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[PC/XB360/PS3] The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

Wolf pelts and Skeever tails are definitely worth collecting. The cash all adds up! I tend to steer my level ups towards stamina quite often, so that I can carry more junk. Finish current mission, sell junk, gain potions and gold. Win.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
You can buy/collect boots or pendants that allow you to carry up to 100 points more. Very handy.
Yer my level ups are more towards stamina and health, mainly because I've gone down the warrior route as apposed to the magika route. Have started some of the college of magic quests though so I have a bit more power against giants and dragons. I can only kill giants with magic, otherwise I end up near the moon.
I loot pretty much everything - I have to try and recoup some of my arrows. The trouble being I don't have much stamina (I don't need it generally) and so can't carry much. I have my Elven Boots of Carrying s**t (I love that you can name your own enchanted items!) which help a little but even so I usually end up having to leave behind all the big stuff like armour and double handed weapons. I usually leave a dungeon with a backpack full of shoes and jewelry.
I loot pretty much everything - I have to try and recoup some of my arrows. The trouble being I don't have much stamina (I don't need it generally) and so can't carry much. I have my Elven Boots of Carrying s**t (I love that you can name your own enchanted items!) which help a little but even so I usually end up having to leave behind all the big stuff like armour and double handed weapons. I usually leave a dungeon with a backpack full of shoes and jewelry.

Double handed weapons are my speciality! One swipe and your dead mofo.
Heh, I'm more of a surgeon. I raided a bandit camp last night: Most of them I murdered in their sleep. 3 were sat chatting at a table - They all died before they knew where I was. 2 never even got up from the table before they went down with an arrow through the chest.
Haha I lost her mid quest, been 2 days and she still hasn't shown up.

She'll normally be back at the mansion?

Also, yesterady I only just realised how to turn into a werewolf at will. That was epic. Do NOT f**k with a werewolf. Awesome when you run, too. Reminds me of American Werewolf in London. Minus London.
She'll normally be back at the mansion?

Also, yesterady I only just realised how to turn into a werewolf at will. That was epic. Do NOT f**k with a werewolf. Awesome when you run, too. Reminds me of American Werewolf in London. Minus London.

Bein a werewolf is hella fun, easier to die though. That moment when you launch them across a room into a wall, BOOM.

No she's nowhere to be found, not back at the jakkk(can't remember the full name) place in Whiterun, just isn't turning up anywhere, and I've done what's needed of the quest but can't complete it till she shows.
Probably a quest bug. There are a few by the looks of things. Proper annoying but also understandable. The scope of such a game is quite mental.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
How do I get that?
It's either at Makarth or Riften (I can't remember which) and there's a building called the Temple of Mara. If you go inside and chat to some guy you can buy one from him for 200 gold. It shows all the ladies that you are single and therefore allows you to get married.
Probably a quest bug. There are a few by the looks of things. Proper annoying but also understandable. The scope of such a game is quite mental.

Oh yer definatley a bug, doesn't bother me too much, it'll sort itself out sooner or later. Just getting with other things instead.

I did lol at some stuff I read about people getting seriously angry about some bugs on another site, look at the size of the game and chill out, there's bound to be somethings wrong.
  MK4 Anni & MK5 Edt30
And the main benefit of being married by the way (if you don't know) is that, providing you're not a werewolf, you can have a lovers sleep in which you sleep in the same bed and all your skills will level up 15% faster for 8 hours.
  Nissan 350z
And the main benefit of being married by the way (if you don't know) is that, providing you're not a werewolf, you can have a lovers sleep in which you sleep in the same bed and all your skills will level up 15% faster for 8 hours.

And gold. Its like some alternate reality where the wench pays you gold when your married as opposed to leeching it all. Marry a wench, move to a different city than shes from and she will setup a shop to pass the time; talk to her "has the shop made any gold?" and recieve free money.
Just play the game - Doing quests and stuff. Loot everything you kill, empty every chest, every drawer. Sell all the loot and the money will just start to accumulate.


ClioSport Club Member
I looked down earlier and realised I had 26k in gold, and probably 50k in s**t I need to sell still.. gonna go get the house in Solitude now


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy #404
Has anyone else looked at their save folder yet? I've got over 4gb of saves. Not good when running a SSD.
Anyone know if you can change the default save location to an external HDD?
  Nissan 350z
Has anyone else looked at their save folder yet? I've got over 4gb of saves. Not good when running a SSD.
Anyone know if you can change the default save location to an external HDD?

What the actual f**k? My save folder contains 11 files and is only 98Mb in total.
Worst I've got an SSD post ever. Delete some saves?

I run an OCZ Vertex 3, and it's so fast I can't read the hints and tips on the loading screens.

300% hard drive.
  Octy VRS
I downloaded the pdf game guide. It's rather daunting at over 1500 pages but has working links in the glossary, which is handy.


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy #404
Worst I've got an SSD post ever. Delete some saves?

I run an OCZ Vertex 3, and it's so fast I can't read the hints and tips on the loading screens.

300% hard drive.

haha ;-) I copied all of them bar the most recent to my external but it will still get clogged pretty quickly. Would be nice if you could edit an .ini to change save location.

I know what you meam about the loading screens lol.
Has anyone else looked at their save folder yet? I've got over 4gb of saves. Not good when running a SSD.
Anyone know if you can change the default save location to an external HDD?

Apparently there's a bug where once they get to a certain size it starts crashing the game. As it gets bigger it gets crashier until it reaches a critical point where the game basically stops working. Not sure on fixes other than deleting saves.

Just checked mine and it's only just over 100mb so I've got a ways to go yet. I only ever really use the Quick Save anyway.
