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[PC/XB360/PS3] The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

This game takes the piss with its awesomeness. I'm with the Imperial Legion and the Thieves Guild, and now I've been invited to join the Dark Brotherhood. I have loads of quests open, loads of miscellaneous things to do, and there appears to be no end in sight. It's just becoming a more and more complex world. I'm also pretty badass now as well.

To top it all off, I'm playing it on a brilliant PC, with 27 winches of what has to be the best gaming monitor on planet Earth. Love it! :eek:

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I think mine has gone a little ga-ga? :)

A midges dick off Level 22 now - taking on dragons, bears, sabre-cats etc without issue.

Just got to Greymoor Prison and mullered all the opposition defending the place outside. Walked in - killed a slightly tougher dude before going into the prison itself. One bandit marauder there has killed me five times on the trot. Not just me, but Lydia and the flame atroorgonagonaut that's with us. Literally, this guy hits me three times with a pick-axe (lol) and I'm out of it. No sneak arrow shots or anything seem to be having a result on him?

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Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Make that 6 times now - lol. Two hits on me and it's game over. Nothing I/we have seems to do any real damage. Like the smallest of reductions in health to him.

I think I'll back out of there for now and come back. He's by far the most difficult encounter I've had in the game so far - lol.


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Doesn't sound right that. Do you need to be there? I mean, it's not a quest or anything?

Managed it, but lost Lydia in the process, so had to reload. Then died again three more times... :)

That's coating the sword blade that already drains health from the target, with a 50 hit-points poison potion too. Strange.

I'm starting to get a bit concerned about this game. Is it even possible to complete it? I can see there ALWAYS being something to do. Great, but rather overwhelming. I've just bought another linear shooter in order to get my FPS fix again :eek:

Love Skyrim though x
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
I'm kinda bored of it now... I'm running out of quests to do outside the main story. I've done all the thieves guild, companions, Dark Brotherhood, overthrown the imperials and done tonnes of side quests.. there is a few but in terms of long questlines im running out now, I've still got the mages guild to do but not got the magicka skill to get in there yet.

Nothing is a challenge anymore either, I can 1 shot most things with my bow and anything I can't 1 shot can normally be 1 hitted with my Dagger with the x35 sneak attack damage perk
It seems like that's the thing with these games then? The fire gradually burns out? Not like a normal game where you aim to complete it?

Either way I'm pleased that I bought Skyrim. Despite its flaws, I love it, and hope that I don't get properly bored any time soon. It has been an eye opener into the super-geek RPG world of gaming.

In fact, I may revisit Fallout 3 but this time use a 360 pad :eek:
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
I've had morrowind, oblivion and then skyrim... its happened to the other 2 i've played em loads, got bored and f**ked them off then come back to them 6 months later.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I've done loads today and yesterday. Well, I say loads, more like a few quests which have taken ages. I'm now getting to the stage where I feel like I'm close to overpowering any enemy, which is great.

I have a crafted Legendary Daedric Bow now, with a damage rating of 108. I can make loads of money with my Smithing skills now, too. Only Dragon smithing left to perk up (I'm level 96 on Smithing).

That bow can literally take down almost any decent spec enemy in 1 or 2 hits added to my bow stacking/perks. Hell, even the giants fall in 3 to 4 arrow strikes in stealth mode. Still getting my arse handed to me in certainly situations but overall I'm really pleased with my character at the moment. Currently doing the Companions quests - I'm on the last one now. Still haven't touched the Dark Brotherhood or Imperials either. Main Quest wise I'm to go to Alduin's Wall. Other than that, it's just been side quests and miscellaneous stuff I've been doing, as well as upping my skill levels. Overall I'm rank 41 now and 82 hours played.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Also, for those looking for capable followers, Marcurio is incredible. He's only an Apprentice Mage but he takes down most things quite easily.

He's in the Inn at Riften sitting by the door.

Lydia is at home and has been for quite some time now. This guy is awesome.
Pretty sure Marcurio is dead. Is he the guy who dual wields fire and sparks? He got me into that. Not seen him for ages though. I need a new companion so I'll go and take a look in Riften.

I never did find Lydia again. She's either been eaten or has eloped with a giant. Those guys must be quite hung.

BTW you can up your skills by attacking your companions, and they don't fight back. lol. Actually, maybe that's why they keep doing one on me? :(
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Pretty sure Marcurio is dead. Is he the guy who dual wields fire and sparks? He got me into that. Not seen him for ages though. I need a new companion so I'll go and take a look in Riften.

I never did find Lydia again. She's either been eaten or has eloped with a giant. Those guys must be quite hung.

BTW you can up your skills by attacking your companions, and they don't fight back. lol. Actually, maybe that's why they keep doing one on me? :(

Not wise. Once they turn on you, they don't turn back.

If you've got a house, Lydia will be in there. I searched my home in Whiterun high and low and couldn't find her anywhere. I was about to leave and I heard a voice from upstairs. Turns out she was in the bedroom sitting at the table behind the door. So that's where she might be.

As for Marcurio, it'll be a shame if you've lost him. He is the one who uses sparks and fire, yes. He's quality.
She's not in my house. She's dead.

Ok cheers, next time I'm I will go and see if Marco has made his own way back to Riften. He was awesome, you are right. I could pretty much sit down and put my feet up while he single handedly tore an entire army a new asshole. Trouble is, that doesn't do much for levelling up :(
Crikey. Where do I get a piece of that?

I'm currently hoarding cash so I can buy a place in Solitude. She can iron my tunic anytime.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah, get her in Nocturnal's outfit. Score!


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Also, for those looking for capable followers, Marcurio is incredible. He's only an Apprentice Mage but he takes down most things quite easily.

He's in the Inn at Riften sitting by the door.

Lydia is at home and has been for quite some time now. This guy is awesome.

Lydia's not going anywhere for me. I keep hoping that there will be some open BDSM dialogue between her and I - especially if we get married. Failing that, I'm sure I can conjour up some rohypnol at the alchemy table.



ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy #404
Just a warning, don't sign up to I did about an hour ago and I got an email from WoW saying I have been banned for spamming chat. I have not been on WoW for years! They are obviously using their user database to login to WoW and spam it.
45 hours in now. Mental. I've never put this much time into a game before. Okay maybe I did with Zelda OoT.

When you consider I'm still feel very new to it, it's quite astonishing.
  Nissan 350z
I got some kind of Ebony armor that when i crouch down, turns me into black shadowy smoke effect. Looks badass to be honest but it cramps on my whole thief/sneak approach so ive given it to the wench to use.

Bought the house in Winterhold? (Stormcloak city, forget its name now) and the House Jaarl you get is a guy unfortunately, so i left him there to avoid a sausage buffet.
