You can buy/collect boots or pendants that allow you to carry up to 100 points more. Very handy.
I've recently started keeping all my amulets, because I want to marry Aela the Huntress. Which one do I need again?
Yeah it's true. And the more hidden you are the percentage rate of success increasesReally?!? f**k, that would have been handy to know for the Thieves Guild missions!
There's a perk under the pickpocket skill that increases your carry weight by 100 as well by the wayYou can buy/collect boots or pendants that allow you to carry up to 100 points more. Very handy.
I loot pretty much everything - I have to try and recoup some of my arrows. The trouble being I don't have much stamina (I don't need it generally) and so can't carry much. I have my Elven Boots of Carrying s**t (I love that you can name your own enchanted items!) which help a little but even so I usually end up having to leave behind all the big stuff like armour and double handed weapons. I usually leave a dungeon with a backpack full of shoes and jewelry.
Haha I lost her mid quest, been 2 days and she still hasn't shown up.
Amulet of Mara.
She'll normally be back at the mansion?
Also, yesterady I only just realised how to turn into a werewolf at will. That was epic. Do NOT f**k with a werewolf. Awesome when you run, too. Reminds me of American Werewolf in London. Minus London.
It's either at Makarth or Riften (I can't remember which) and there's a building called the Temple of Mara. If you go inside and chat to some guy you can buy one from him for 200 gold. It shows all the ladies that you are single and therefore allows you to get married.How do I get that?
Probably a quest bug. There are a few by the looks of things. Proper annoying but also understandable. The scope of such a game is quite mental.
And the main benefit of being married by the way (if you don't know) is that, providing you're not a werewolf, you can have a lovers sleep in which you sleep in the same bed and all your skills will level up 15% faster for 8 hours.
I've recently started keeping all my amulets, because I want to marry Aela the Huntress. Which one do I need again?
What the hell are you doing?
Has anyone else looked at their save folder yet? I've got over 4gb of saves. Not good when running a SSD.
Anyone know if you can change the default save location to an external HDD?
Worst I've got an SSD post ever. Delete some saves?
I run an OCZ Vertex 3, and it's so fast I can't read the hints and tips on the loading screens.
300% hard drive.
I've got that too but not played this for ages!I downloaded the pdf game guide. It's rather daunting at over 1500 pages but has working links in the glossary, which is handy.
Has anyone else looked at their save folder yet? I've got over 4gb of saves. Not good when running a SSD.
Anyone know if you can change the default save location to an external HDD?
I downloaded the pdf game guide. It's rather daunting at over 1500 pages but has working links in the glossary, which is handy.
I'm waiting on my copy coming from Scutching