some of the Thieves Guild quests and they're good fun. What armour BTW? I got my TG armour as soon as I joined up.

I'm also a little pissed that one of my quests has bugged out, and won't complete even though I completed it. Common issue with that quest apparently. Makes my quest list feel a mess :(
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I don't understand how to use the perks. Don't understand the dragon souls either. Can't seem to find any information on how many I need to unlock the next power/shout etc. I don't understand alchemy either, or those little labs. Basically I don't understand the game at all, but it's still awesome. I love playing it knowing that no one else is having the exact same experience as I am.

I'm also doing some of the Thieves Guild quests and they're good fun. What armour BTW? I got my TG armour as soon as I joined up.

I'm also a little pissed that one of my quests has bugged out, and won't complete even though I completed it. Common issue with that quest apparently. Makes my quest list feel a mess :(

The Thieves Guild armour is neat enough, but a few more quests along on the Thieves Guild and you'll pick up another set of armour which makes the TG armour redundant. Looks miles better too. Especially if you're rocking a Dragon Priest mask.

The dragon souls are obviously absorbed when you kill a dragon. These are stored until you want to unlock a shout. You get the shouts from word walls. Once you've gained the shout power, you go to your Magic > Shouts/Powers and scroll through them. If they appear faded, you have to unlock them. If you have a dragon soul, you can do this. I think I currently have 8 or so shouts/powers, and around 6 souls remaining. So that works out being I've killed 14 dragons. So if I find another word wall which unlocks a new shout, I have dragon souls in reserve to use to unlock them, if I so wish.

You can then equip that shout for the RB button on the XB360 controller.

As for the Alchemy, yeah I haven't quite got into that either. However, eating the ingredients you find (ie going into your Ingredients inventory and just using the item) builds up your Alchemy skill level.

I really should try and learn how it works because Alchemy, Enchanting and Smithing can net you serious rewards.


ClioSport Moderator
Dragon shouts, I'm not sure if it works the same way on pc with regards to buttons, but basically;

You kill a dragon
You absorb dragons soul
This dragon soul allows you to "equip" the shout (because despite knowing the word, you need to "power it up" with a soul if you will)
So for every new shout, or even second/third stage word you get, you need another dragon soul (which is why killing them is good rather than running)

The button so "unlock" or "activate" the shout/word is the same button to put away your weapons on xbox, hopefully that helps.

Shouts are awesome.

FFS scutch.

Just realised Roy's playing controller, "x" to unlock shouts.

Worth noting, you have two different things on the "RB" button.

You can have your characters power (useable once a day)


A shout

Remember to use both to your advantage.
I have loads of greyed out shouts, and I've since collected loads of dragon souls. Still don't get it.

EDIT: now I've properly read both posts, I'll have a looksie next time I play. Cheers for the help. Stupid confusing game :eek:
I have loads of greyed out shouts, and I've since collected loads of dragon souls. Still don't get it.

EDIT: now I've properly read both posts, I'll have a looksie next time I play. Cheers for the help. Stupid confusing game :eek:

If you go to that grey shout on the list, then press x, it unlocks that shout dude.
Yeah thanks, I saw in the previous post. I guess it probably says as much in the bottom left anyway? Reading fail most likely.
Yeah thanks, I saw in the previous post. I guess it probably says as much in the bottom left anyway? Reading fail most likely.

It does indeed ;).

I shat myself first time it happened, didn't have a clue what was going on. Love it now, can freeze people stiff and shout fire at them.
I have boatloads of souls and no shouts to use them on. I need to start poking about in some dungeons to find some.

The thieves guild is a cracking set of missions to do. You end up with 3 full sets of armour being given to you not to mention huge amounts of loot and lots of hard cash. You must make 30 or 40 grand from those sets of missions. Plus, without spoiling it too much, there are a few other perks that come with finishing the missions which mean making money is a lot easier.

Im totally into smithing now - It's stupendously powerful. The difference between say iron armour and steel armour or Elven and glass is like +2 (I think) to the armour value. However if you have a decent smithing level and the relevant perk you can smith something to "legendary" status. The difference between boggo elven armour and "legendary" elven armour is more like +20.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
I have loads of greyed out shouts, and I've since collected loads of dragon souls. Still don't get it.EDIT: now I've properly read both posts, I'll have a looksie next time I play. Cheers for the help. Stupid confusing game :eek:
Btw mate I was in the same boat for ages! I only realised I could unlock them after about 15 hours of gameplay :eek:
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
And I only realised last night, after JimWu pointed out, that when you try to pickpocket something, it shows you the chance of successfully pickpocketing the item as a percentage under it :eek:
I hven't pickpocketed anybody yet, being too much of a hero warrior ha.

Gonna start the theives guild stuff over the weekend, sounds good.
  Subaru Impreza P1
I've pointed out s**t loads to you!!! Your the opposite of me. Does anybody else stop and search absolutely everything they can, it's taking me forever, I'm proper OCD about it, no barrel, jar or chest goes unturned.
I do a lot of stopping and searching around. Mainly for the gold. I also only recently got into collecting a load of tat. Some of it is worth good coin and it all adds up when you sell it. Trade it all in for potions.
